Image | Name
| Low $ | Mid $ | High $ | |
800 Years of Sweltering Heat #165 (R)
A Fiery Temper #129 (C)
A Major Problem #099 (U)
A Stitch in Time #166 (C)
A. K. Yearling, Adventure Writer #191 (UR)
Amethyst Maresbury, Crystal Librarian #053 (U)
Ancient Research #167 (U)
Angel, Serious Business #083 (R)
Anything I Can Do To Help? #100 (U)
Apple Bumpkin, Caramel Coater #024 (C)
Apple Cider #130 (U)
Applebucking Day #168 (C)
Applejack, Apple Vendor #002 (U)
Applejack, Applebucker #026 (U)
Applejack, Element of Honesty #025 (R)
Attitude and Pizzazz! #169 (C)
Aura, Really Rambunctious #039 (C)
Bags Valet, Luggage Lackey #027 (C)
Bed Rest #131 (C)
Bell Tower #132 (R)
Biff! Pow! #101 (U)
Big Mac, Biggest Brother #028 (R)
Blossomforth, Too Flexible #084 (R)
Bottom of the Well #170 (U)
Bulk Biceps, All Muscle #192 (UR)
Canterlot Archive Guard, Literate Lookout #054 (R)
Canterlot Archives #133 (U)
Canterlot Hedge Maze #134 (R)
Changeling Infiltrator #157 (R)
Changeling Swarm #158 (U)
Cheering Up a Friend #171 (C)
Cheese Sandwich, Wandering Partier #040 (R)
Cherry Fizzy, Stalwart Soldier #029 (C)
Chic Beret #135 (C)
Chicken Costume #136 (C)
Chief Thunderhooves, Buffaloing Buffalo #009 (R)
Cipher Splash, Born Ready #010 (U)
Cloudy Quartz, Concerned Mother #030 (C)
Cockatrice on the Loose #172 (R)
Coco Pommel, Fashion Apprentice #069 (C)
Combat Hat #137 (U)
Comforting Critters #173 (U)
Compass Star, Geography Nut #055 (C)
Cookie Crumbles, Fancy Cooker #068 (C)
Crash Course #174 (C)
Critter Stampede #102 (R)
Daisy, Mousy Mare #031 (U)
Dark Dank Dungeon #175 (U)
Dark Moon, Moonlit Colt #011 (C)
DJ Pon-3, Everypony's Shufflin' #194 (UR)
Doc Top, Pony Pediatrician #032 (C)
Doctor Horse, M.D. #085 (F)
Dr. Hooves, Just In Time #012 (R)
Eagle, Soaring Raptor #086 (U)
Earth Pony Royal Guard, Arresting Officer #033 (R)
Eclair Creme, Vicarious Listener #013 (F)
Eep! #103 (R)
Fancy Pants, Trendsetter #198 (UR)
Fashion Week #104 (U)
Fast Clip, Drill Instructor #034 (R)
Fine Line, Au Pair #087 (C)
Fleur Dis Lee, Trendy Follower #070 (C)
Flutterbat #000 (UR)
Fluttershy, Critter Caregiver #088 (U)
Fluttershy, Element of Kindness #089 (R)
Fluttershy, Friend to Animals #007 (U)
Foggy Fleece, Cloud Crafter #071 (C)
Four Step, Dance Teacher #056 (C)
Frown Town #177 (U)
Fruit Bat Roundup #178 (R)
Funny Glasses #138 (U)
Furry Free-for-All #105 (R)
Globe Trotter, Sight Seer #042 (U)
Go, Feed! #139 (R)
Golden Gavel, Fast Talker #072 (F)
Golden Harvest, Beyond Her Garden #035 (C)
Goldie Delicious, Cat Hoarder #090 (R)
Goof Off #176 (C)
Granny Smith, Jar Judger #193 (UR)
Greeting Lots of Folks With Clout #179 (C)
Hairpin, Turn Blocker #014 (C)
Hayseed Turnip Truck, A For Effort #036 (U)
Hoity Toity, Fashion Critic #073 (R)
Hondo Flanks, Big Daddy #045 (C)
Hoofwrasslin' #106 (U)
Hungry Hungry House Guest #180 (C)
I Got a Golden Ticket! #107 (U)
I Just Can't Decide! #140 (R)
Impress the Inspector #181 (U)
In Your Dreams #108 (R)
Jet Set & Upper Crust #159 (C)
Joe's Doughnut Shop #141 (U)
Joe, Doughnuteer #037 (R)
Learned Lessons #142 (R)
Lemon Hearts, Sweetheart #091 (C)
Lightning Dust #160 (C)
Lily, Panicked Pony #043 (U)
Liza Doolots, Boundless Energy #092 (C)
Lost in the Crystal Caves #182 (U)
Lucky Star, Charming Cheerer #044 (C)
Magic Duel #109 (U)
Mane-Raising Experience #110 (R)
Manny Roar, Mild Manticore #093 (C)
Minuette, Clocked Up #057 (R)
Monstrous Cave #143 (U)
Monstrous Manual #144 (C)
Mrs. Cake, Dessertier #094 (C)
Nice Moves, Kid #111 (R)
Not On the List #112 (U)
Nothing to Be Afraid Of #113 (U)
Nurse Redheart, Cantankerous Caretaker #095 (R)
Octavia, Star Cellist #074 (U)
Orange Swirl, Dizzy Daredevil #015 (C)
Out of Control #183 (C)
Perfect Pace, Time Master #058 (C)
Photo Finish, Picture Perfect Pony #075 (U)
Pie Family Rock Farm #145 (R)
Pinkie Pie, Clonie Pie #195 (UR)
Pinkie Pie, Element of Laughter #046 (R)
Pinkie Pie, Pokey Pony #003 (U)
Pinny Lane, Bowl'em Over #047 (R)
Pipsqueak, Scrappy Squirt #016 (R)
Plum Tuckered Out #114 (R)
Pony of Shadows #161 (U)
Prim Posy, Fond of Fronds #076 (C)
Prince Blueblood #162 (U)
Princess Celestia, Bringer of Light #096 (U)
Princess Celestia, Equestrian Leader #190 (UR)
Princess Celestia, Hoof Shaker #008 (U)
Princess Celestia, Protector of Equestria #200 (UR)
Princess Luna, Dream Catcher #189 (UR)
Princess Luna, Mare in the Moon #196 (UR)
Princess Luna, Night Mare #059 (U)
Princess Luna, Princess of the Night #004 (U)
Princess Mi Amore Cadenza #156 (R)
Private Party #146 (U)
Purple Waters, Prismatic Poet/Musician #041 (C)
Queen Chrysalis #203 (UR)
Raccoon, Scrounger #097 (C)
Rainbow Blaze, Dashing Mentor #017 (C)
Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty #019 (R)
Rainbow Dash, Goosebump Giver #018 (C)
Rainbow Dash, Hanging Out #001 (U)
Rarity, Dragon Charmer #077 (U)
Rarity, Dressmaker #006 (U)
Rarity, Element of Generosity #078 (R)
Red Dragon #163 (U)
Reformed #147 (U)
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Shoot! #115 (U)
Roseluck, Fainthearted Filly #079 (U)
Royal Dress Rehearsal #184 (U)
Rumble, Fast Learner #020 (C)
Sapphire Shores, Costume Changer #080 (C)
Sassaflash, Striking! #048 (R)
Scootaloo, Fan Club Founder #021 (U)
Sealed Scroll, Studious Scribe #060 (C)
Shining Armor, Captain of the Guard #061 (R)
Shooting Star, Tale Teller #022 (C)
Silver Frames, Art Curator #081 (C)
Snails, Deep Thinker #049 (C)
Snips & Snails, Problem Solvers #051 (R)
Snips, Schemer #050 (R)
Snooty Boutique #148 (R)
Social Obligations #185 (U)
Soothe the Savage Beast #149 (R)
Spike, Assistant Librarian #062 (R)
Sprinkle Medley, Drip Dropper #023 (C)
Staring Contest #117 (U)
Starry Eyes, Space Cadet #063 (C)
Steam Roller, Juggernaut #038 (C)
Storming the Villain's Lair #186 (C)
Sunset Shimmer #164 (R)
Swan Song, Fun-loving Debutante #052 (C)
Sweetie Belle, Doting Sister #199 (UR)
Tall Order, Council Colt #064 (F)
The Best of Friends #118 (F)
The Brave and the Bold #119 (R)
The Element of Kindness, Sharing Kindness #201 (UR)
The Element of Magic, Complete Magic #202 (UR)
The Hard Way #120 (R)
The High Ground #150 (U)
The Magic of Adventure #121 (F)
The Sun and the Moon #122 (R)
The Twilicane #151 (R)
Threat Against Canterlot #187 (U)
Thunderclap #123 (U)
Too Many Pinkie Pies #188 (R)
Too Much Fun #124 (R)
Train Tracks #152 (R)
Twilight Sky, Stanchion Stallion #082 (R)
Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic #065 (R)
Twilight Sparkle, Gala Greeter #005 (U)
Twilight Sparkle, Noted Speaker #197 (UR)
Twilight Velvet, Proud Mom #066 (C)
Varmint Barricade #153 (R)
Very Startling #125 (U)
Vittles Stand #154 (C)
Wardrobe Malfunction #126 (U)
Welcome Wagon #155 (R)
What's Old is New Again #127 (R)
Whitewash, Amiable Aviator #098 (C)
You've Been Up All Night #128 (R)
Zecora, Magical Mentor #067 (C)