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ImageName Low $Mid $High $
F-Zero GX #FZE001
F1 2002 #F12001
F1 Career Challenge #F1C001
Fairly OddParents: Breakin' Da Rules #FAI001
FIFA 2002 #FIF001
FIFA 2003 #FIF002
FIFA Soccer 2004 #FIF003
FIFA Soccer 2005 #FIF004
FIFA Street #FIF005
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles #FIN001
Finding Nemo #FIN002
Fire Emblem #FIR001
Fire Pro Wrestling (working title) #FIR002
Fireblade #FIR003
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse #FOU001
Freaky Flyers #FRE001
Freedom Fighters #FRE002
Freekstyle #FRE003
Freestyle MetalX #FRE004
Freestyle Street Soccer #FRE005
Frogger Beyond #FRO001
Frogger's Adventures: The Rescue #FRO002
From TV Animation: One Piece Treasure Battle! #FRO003
Future Tactics: The Uprising #FUT001
FX Racing #FXR001
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