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ImageName Low $Mid $High $
Arcane Archer #015 (Rare)
Axe Sister #016 (Uncommon)
Azer Raider #032 (Uncommon)
Barghest #039 (Rare)
Bearded Devil #040 (Rare)
Centaur #017 (Rare)
Cleric of Corellon Larethian #018 (Rare)
Cleric of Gruumsh #059 (Rare)
Cleric of Order #001 (Uncommon)
Cleric of Yondalla #002 (Uncommon)
Crested Felldrake #019 (Common)
Devis, Half-Elf Bard #020 (Uncommon)
Dire Boar #034 (Rare)
Displacer Beast #041 (Rare)
Drow Archer #060 (Uncommon)
Drow Cleric of Lolth #061 (Rare)
Drow Fighter #062 (Uncommon)
Dwarf Axefighter #003 (Common)
Elf Archer #021 (Common)
Elf Pyromancer #022 (Rare)
Elf Ranger #023 (Uncommon)
Ember, Human Monk #004 (Uncommon)
Evoker's Apprentice #005 (Uncommon)
Ghoul #063 (Common)
Gnoll #064 (Uncommon)
Gnome Recruit #024 (Common)
Goblin Sneak #042 (Common)
Half-Orc Assassin #065 (Uncommon)
Half-Orc Fighter #043 (Common)
Half-Orc Monk #033 (Uncommon)
Halfling Veteran #006 (Uncommon)
Hell Hound #044 (Common)
Hound Archon #007 (Rare)
Human Bandit #066 (Common)
Human Blackguard #045 (Rare)
Human Commoner #008 (Common)
Human Executioner #046 (Uncommon)
Human Thug #047 (Uncommon)
Human Wanderer #025 (Uncommon)
Hyena #067 (Common)
Jozan, Cleric of Pelor #014 (Uncommon)
Kobold Warrior #048 (Common)
Krusk, Half-Orc Barbarian #026 (Uncommon)
Kuo-Toa #068 (Common)
Large Earth Elemental #009 (Rare)
Large Fire Elemental #069 (Rare)
Lidda, Halfling Rogue #027 (Uncommon)
Lizardfolk #035 (Uncommon)
Man-at-Arms #010 (Common)
Medusa #049 (Rare)
Mind Flayer #050 (Rare)
Minotaur #070 (Rare)
Mummy #051 (Rare)
Nebin, Gnome Illusionist #028 (Uncommon)
Ogre #071 (Rare)
Orc Archer #072 (Uncommon)
Orc Berserker #073 (Uncommon)
Orc Spearfighter #074 (Common)
Orc Warrior #075 (Common)
Owlbear #054 (Rare)
Shambling Mound #036 (Rare)
Skeleton #055 (Common)
Sun Soul Initiate #011 (Uncommon)
Sword of Heironeous #012 (Rare)
Thri-Kreen Ranger #038 (Rare)
Tiefling Captain #076 (Uncommon)
Tordek, Dwarf Fighter #013 (Uncommon)
Troglodyte Zombie #056 (Uncommon)
Troll #077 (Rare)
Umber Hulk #078 (Rare)
Vadania, Half-Elf Druid #029 (Rare)
Werewolf #079 (Uncommon)
Wight #052 (Uncommon)
Wild Elf Barbarian #030 (Uncommon)
Wolf #037 (Common)
Wolf Skeleton #057 (Common)
Wood Elf Skirmisher #031 (Uncommon)
Worg #080 (Uncommon)
Wraith #053 (Rare)
Zombie #058 (Common)
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