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Clone Wars Tactics
ImageName Low $Mid $High $
38th Armored Division AT-TE #U012 (U)
38th Armored Division Clone Artillery Cannon #U008 (U)
38th Armored Division Republic Attack Shuttle #U011 (U)
38th Armored Division Republic Gunship #U003 (C)
38th Armored Division SPHA-T #U016 (R)
501st Legion Clone Artillery Cannon #U015 (R)
Ahsoka #C053 (R)
Ambush #C001 (C)
Anakin Skywalker #C054 (R)
Asajj Ventress #C055 (R)
Blue Squadron V-19 Torrent #U010 (U)
Blue Squadron Y-Wing #U007 (U)
C-3PO #C021 (U)
Captain Argyus #C041 (R)
Captain Rex #C057 (R)
Captured Senator #C018 (C)
Captured Separatist #C019 (C)
Clankers #C002 (C)
Clone Commander Cody #C042 (R)
Commander Gree #C043 (R)
Critical Information #C038 (U)
D22 Division Tank Droid #U005 (C)
Darth Sidious #C058 (R)
Denal #C022 (U)
Elusive Target #C003 (C)
EMP Grenade #C004 (C)
Energy Shield #C048 (R)
Entrenched Position #C005 (C)
Explosive Charges #C020 (C)
Fighter Squadron #C006 (C)
General Grievous #C059 (R)
General Loathsom #C044 (R)
Gha Nachkt #C045 (R)
Hyperspace Ring #C023 (U)
Infiltration #C024 (U)
Intimidating Target #C025 (U)
Jar Jar's Luck #C007 (C)
Jedi Deflection #C008 (C)
Jedi Valor #C026 (U)
Jek #C027 (U)
K33 Division Hailfire Droid #U014 (R)
K33 Division Tri-Droid #U013 (R)
King Katuunko #C009 (C)
Laser Beak #C028 (U)
Last Stand #C010 (C)
Lieutenant Hawk #C029 (U)
Lieutenant Thire #C030 (U)
Listening Post #C039 (U)
Luminara Unduli #C056 (R)
Luminara Unduli's Jedi Starfighter #U018 (R)
Medical Station #C049 (R)
Military Secrets #C040 (U)
Missile Launcher #C031 (U)
Missile Strike #C032 (U)
Nimble Craft #C011 (C)
Obi-Wan Kenobi #C033 (U)
Onaconda Farr #C012 (C)
Orders Artillery Strike #C050 (R)
Orders Reconnaissance #C051 (R)
Padme Amidala #C060 (R)
Procurer Lucrehulk-Class Battleship #U017 (R)
R18 Division Droid Stap #U006 (C)
R2-D2 #C046 (R)
Retail Droid #C013 (C)
Rolling Death Balls #C034 (U)
Rys #C035 (U)
Sanctuary III Republic Medical Frigate #U009 (U)
Senate Guard #C014 (C)
Solar Storm #C052 (R)
Spotting Team #C036 (U)
Stick-Tinnies #C015 (C)
Strike Team #C016 (C)
T81 Division AAT #U004 (C)
TB-2 #C037 (U)
Weapons Platform #C017 (C)
Yoda #C047 (R)
Z90 Division Hailfire Droid #U002 (C)
Z90 Division Tri-Droid #U001 (C)
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