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Piglet - Sturdy Swordsman #191 (Legendary)
- Popularity 3
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Dig a Little Deeper #162 (Uncommon)
- Popularity 2
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A Pirate's Life #128 (Uncommon)
Agustin Madrigal - Clumsy Dad #001 (Common)
Aladdin - Brave Rescuer #171 (Uncommon)
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Aladdin - Resolute Swordsman #172 (Common)
Alma Madrigal - Family Matriarch #002 (Rare)
Anna - Braving the Storm #137 (Common)
Anna - True-Hearted #138 (Super Rare)
Anna - True-Hearted (Enchanted) #217 (Enchanted)
Antonio Madrigal - Animal Expert #035 (Uncommon)
Arges - The Cyclops #173 (Common)
Ariel - Determined Mermaid #174 (Common)
Ariel - Singing Mermaid #003 (Rare)
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Ariel - Sonic Warrior #175 (Super Rare)
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Ariel - Sonic Warrior (Enchanted) #220 (Enchanted)
Ariel - Treasure Collector #139 (Super Rare)
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Ariels Grotto - A Secret Place (Enchanted) #219 (Enchanted)
Arielā??s Grotto - A Secret Place #169 (Rare)
Atlantica - Concert Hall #033 (Common)
Aurora - Lore Guardian #140 (Super Rare)
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Aurora - Tranquil Princess #141 (Common)
Avalanche #195 (Uncommon)
Be King Undisputed #129 (Rare)
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Beast - Thick-Skinned #176 (Common)
Beast - Wounded #103 (Uncommon)
Belle - Accomplished Mystic #036 (Super Rare)
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Belle - Untrained Mystic #037 (Common)
Benja - Bold Uniter #104 (Common)
Brawl #130 (Common)
Bruno Madrigal - Out of the Shadows #038 (Rare)
Bruno Madrigal - Undetected Uncle #039 (Super Rare)
Buy for $2.49
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Bruno's Return #026 (Uncommon)
Camilo Madrigal - Prankster #040 (Uncommon)
Casa Madrigal - Casita #067 (Common)
Chi-Fu - Imperial Advisor #177 (Uncommon)
Chien-Po - Imperial Soldier #178 (Common)
Cinderella - Melody Weaver #004 (Legendary)
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Cinderella - Melody Weaver (Enchanted) #205 (Enchanted)
Cogsworth - Majordomo #005 (Common)
Cri-Kee - Lucky Cricket #069 (Rare)
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Daisy Duck - Lovely Lady #006 (Uncommon)
Daisy Duck - Musketeer Spy #007 (Common)
Dang Hu - Talon Chief #142 (Rare)
Diablo - Devoted Herald #070 (Legendary)
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Diablo - Devoted Herald (Enchanted) #211 (Enchanted)
Diablo - Maleficent's Spy #071 (Common)
Dig a Little Deeper #162 (Uncommon)
Dodge! #093 (Common)
Dolores Madrigal - Easy Listener #041 (Common)
Donald Duck - Buccaneer #179 (Legendary)
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Donald Duck - Musketeer Soldier #008 (Uncommon)
Elsa - Storm Chaser #042 (Rare)
Fa Li - Mulan's Mother #143 (Common)
Fa Zhou - Mulan's Father #105 (Common)
Felix Madrigal - Fun-Loving Family Man #009 (Uncommon)
Field of Ice #166 (Rare)
First Aid #027 (Common)
Flotsam & Jetsam - Entangling Eels #044 (Uncommon)
Flotsam - Ursula's Baby #043 (Uncommon)
Flounder - Collector's Companion #144 (Uncommon)
Flynn Rider - Frenemy #106 (Super Rare)
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Fortisphere #200 (Common)
Gaston - Despicable Dealer #010 (Super Rare)
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Glean #163 (Common)
Golden Harp - Enchanter of the Land #011 (Rare)
Goofy - Musketeer Swordsman #012 (Rare)
Goofy - Super Goof #107 (Rare)
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Goofy - Super Goof (Enchanted) #214 (Enchanted)
Great Stone Dragon #167 (Uncommon)
Gunther - Interior Designer #072 (Common)
Gus - Champion of Cheese #073 (Common)
Hades - Double Dealer #074 (Legendary)
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Hades - Meticulous Plotter #145 (Uncommon)
Hans - Noble Scoundrel #146 (Common)
Heihei - Bumbling Rooster #075 (Uncommon)
Hera - Queen of the Gods #076 (Rare)
Hercules - Beloved Hero #180 (Rare)
Hercules - Clumsy Kid #108 (Common)
Hercules - Daring Demigod #109 (Uncommon)
Hidden Cove - Tranquil Haven #101 (Common)
Hidden Inkcaster #098 (Common)
I Find 'Em, I Flatten 'Em #196 (Uncommon)
Ice Block #168 (Common)
Iduna - Caring Mother #147 (Uncommon)
Imperial Bow #201 (Uncommon)
Imperial Proclamation #131 (Rare)
Isabella Madrigal - Golden Child #045 (Rare)
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Jaq - Connoisseur of Climbing #077 (Common)
Jasmine - Desert Warrior #078 (Rare)
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Jasmine - Desert Warrior (Enchanted) #212 (Enchanted)
Jetsam - Ursula's Baby #046 (Common)
John Silver - Terror of the Realm #148 (Rare)
Julieta Madrigal - Excellent Cook #013 (Uncommon)
Khan - Beloved Steed #110 (Uncommon)
LeFou - Opportunistic Flunky #181 (Rare)
Li Shang - General's Son #111 (Common)
Li Shang - Imperial Captain #182 (Uncommon)
Li Shang - Valorous General #112 (Uncommon)
Ling - Imperial Soldier #183 (Uncommon)
Look at This Family #028 (Rare)
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Look at This Family (Enchanted) #207 (Enchanted)
Lost in the Woods #029 (Uncommon)
Luisa Madrigal - Magically Strong One #047 (Common)
Luisa Madrigal - Rock of the Family #184 (Common)
Lumiere - Fiery Friend #113 (Rare)
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Magic Broom - Aerial Cleaner #185 (Common)
Magic Broom - Brigade Commander #186 (Super Rare)
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Magic Broom - Illuminary Keeper #048 (Common)
Magic Broom - Lively Sweeper #049 (Common)
Magical Maid - Feather Duster #050 (Uncommon)
Make the Potion #094 (Common)
Marshmallow - Terrifying Snowman #051 (Uncommon)
Max - Loyal Sheepdog #014 (Common)
Medallion Weights #132 (Uncommon)
Megara - Captivating Cynic #079 (Common)
Megara - Liberated One #080 (Uncommon)
Mickey Mouse - Leader of the Band #015 (Uncommon)
Mickey Mouse - Musketeer Captain #016 (Legendary)
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Mickey Mouse - Playful Sorcerer #187 (Rare)
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Mickey Mouse - Playful Sorcerer (225/204) #225 (Rare)
Mickey Mouse - Standard Bearer #188 (Common)
Minnie Mouse - Musketeer Champion #017 (Super Rare)
Minnie Mouse - Musketeer Champion (Enchanted) #206 (Enchanted)
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Mirabel Madrigal - Gift of the Family #018 (Super Rare)
Mirabel Madrigal - Prophecy Finder #019 (Common)
Miracle Candle #031 (Rare)
Mrs. Potts - Enchanted Teapot #052 (Rare)
Mulan - Armored Fighter #189 (Uncommon)
Mulan - Elite Archer #114 (Legendary)
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Mulan - Elite Archer (224/204) #244 (Legendary)
Mulan - Enemy of Entanglement #115 (Uncommon)
Mulan - Injured Soldier #116 (Common)
Mystical Rose #064 (Rare)
Namaari - Heir of Fang #117 (Rare)
Nessus - River Guardian #118 (Uncommon)
Noi - Acrobatic Baby #119 (Super Rare)
Olaf - Carrot Enthusiast #149 (Uncommon)
Olaf - Trusting Companion #150 (Common)
One Last Hope #197 (Rare)
Pain - Immortal Sidekick #081 (Uncommon)
Panic - Immortal Sidekick #082 (Uncommon)
Pascal - Inquisitive Pet #151 (Common)
Pegasus - Cloud Racer #083 (Uncommon)
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Pegasus - Flying Steed #120 (Common)
Pegasus - Gift for Hercules #084 (Common)
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Pepa Madrigal - Weather Maker #053 (Rare)
Pete - Born to Cheat #085 (Super Rare)
Pete - Rotten Guy #086 (Uncommon)
Peter Pan - Shadow Finder #054 (Super Rare)
Philoctetes - No-Nonsense Instructor #190 (Rare)
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Pico - Helpful Toucan #055 (Common)
Piglet - Pooh Pirate Captain (223/204) #223 (Super Rare)
Piglet - Sturdy Swordsman #191 (Legendary)
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Piglet - Sturdy Swordsman (Enchanted) #221 (Enchanted)
Pluto - Rescue Dog #020 (Common)
Poor Unfortunate Souls #060 (Common)
Prince Eric - Seafaring Prince #021 (Common)
Prince Eric - Ursula's Groom #022 (Uncommon)
Prince Phillip - Gallant Defender #152 (Rare)
Prince Phillip - Vanquisher of Foes #087 (Super Rare)
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Prince Phillip - Warden of the Woods #088 (Rare)
Rajah - Royal Protector #192 (Rare)
Rapunzel - Appreciative Artist #153 (Rare)
Raya - Fierce Protector #121 (Super Rare)
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Raya - Guardian of the Dragon Gem #122 (Common)
Raya - Unstoppable Force #193 (Super Rare)
Record Player #032 (Common)
RLS Legacy's Cannon #202 (Rare)
Rose Lantern #065 (Common)
Scuttle - Expert on Humans #154 (Uncommon)
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Second Star to the Right #061 (Rare)
Second Star to the Right (Enchanted) #210 (Enchanted)
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Seldom All They Seem #164 (Common)
Sign the Scroll #030 (Uncommon)
Signed Contract #099 (Uncommon)
Sisu - Daring Visitor #123 (Uncommon)
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Sisu - Emboldened Warrior #124 (Rare)
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Sisu - Empowered Sibling (Enchanted) #215 (Enchanted)
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Sisu - Empowering Sibling #125 (Legendary)
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Sisu - Wise Friend #155 (Uncommon)
Snuggly Duckling - Disreputable Pub #135 (Rare)
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Snuggly Duckling - Disreputable Pub (Enchanted) #216 (Enchanted)
Buy for $47.99
Stitch - Alien Dancer #023 (Common)
Swing into Action #062 (Common)
The Fates - Only One Eye #089 (Common)
The Mob Song #198 (Uncommon)
The Muses - Proclaimers of Heroes #090 (Rare)
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The Plank #133 (Common)
The Queen - Diviner #156 (Legendary)
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The Queen - Diviner (Enchanted) #218 (Enchanted)
The Underworld - River Styx #034 (Rare)
The Wall - Border Fortress #203 (Rare)
The Wall - Border Fortress (Enchanted) #222 (Enchanted)
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Thebes - The Big Olive #204 (Common)
Tick-Tock - Ever-Present Pursuer #056 (Common)
Tong - Survivor #126 (Common)
Tor - Florist #091 (Common)
Training Grounds - Impossible Pillar #136 (Common)
Transformed Chef - Castle Stove #157 (Common)
Treasures Untold #165 (Rare)
Triton - Champion of Atlantica #158 (Legendary)
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Triton - Discerning King #159 (Rare)
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Triton - Young Prince #160 (Uncommon)
Triton's Decree #199 (Common)
Triton's Trident #066 (Uncommon)
Tuk Tuk - Curious Partner #161 (Common)
Tuk Tuk - Lively Partner #127 (Rare)
Under the Sea #095 (Rare)
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Ursula - Eric's Bride #024 (Rare)
Ursula - Mad Sea Witch #057 (Uncommon)
Ursula - Sea Witch Queen #058 (Legendary)
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Ursula - Sea Witch Queen (Enchanted) #208 (Enchanted)
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Ursula - Sea Witch Queen Puzzle Insert (Set of 9) #000 (None)
Ursula - Vanessa #025 (Common)
Ursula's Garden - Full of the Unfortunate #102 (Rare)
Ursula's Lair - Eye of the Storm #068 (Rare)
Ursula's Plan #063 (Uncommon)
Ursula's Trickery #096 (Uncommon)
Vision Slab #100 (Uncommon)
Vitalisphere #134 (Common)
We Don't Talk About Bruno #097 (Rare)
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We Don't Talk About Bruno (Enchanted) #213 (Enchanted)
Winter Camp - Medical Tent #170 (Common)
Yao - Imperial Soldier #194 (Common)
Yen Sid - Powerful Sorcerer #059 (Legendary)
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Yen Sid - Powerful Sorcerer (223/204) #223A (Legendary)
Yen Sid - Powerful Sorcerer (Enchanted) #209 (Enchanted)
Buy for $79.99
Zeus - Mr. Lightning Bolts #092 (Super Rare)
Buy for $1.99
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