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A Matter of Time #263 (C)
Abomination Knuckles #233 (C)
Abracadaver #234 (R)
Adrienne the Inspiring #127 (U)
Aggressive Exploitation #083 (C)
Aileen the Thunderblessed #128 (R)
Alador Stonebrew #129 (C)
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder #021 (E)
Alister Cooper #130 (C)
Amaria Kelsur #001 (U)
Ancestral Purge #093 (C)
Andrew Ulric #131 (C)
Aresha Thorncaller #132 (U)
Arisa Sarum #133 (U)
Arturius Hathrow #002 (U)
Aspect of the Wild #043 (R)
Avatar of the Wild #123 (E)
Ayaka Winterhoof #011 (U)
Balanced Heartseeker #235 (R)
Bayner Cogbertson #134 (C)
Bella Wilder #135 (C)
Black Blood #023 (C)
Blast Trap #044 (U)
Blessing of Defense #063 (C)
Blessing of the Kindred #064 (R)
Blessing of Virtue #065 (U)
Blood Chill #024 (C)
Bloodied Arcanite Reaper #236 (R)
Boki Earthgaze #165 (C)
Boomer #045 (R)
Bragvi Stormstein #003 (U)
Breath of the Elements #094 (R)
Bully #084 (C)
Cadon Thundershade #166 (C)
Cairne, Earthmother's Chosen #167 (E)
Caleb Pavish #004 (U)
Censure #066 (C)
Ceraka #168 (U)
Chains of Ice #025 (R)
Challenge to the Black Flight #253 (C)
Chaotic Rush #113 (U)
Charmed Ancient Bone Bow #237 (R)
Citadel Enforcer's Claymore #238 (C)
Cleansing Witch Hill #254 (C)
Contagious Poison #085 (R)
Corrosion Prevention #255 (C)
Counting Out Time #256 (C)
Crushing Strike #114 (C)
Crystals of Power #257 (C)
Dancing Rune Weapon #026 (R)
Dark Extortion #073 (R)
Daze #086 (U)
Defender's Vigil #115 (C)
Demonic Reclamation #103 (U)
Demonic Soulstone #104 (C)
Detect Prey #046 (U)
Devout Aurastone Hammer #239 (R)
Dignified Headmaster's Charge #240 (R)
Discerning Eye of the Beast #229 (U)
Divine Cleansing #067 (U)
Divine Fury #074 (R)
Divine Hymn #075 (U)
Dorladris Spellfire #169 (C)
Draining Poison #087 (U)
Dread Pirate Ring #230 (U)
Drizzie Steelslam #170 (C)
Earth and Moon #033 (R)
Earthen Blast #095 (U)
Earthen Embrace #096 (C)
Elemental Vision #097 (C)
Emerald Acidspewer #203 (C)
Emerald Captain #204 (C)
Emerald Emissary #205 (U)
Emerald Lifewarden #206 (U)
Emerald Soldier #207 (C)
Emerald Tree Warder #208 (C)
Emerald Wanderer #209 (C)
Enduring Winter #053 (R)
Entangling Growth #034 (C)
Eranikus #210 (R)
Etched Dragonbone Girdle #221 (U)
Excessive Force #088 (C)
Execute #116 (C)
Extinguish #054 (U)
Exxi the Windshaper #171 (R)
Faerie Fire #035 (U)
Fear #105 (C)
Fel Blaze #106 (U)
Fenton Guardmont #136 (C)
Finding the Source #259 (C)
Fire Blast #055 (C)
Flare #047 (C)
Flash Heal #076 (C)
Flourish #036 (U)
Frek Snipelix #172 (U)
Frenzy #027 (U)
Frost Wave #056 (C)
Frostfire Bolt #057 (U)
Frozen Nerves #058 (C)
Furan Rookbane #137 (C)
Garet Vice #138 (C)
Gerana Sparkfist #139 (C)
Gilneas #269 (R)
Gispax the Mixologist #173 (R)
Gorz Blazefist #174 (C)
Gouge #089 (C)
Grazzle Grubhook #175 (C)
Grim Campfire #231 (R)
Grip of the Damned #028 (C)
Grizlik Sparkhex #012 (U)
Guardian Steelhoof #176 (C)
Gutbuster #241 (R)
Haedis #005 (U)
Heroic Impulse #117 (C)
Hersir's Greatspear #242 (U)
Hira #140 (C)
Holy Light #068 (C)
Huruk Lightvow #177 (C)
Incapacitate #090 (U)
Jaenel #006 (U)
Jai Dawnsteel #013 (U)
Jarrod Gravon #141 (U)
Jezziki Shinebog #178 (C)
Jhuunash #107 (R)
Jinie Swizzleshade #142 (C)
Juggernaut #118 (R)
Jumo'zin #014 (U)
Kadus Frosthand #007 (U)
Kalek Deepearth #143 (C)
Kentro Slade #144 (R)
Kerzok Plixboom #179 (U)
King Genn Greymane #145 (E)
Kirjen Fizzgar #146 (C)
Kistix Shockvat #180 (C)
Kloxx Dedrix #181 (C)
Koeus #147 (C)
Korialstrasz #211 (R)
Laenthor Shademoon #148 (C)
Landon Dunavin #182 (C)
Landro's Lil' XT #220 (U)
Leader of the Pack #251 (R)
Lightning Bolt #098 (C)
Locked Away #262 (C)
Lockjaw #243 (U)
Loriam Argos #149 (C)
Lost Isles #270 (R)
Magni, the Mountain King #150 (E)
Mahna Lightsky #183 (U)
Malaxia Wizwhirl #015 (U)
Mana Diamond #059 (R)
Mana Shift #060 (R)
Marcus Dominar #151 (C)
Marius Jator #152 (U)
Mark of the Untamed #037 (U)
Mottled Drake #219 (E)
Muddle #108 (U)
Mystery Goo #265 (C)
Nami Dabpox #153 (C)
Nature Resistance Totem #099 (U)
Nature's Fury #038 (R)
Neboz Tombwex #184 (U)
Nether Inversion #109 (C)
Nightstalker Austen #154 (C)
Onnekra Bloodfang #185 (C)
Onslaught #119 (R)
Oppress #077 (C)
Orkahn of Orgrimmar #186 (U)
Oruk Starstorm #187 (C)
Path of Frost #029 (C)
Peter Hottelet #008 (U)
Pixia Darkmist #155 (C)
Polished Breastplate of Valor #222 (R)
Power Word: Preservation #078 (C)
Power Word: Shelter #079 (U)
Prized Beastmaster's Mantle #223 (R)
Psychic Wail #080 (U)
Pyromancer Davins #156 (R)
Raging Shout #120 (U)
Ramaladni's Blade of Cunning #244 (R)
Reawakening #039 (R)
Rejuvenation #040 (C)
Rekwa Proudhorn #016 (U)
Repentance #069 (R)
Repurposed Lava Dredger #245 (R)
Ripple #061 (U)
Robe of the Waking Nightmare #224 (U)
Rocket Barrage #126 (U)
Rolan Phoenix #157 (R)
Rolling Thunder #100 (R)
Rosalyne von Erantor #188 (U)
Ruby Blazewing #212 (U)
Ruby Emissary #213 (U)
Ruby Enforcer #214 (C)
Ruby Flameblade #215 (C)
Ruby Protector #216 (C)
Ruby Skyrazor #217 (C)
Ruby Stalker #218 (C)
Ruon Wildhoof #189 (C)
Sacred Shield #070 (U)
Sardok #110 (C)
Sava'gin the Reckless #190 (R)
Savage Bear Form #041 (C)
Savis Cindur #158 (C)
Seal Fate #091 (R)
Seal of Wrath #071 (R)
Searing Pain #111 (R)
Seeping Shadows #081 (R)
Shanis Bladefall #159 (C)
Skinned Whelp Shoulders #225 (U)
Spiritual Harmony #082 (C)
Spiritual Return #101 (R)
Stained Shadowcraft Tunic #226 (R)
Stakethrower #246 (U)
Stance Mastery #121 (R)
Stasis #072 (C)
Steady Shot #048 (U)
Steal Steel #092 (R)
Strangulate #030 (U)
Summoning Portal #112 (R)
Sura Lightningheart #191 (C)
Suvok Frozeneye #017 (U)
Swift Hand of Justice #232 (U)
Tattered Dreadmist Mantle #227 (R)
Telor Sunsurge #192 (C)
Terina Calin #160 (C)
Tesla #049 (C)
The Essence of Enmity #258 (C)
The Grimtotem Weapon #260 (C)
The Key to Freedom #261 (C)
The Mighty U'cha #264 (C)
The Torch of Retribution #266 (C)
The Witch's Bane #268 (C)
Thrandis the Venomous #193 (R)
Thunderous Challenge #122 (U)
Thunderstrike Weapon #102 (U)
Tilly Fiddlelight #009 (U)
Toz'jun #194 (C)
Track Dragonkin #050 (C)
Trade Prince Gallywix #195 (E)
Traxel Emberklik #196 (C)
Troggbane, Axe of the Frostborne King #247 (E)
Unholy Ground #031 (R)
Unstable Infusion #062 (C)
Vala Carville #197 (C)
Valerie Worfield #018 (U)
Varandas Silverleaf #161 (U)
Veline Bladestar #198 (C)
Venerable Mass of McGowan #248 (R)
Viciousness #125 (U)
Victor Baltus #010 (U)
Vigil of the Light #124 (E)
Vorix Zorbuzz #019 (U)
Wand of Ruby Claret #249 (C)
Warchief's Revenge #252 (R)
Warmace of Menethil #250 (R)
Watchman Visi #162 (C)
Wazix Blonktop #163 (C)
What's Haunting Witch Hill? #267 (C)
Wing Clip #051 (C)
Withering Decay #032 (U)
Wrath #042 (C)
Wyrmwing Treads #228 (U)
Wyvern Sting #052 (R)
Ysera the Dreamer #022 (E)
Yuna Sunridge #020 (U)
Zakis Trickstab #199 (C)
Zerzu #200 (C)
Zulanji #201 (C)
Zulbraka #202 (C)
Zuur #164 (C)
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