Image | Name
| Low $ | Mid $ | High $ | |
Aeris, Flight Elemental #006 (Rare)
| Good
Alcadeias, Lord of Spirits #001 (Very Rare)
| Good
Amber Grass #007 (Common)
| Good
Ancient Giant #048 (Rare)
| Good
Aqua Guard #019 (Common)
| Good
Aqua Jolter #020 (Common)
| Good
Astral Warper #002 (Very Rare)
| Good
Ballom, Master of Death #S03 (Super Rare)
| Good
Blasto, Explosive Soldier #040 (Common)
| Good
Cannon Shell #049 (Common)
| Good
Chains of Sacrifice #027 (Rare)
| Good
Chaotic Skyterror #041 (Rare)
| Good
Clone Factory #021 (Common)
| Good
Darkpact #028 (Common)
| Good
Dew Mushroom #050 (Uncommon)
| Good
Doboulgyser, Giant Rock Beast #004 (Very Rare)
| Good
Exploding Cactus #051 (Common)
| Good
Fu Reil, Seeker of Storms #008 (Uncommon)
| Good
Full Defensor #009 (Rare)
| Good
Galklife Dragon #S04 (Super Rare)
| Good
Gigabolver #029 (Uncommon)
| Good
Gregoria, Princess of War #030 (Rare)
| Good
Gregorian Worm #031 (Common)
| Good
Gulan Rias, Speed Guardian #010 (Common)
| Good
Hunter Cluster #022 (Uncommon)
| Good
Hydro Hurricane #023 (Rare)
| Good
Kamikaze, Chainsaw Warrior #042 (Common)
| Good
Keeper of the Sunlit Abyss #024 (Common)
| Good
King Aquakamui #S02 (Super Rare)
| Good
Kolon, the Oracle #011 (Common)
| Good
Locomotiver #032 (Uncommon)
| Good
Magmarex #043 (Rare)
| Good
Marinomancer #025 (Rare)
| Good
Mega Detonator #044 (Rare)
| Good
Milieus, the Daystretcher #012 (Uncommon)
| Good
Missile Boy #045 (Uncommon)
| Good
Mist Rias, Sonic Guardian #013 (Uncommon)
| Good
Mongrel Man #033 (Uncommon)
| Good
Mystic Inscription #052 (Rare)
| Good
Niofa, Horned Protector #S05 (Super Rare)
| Good
Ouks, Vizier of Restoration #014 (Rare)
| Good
Photocide, Lord of the Wastes #034 (Rare)
| Good
Pippie Kuppie #046 (Common)
| Good
Purple Piercer #035 (Common)
| Good
Re Bil, Seeker of Archery #015 (Uncommon)
| Good
Rimuel, Cloudbreak Elemental #S01 (Super Rare)
| Good
Sarius, Vizier of Suppression #016 (Common)
| Good
Screaming Sunburst #017 (Uncommon)
| Good
Shadow Moon, Cursed Shade #036 (Common)
| Good
Skeleton Thief, the Revealer #037 (Common)
| Good
Smile Angler #026 (Rare)
| Good
Soul Gulp #038 (Uncommon)
| Good
Supporting Tulip #005 (Very Rare)
| Good
Sword of Benevolent Life #053 (Rare)
| Good
Sword of Malevolent Death #047 (Uncommon)
| Good
Three-Eyed Dragonfly #054 (Uncommon)
| Good
Torcon #055 (Common)
| Good
Trox, General of Destruction #003 (Very Rare)
| Good
Volcano Smog, Deceptive Shade #039 (Uncommon)
| Good
Whisking Whirlwind #018 (Common)
| Good