Store Help:Q: How do I create a web store? 1) Create an account. Click: Account->Login->'Register' 2) Click Account->'Activate Store Account'. 3) Once we have received the PayPal payment select Account->'Activate Store Account' again you will now see an option to activate a store account. 4) Once your store name is entered and accepted. You will see two new menu items at the top 'Inventory' and 'Store'. 5) Select Store->'Store Setup' the setup wizards will guide you with initial setup.
Q: What are the packages I can choose from? A: See Store Packages for details.
Q: How do I get credit for referring users? A: To get credit for referring a user and getting the 0% rate use the link below. This link will set a non-expiring cookie in the users browser and you will receive this lower rate from future purchases made by this browser as long as the cookie remains set to your id. View Referral Link. The custom store does this automatically.
Q: Why are there different rates depending on how the user was directed? A: This allows a reduced rate for orders from your personal site advertising. Causing an incentive to direct people to your store.
Q: How is the shipping calculated? A: When the customer checks out they can combine all store and auction items into one compound purchase. First they select a 'Shipping Zone' representing a geographical region (E.G. USA). Then they select a 'Shipping Method' representing a shipping service (E.G. UPS Express mail). Each item has a 'Shipping Value' set by you. Normally zero for light items. The 'shipping value' of the items in the cart is totaled. When the user selects the shipping zone if the shipping value is between the minimum and maximum values noted above it is presented as an option. The cost to the user is then calculated as Total=Base Cost + (Shipping Value * Shipping Multiplier) for the shipping method they select. If you used your shipping value to represent weight this can be used to charge more for services that cost more by weight.
Q: What if I want a custom store accessible at my own domain? A: A basic custom store is included with the basic monthly store fee. This does not include a domain name which you must purchase separately from a domain name registrar. You then need to point that domain name to our servers. This is entirely optional and in no way required. Advanced options are available for high volume custom stores. If you are interested in a custom store we highly recommend you have a graphical logo created for it.