Image | Name
| Low $ | Mid $ | High $ | |
A Hasty Retreat #091 (Fixed)
A Simple Mix-up #092 (Uncommon)
Accessorize the Crystal Ponies #167 (Common)
Amethyst Star, Calming Presence #077 (Common)
Angel, Bossy Pet #078 (Common)
Antiquing #093 (Rare)
Apple Bloom, Showstopper #019 (Common)
Apple Juice Break #094 (Common)
Applejack, Breeziefied #020 (Uncommon)
Applejack, Carbo-Loader #194 (Ultra Rare)
Applejack, Crystallized #021 (Uncommon)
Backup Racer, Substitute Flier #199 (Ultra Rare)
Berry Punch, Very Convincing #033 (Fixed)
Biff #156 (Rare)
Bolt, Pivot #005 (Uncommon)
Bon Bon, Side by Side #034 (Common)
Boneless #125 (Common)
Braeburn, Appleloosan Apple #022 (Common)
Bright Smile, One of the Gang #079 (Common)
Bubbly Mare, Helping Hoof #004 (Fixed)
Bulk Biceps, Pumped Up #006 (Rare)
Burst of Speed #095 (Rare)
Call to Action #096 (Uncommon)
Cart Crafting #168 (Rare)
Catch Me! #097 (Fixed)
Cerberus #157 (Rare)
Ceremonial Headdress #126 (Common)
Charge! #169 (Rare)
Cheer Up the Crystal Ponies #170 (Common)
Cheerilee, Homeroom Teacher #047 (Fixed)
Cheese Sandwich, Heavy Artillery #035 (Rare)
Chimera #158 (Uncommon)
Claude, Pulling the Strings #195 (Ultra Rare)
Cockatrice #159 (Uncommon)
Coco Pommel's Thread #127 (Common)
Coco Pommel, Refurbisher #062 (Rare)
Comet Tail, Blaze of Glory #007 (Common)
Cranky Doodle Donkey, Crankiest of Creatures #023 (Rare)
Creepy Creeping Crystals #128 (Uncommon)
Crystal Forcefield #129 (Rare)
Crystal Guard, On Duty #008 (Rare)
Cutie Mark Crusaders, Ponyville Flag Carriers #001 (Fixed)
Cutie Pox Scare #098 (Rare)
Daring Do, Professional Heroine #009 (Rare)
Dark Magic Surge #171 (Uncommon)
Dazzling Jacket #130 (Uncommon)
Deep Dark Forest #172 (Uncommon)
Destiny Drain #201 (Ultra Rare)
Diamond Tiara #160 (Common)
Distract the Crystal Ponies #173 (Common)
Doctor's Orders #099 (Rare)
Dr. Hooves, Experienced Equine #010 (Rare)
Dressed Up #131 (Uncommon)
Elbow Grease, Street Sweeper #024 (Common)
Enchanted Parasprites #161 (Rare)
Encourage the Crystal Ponies #174 (Common)
Entertain the Crystal Ponies #175 (Common)
Equestrian Mailmare, Special Delivery #080 (Common)
Fake Crystal Heart #132 (Uncommon)
Fancy Pants, All Class #063 (Common)
Fashion Upgrade #100 (Uncommon)
Feedbag #133 (Uncommon)
Fending off Fiends #176 (Uncommon)
Finger Snap #101 (Uncommon)
Fire in the Sky #102 (Uncommon)
Flamingo, Hot Pink #081 (Common)
Fluttershy, Breeziefied #082 (Uncommon)
Fluttershy, Crystallized #083 (Uncommon)
Fluttershy, Reliable Racer #200 (Ultra Rare)
Forced Gem Hunt #177 (Uncommon)
Friendly Disagreement #103 (Uncommon)
Friends Forever #104 (Rare)
Gilda #162 (Uncommon)
Giselle, Thrillseeker #036 (Common)
Glamour Gleam, Deep Clean #064 (Uncommon)
Golden Wheat, Happy to Help #084 (Common)
Goldie Delicious, Dinner Time #085 (Rare)
Green Dragon #163 (Common)
Gummy, Fun Pet #037 (Common)
Haymaker, Tough Trainer #048 (Rare)
Helia, Marathon Mare #065 (Uncommon)
Hummingbird, Nimble Flier #086 (Fixed)
Hydra #164 (Uncommon)
Ice Archery #105 (Rare)
Ice Cloud Calamity #178 (Uncommon)
Inspiration Manifestation #106 (Rare)
Inspiring Magic #179 (Uncommon)
Jester Suit #134 (Rare)
Jewel Joy, Fair Feaster #038 (Common)
Jousting Armor #135 (Uncommon)
Juggling Routine #107 (Uncommon)
King Sombra #205 (Ultra Rare)
Less Isn't More #108 (Rare)
Lilac Luster, Beautiful Beautician #066 (Common)
Lost and Not Found #180 (Uncommon)
Lyra, Very Excitable #039 (Rare)
Magical Mailbox #136 (Rare)
Magical Tantrum #181 (Uncommon)
Matilda, Full of Hope #067 (Uncommon)
Maud Pie, Like a Rock #025 (Rare)
Mayor Mare, Town Leadership #049 (Common)
Mercury, Crystal Messenger #040 (Uncommon)
Mr. Cake, Loving Father #041 (Common)
Ms. Harshwhinny, Officious Official #050 (Rare)
Multi-Goof Off! #109 (Rare)
Night Light, Devoted Dad #051 (Common)
Opalescence, Stylish Pet #068 (Common)
Orthros, Go Fetch #087 (Rare)
Out of Action #137 (Rare)
Overgrown Everfree #182 (Uncommon)
Owlowiscious, Wise Pet #052 (Common)
Parcel Post, Pushing the Envelope #088 (Common)
Party Bomb #138 (Rare)
Peachy Pitt, Suave Salesmare #089 (Common)
Pep Talk #110 (Uncommon)
Periwinkle Pace, Agile Athlete #011 (Common)
Pile of Presents #139 (Uncommon)
Pinkie Pie, Breeziefied #042 (Uncommon)
Pinkie Pie, Crystallized #043 (Uncommon)
Pinkie Pie, Distracting Cheerer #196 (Ultra Rare)
Plowing the Field #111 (Uncommon)
Poetry Slam #112 (Rare)
Ponies Without Parachutes #183 (Uncommon)
Pony Charm #140 (Rare)
Ponyville Banner #141 (Rare)
Ponyville Mailbox #142 (Common)
Press Pass, On the Scene #044 (Uncommon)
Prim Hemline, Precise Pony #069 (Common)
Princess Cadance, Crystal Princess #198 (Ultra Rare)
Princess Cadance, Loving Ruler #003 (Fixed)
Princess Celestia, Bane of Evil #090 (Rare)
Princess Luna, Good Night's Sleep #053 (Rare)
Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship #000 (Ultra Rare)
Rainbow Dash, Breeziefied #012 (Uncommon)
Rainbow Dash, Crystallized #013 (Uncommon)
Rainbow Dash, Relay Racer #014 (Rare)
Rainbowfied #143 (Uncommon)
Randolph, High-Flying Earth Pony #015 (Common)
Rarity, Breeziefied #070 (Uncommon)
Rarity, Crystallized #071 (Uncommon)
Rarity, Equestria Games Designer #072 (Rare)
Raven, Event Organizer #054 (Common)
Relay Race #113 (Rare)
Rockslide #184 (Uncommon)
Rook Ramparts, Chess Champ #055 (Common)
Royal Peacekeeper, Watchful Eye #026 (Uncommon)
Royal Spyglass #144 (Uncommon)
Runaway Pony! #185 (Common)
Save the Crystal Ponies #186 (Common)
Scootaloo's Scooter #145 (Rare)
Scootaloo, Showstopper #016 (Common)
Scorpan's Necklace #146 (Common)
Seabreeze's Flower #147 (Common)
Sheriff Silverstar, Confident Constable #027 (Common)
Shining Armor, Crystal Prince #056 (Uncommon)
Shining Armor/Princess Cadance, Fastball Special #191 (Ultra Rare)
Silver Shill's Coin #148 (Common)
Silver Spanner, Dumpster Diver #057 (Common)
Silverspeed, Eye in the Sky #028 (Rare)
Slick Shades #149 (Common)
Smile and Wave #150 (Rare)
Soarin, Team Player #017 (Common)
Social Networking #114 (Uncommon)
Sound the Flugelhorn! #115 (Rare)
Spell Off #116 (Rare)
Spike, Crystal Hero #002 (Fixed)
Spike, Statuesque #029 (Rare)
Spike, The Brave and Glorious #192 (Ultra Rare)
Spitfire's Badge #151 (Common)
Spitfire, Cloudsdale Captain #193 (Ultra Rare)
Spring Step, Multitalented #073 (Fixed)
Stay Quiet the Longest #117 (Rare)
Stone Cold #152 (Uncommon)
Study Session #153 (Rare)
Surprise, Outta Nowhere #045 (Rare)
Sweetie Belle, Showstopper #074 (Common)
Swindlers in Town #187 (Common)
Tall Tale, Too Tall #030 (Uncommon)
Tank, Loyal Pet #018 (Common)
Tatzlwurm #165 (Common)
Telekinesis #118 (Common)
The Crystal Heart, Heart of an Empire #154 (Rare)
The Element of Generosity, A Beautiful Heart #204 (Ultra Rare)
The Element of Honesty, Faithful and Strong #203 (Ultra Rare)
The Equestria Games #202 (Ultra Rare)
The Power of Love #119 (Rare)
The Show Must Go On #188 (Rare)
The Soup Incident #120 (Uncommon)
Through the Cave #189 (Uncommon)
Thunderlane, Nerves of Steel #031 (Common)
Tight Ship, Meticulous Planner #058 (Rare)
Top Marks, Long-winded Lecturer #059 (Uncommon)
Trenderhoof, Travel Writer #075 (Uncommon)
Trixie, The Great and Powerful Showoff #197 (Ultra Rare)
True Evil #121 (Rare)
Tug of War #122 (Rare)
Twilight Sparkle, Breeziefied #060 (Uncommon)
Twilight Sparkle, Crystallized #061 (Uncommon)
Twist, Such a Treat #046 (Common)
Unending Nightmare #123 (Rare)
White Lightning, Flip Flapper #076 (Common)
Windigo #166 (Rare)
Winona, Dependable Pet #032 (Common)
Wonderbolt Academy Invitations #155 (Rare)
Wonderbolts Reserve Exam #190 (Rare)
Yoink! #124 (Rare)