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Dungeon Foil Treasure Cards
Home   By Name   Hot Deals   Popularity   Printable
ImageName Low $Mid $High $
Admiral Ripsnarl #023 (Rare)
Aegis of the Scarlet Commander #037 (Uncommon)
Alexandros Mograine #024 (Epic)
Arced War Axe #045 (Uncommon)
Archmage Arugal #025 (Epic)
Baron Ashbury #026 (Rare)
Battle for the Scarlet Monastery #055 (Common)
Bestial Instinct #001 (Common)
Bloodfang Berserker #011 (Common)
Butcher's Cleaver #046 (Common)
Buzzer Blade #047 (Uncommon)
Captain Cookie #034 (Epic)
Chain of the Scarlet Crusade #038 (Uncommon)
Cookie's Tenderizer #048 (Common)
Cover of the Light #002 (Common)
Crime Scene Alarm-o-Bot #012 (Common)
Deadman's Hand #042 (Common)
Deathstalker Commander Belmont #017 (Uncommon)
Defias Brotherhood Vest #039 (Uncommon)
Dog Whistle #043 (Common)
Earthen Guidance #003 (Common)
Edwin VanCleef #027 (Epic)
Emberstone Staff #049 (Uncommon)
Executioner's Strikes #004 (Common)
Faithful Prayer #005 (Common)
Fel Steed Saddlebags #044 (Common)
Focused Flames #006 (Common)
Forsaken Blightspreader #018 (Common)
Forsken Royal Dreadguard #019 (Common)
Hand of Frost #007 (Common)
Hand of Righteousness #050 (Common)
Herod, The Scarlet Champion #028 (Uncommon)
High Inquisitor Whitemane #029 (Rare)
High Warlord Cromush #020 (Uncommon)
Kagtha #021 (Uncommon)
Lieutenant Horatio Laine #013 (Uncommon)
Lord Godfrey #030 (Epic)
Mercenary Dominic #031 (Uncommon)
Meteor Shard #051 (Rare)
Mining Monkey #035 (Common)
Mograine's Might #052 (Uncommon)
Nether Blast #008 (Common)
Odo's Ley Staff #053 (Common)
Packleader Ivar Bloodfang #014 (Uncommon)
Phantom Armor #040 (Common)
Poison Tipped #009 (Common)
Prototype Reaper #036 (Common)
Robes of Arugal #041 (Uncommon)
Scarlet Commander Renault Mograine #032 (Epic)
Scarlet Monastery #059 (Rare)
Scarlet Renegade #015 (Common)
Shadowfang Keep #060 (Rare)
Shattered Hand Assassin #022 (Common)
Smite's Reaver #054 (Rare)
Stargaze #010 (Common)
Stormwind Investigator #016 (Common)
The Dark Side of the Light #056 (Common)
The Deadmines #058 (Rare)
The Defias Kingpin #057 (Common)
Vanessa VanCleef #033 (Rare)
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