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Elite Series - Triple Strike
ImageName Low $Mid $High $
Aqua Seneschal #1 (C)
Black Feather of Shadow Abyss #7 (R)
Bolshack Dragon #13 (R)
Bone Blades #8 (C)
Bottle of Wishes #2 (R)
Comet Missile #14 (C)
Crystal Memory #3 (R)
Dragon's Breath #15 (R)
Dream Pirate #9 (U)
Feral Scaradorable #D2 (VR)
Fluorogill Manta #4 (C)
Grip of Despair #21 (R)
Hyperspeed Dragon #16 (R)
Logos Scan #5 (C)
Magnet Mech Glu-urrgle #D1 (VR)
Meteosaur #17 (U)
Moorna, Gatling Dragon #18 (SR)
Rampaging Tatsurion #D3 (VR)
Razorkinder #10 (VR)
Reef-Eye #6 (C)
Rock Bite #19 (C)
Skull Shatter #11 (R)
Soul Vortex #22 (R)
Terror Pit #12 (R)
Tornado Flame #20 (R)
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