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Coming of Galactus
ImageName Low $Mid $High $
Air-Walker #MGC019 (C)
Battleworld #MGC002 (C)
Bestow the Power Cosmic #MGC035 (C)
Broodworld #MGC003 (C)
Call in a Favor #MEX016 (R)
Common Bond #MEX017 (R)
Daredevil - Kitchen Cleanser #MEX001 (R)
Destroyer #MGC020 (C)
Dr. Doom - Power Hungry #MEX002 (R)
Elanis #MGC004 (C)
Erebus #MGC005 (C)
Firelord #MGC022 (C)
Franike Raye - Nova #MGC023 (C)
Galactus the Third Force of the Universe (Oversized) #MGC001 (C)
Green Goblin - Friend and Foe #MEX003 (R)
Grundar #MGC006 (C)
High Evolutionary - Intellectual Giant #MEX004 (R)
Human Torch #MGC024 (C)
Human Torch - Fiery Friend #MEX005 (R)
Infiltrate #MEX018 (R)
Internal Injuries #MEX019 (R)
Kingpin - Overboss #MEX006 (R)
Kn'kn #MGC007 (C)
Luphom #MGC008 (C)
Morg #MGC025 (C)
Mr. Fantastic - Flexible Thinker #MEX007 (R)
Nebulize #MGC036 (C)
New Korbin #MGC009 (C)
Nightcrawler - Hit Factory #MEX008 (R)
Obliterate #MGC037 (C)
Omnipotence #MGC038 (C)
Pathetic Attempt #MGC039 (C)
Punisher Squadron #MGC026 (C)
Pyro- Hot Topic #MEX009 (R)
Red Shift #MGC027 (C)
Ria #MGC010 (C)
Saakar #MGC011 (C)
Silver Surfer #MGC028 (C)
Silver Surfer - Last Zenn-Lavian #MEX010 (R)
Silver Surfer's Board #MEX013 (R)
Siphon Energy #MGC040 (C)
Skrullos #MGC012 (C)
Spider-Man - New New Avenger #MEX011 (R)
Stardust #MGC029 (C)
Strategic Thinking #MEX020 (R)
Sub-Atomica #MGC013 (C)
Tamal #MGC014 (C)
Tarnax IV #MEX015 (R)
Taur #MGC015 (C)
Terrax #MGC030 (C)
The Fallen One #MGC021 (C)
This Bores Me #MGC041 (C)
Turbulis #MGC016 (C)
Ultimate Nullifier - One Way Trip #MEX014 (R)
Venom - Mac Gargan #MEX012 (R)
Worldeater - Biospher Boiler #MGC031 (C)
Worldeater - Elemental Regulator #MGC032 (C)
Worldeater - Heart of the Machine #MGC033 (C)
Worldeater - Proton Piston #MGC034 (C)
You Dare? #MGC042 (C)
Your Planet Here #MGC018 (C)
Zenn-La #MGC017 (C)
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