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Aessina's Boon #005 (R)
Alex Iskandar #039 (U)
Amani Venom-Axe #062 (R)
Arcane Enlightenment #012 (R)
Archimonde, Hand of Sargeras #053 (E)
Bad Seed #006 (U)
Bolster #016 (C)
Boltaar, Shield of Velen #040 (R)
Brazen Theft #024 (U)
Breastplate of the Queen's Guard #055 (U)
Bristleblitz Striker #063 (U)
Cataclysm's Edge #064 (E)
Choker of Serrated Blades #060 (R)
Dark Dissolution #001 (U)
Darkflame #031 (C)
Dathrohan's Ceremonial Hammer #065 (R)
Demonic Pact #032 (R)
Dirty Distraction #025 (C)
Earthen Burst #027 (C)
Eruption Trap #009 (C)
Flamesoul Weapon #028 (C)
Freeze Out #002 (C)
Get Down! #035 (U)
Ghoulish Epidemic #003 (R)
Gor'la Wrathbolt #046 (U)
Greaves of the Martyr #056 (U)
Grievous Wounds #036 (C)
Guardian's Shield #017 (R)
Hammer of Atonement #066 (E)
Hand of Retribution #018 (U)
Hellfire-Encased Pendant #061 (R)
High Arcanist Eldrissa #041 (E)
Hunting Preparations #010 (C)
Icy Impediment #013 (C)
Jaina's Staff #067 (E)
Katu Lion's-Claw #047 (U)
Kaz'rogal's Hardened Heart #057 (R)
Light's Embrace #019 (C)
Lorraina the Red Harbinger #048 (R)
Mallory the Maniacal #042 (R)
Mannoroth the Flayer #054 (R)
March of the Treants #007 (C)
Mass Revival #020 (C)
Nordrassil Scout #044 (C)
Northshire Guardian #043 (C)
Pacify #021 (R)
Peroth'arn's Belt #058 (U)
Psychic Duress #022 (U)
Raging Earth Elemental Totem #029 (U)
Razor Hill Lout #049 (C)
Reverse Polarity #014 (C)
Rioriel Whitefeather #045 (U)
Robes of Rhonin #059 (U)
Salvo #011 (R)
Shadow Strikes #026 (R)
Shattering Strike #037 (C)
Soul Binding #033 (U)
Spy of Kilrogg #034 (C)
Sunhoof Consecrator #050 (C)
Swirling Flames #015 (U)
The Unbreakable Will #070 (R)
Thornwood Staff #068 (R)
Torkar the Bloodsworn #051 (R)
Totemic Infusion #030 (E)
Tracker's Blade #069 (C)
Tribulation #004 (C)
Umbral Assault #023 (C)
Veteran's Tactics #038 (R)
Vorn, Hand of Baine #052 (E)
Wild Swipes #008 (C)
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