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Jedi Academy
ImageName Low $Mid $High $
Anakin Solo #024 (R)
Antarian Ranger #012 (C)
Cade Skywalker Padawan #025 (R)
Crimson Nova Bounty Hunter #031 (U)
Darth Maul Sith Apprentice #005 (VR)
Darth Plagueis #006 (VR)
Darth Sidious Sith Master #007 (R)
Death Watch Raider #037 (C)
Disciple of Ragnos #020 (C)
Exceptional Jedi Apprentice #026 (U)
Felucian #032 (U)
Grand Master Luke Skywalker #027 (R)
Grand Master Yoda #014 (R)
Heavy Clone Trooper #015 (C)
HK-50 Assassin Droid #033 (U)
Imperial Sentinel #021 (U)
Jedi Battlemaster #001 (U)
Jedi Crusader #002 (U)
Jensaarai Defender #034 (U)
Kol Skywalker #028 (VR)
Krath War Droid #008 (C)
Kyle Katarn Combat Instructor #029 (R)
Leia Skywalker Jedi Knight #030 (R)
Master K'Kruhk #016 (VR)
Naga Sadow #009 (VR)
Peace Brigade Thug #035 (C)
Praetorite Vong Priest #038 (U)
Praetorite Vong Warrior #039 (C)
Qui-Gon Jinn Jedi Trainer #017 (R)
R4 Astromech Droid #036 (C)
Reborn #022 (C)
Rocket Battle Droid #019 (C)
Sith Apprentice #010 (U)
Sith Lord #011 (U)
Stormtrooper #023 (C)
The Dark Woman #013 (VR)
The Jedi Exile #003 (VR)
Vodo-Siosk Baas #004 (VR)
Youngling #018 (C)
Yuuzhan Vong Ossus Guardian #040 (U)
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