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Battle Decks
ImageName Low $Mid $High $
Ambush Scorpion #34 (Common)
Aqua Seneschal #1 (Common)
Blaze Belcher #23 (Common)
Bone Blades #11 (Common)
Brain Squirmer #12 (Common)
Brave Giant #35 (Uncommon)
Bronze-Arm Tribe #36 (Common)
Comet Missle #24 (Common)
Death Smoke #13 (Uncommon)
Draglide the Swiftest #25 (Common)
Dream Pirate #14 (Uncommon)
Essence Elf #37 (Uncommon)
Flametropus #26 (Rare)
Frogzooka #2 (Uncommon)
Fumes #15 (Common)
Gatling Skyterror #27 (Common)
Gigargon #16 (Rare)
Grave Worm Hatchling #17 (Common)
Horrid Stinger #18 (Uncommon)
Hydro Spy #3 (Uncommon)
Hydrobot Crab #4 (Uncommon)
Ice Blade #5 (Common)
King Nautilus #60 (Very Rare)
King Pontias #7 (Uncommon)
Little Hissy #28 (Uncommon)
Overcharge #29 (Uncommon)
Pyro Trooper #30 (Common)
Raging Goliant #38 (Uncommon)
Razorkinder #S1 (Super Rare)
Reef-Eye #8 (Common)
Return to the Soil #39 (Common)
Roaming Bloodmane #40 (Very Rare)
Rock Bite #31 (Common)
Root Trap #41 (Rare)
Rumbling Terrasaur #42 (Common)
Simian Trooper Grash #32 (Common)
Skeeter Swarmer #19 (Common)
Skull Cutter #20 (Common)
Sprout #43 (Common)
Spy Mission #9 (Uncommon)
Tatsurion #S2 (Super Rare)
Teleport #10 (Uncommon)
Terror Pit #21 (Rare)
Tornado Flame #33 (Rare)
Zagaan the Bone Knight #22 (Rare)
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