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ImageName Low $Mid $High $
Black Armor Breaker #001
Black Bear Hug #086
Black Conquering Plan #002
Black Double Palm Blasts #003
Black Downward Slam #087
Black Finger Charge #047
Black Fingertip Laser #088
Black Frog Adoration #048
Black Full Nelson #049
Black Ki Build Up #050
Black Mouth Beam #004
Black Tail Bite #005
Blue Aggressive Strike #051
Blue Cheap Shot #089
Blue Confrontation #006
Blue Energy Explosion #052
Blue Escaping Burst #090
Blue Gathering #091
Blue Heavy Punch #007
Blue Knee #008
Blue Motherly Anger #053
Blue Raging Attack #009
Blue Standoff #092
Blue Teamwork #010
Burter - Evil Captor #011
Burter - Ginyu Force Member #012
Burter's Pose #013
Burter's Purple Spiral Flash Attack #014
Captain Ginyu - Ginyu Force Leader #054
Captain Ginyu's Milky Cannon #093
Captain Ginyu's Pose #015
Dende - Namekian Healer #094
Dende's Healing #016
Frieza - Crazed Conquerer #095
Frieza - Destroyer of Namek #055
Frieza's Razor-Sharp Disc #096
Gohan - Dragon Ball Protector #017
Gohan - Experienced Youngster #056
Gohan's Furious Swipe #097
Goku - Super Saiyan At Last #098
Goku's Spirit Bomb #099
Guldo - Ginyu Force Member #100
Guldo - Time Freeze Master #018
Guldo's Time Freeze #019
Guldo's Tree Skewer #101
Help From The Past #057
Jeice - Ginyu Force Member #102
Jeice - Spirited Villain #020
Jeice's Fire Crusher Ball #021
Jeice's Pose #022
Krillin - Confident Human #023
Krillin - Ki Empowered #024
Krillin's Solar Flare #025
mekian Surprise Attack #032
Nail - Namekian Hero #058
Nail - Vision of Namek #059
Nail's Determined Chop #060
Nail's Resolve #026
Namek Dragon Ball 1 #027
Namek Dragon Ball 2 #028
Namek Dragon Ball 3 #061
Namek Dragon Ball 4 #062
Namek Dragon Ball 5 #063
Namek Dragon Ball 6 #103
Namek Dragon Ball 7 #104
Namekian Assistance #029
Namekian Collection #105
Namekian Elbow Slam #064
Namekian Enraged Attack #065
Namekian Helpless Burst #106
Namekian Left Hit #030
Namekian Multi-Blasts #066
Namekian Straight Beam #031
Namekian Surprise And Shock #067
Namekian Tragedy #107
Orange Back Kick #033
Orange Containment Ball #108
Orange Entertainment #068
Orange Forceful Blast #034
Orange Impending Strength #109
Orange Interrupting Strike #110
Orange Intimidation #069
Orange Motherly Determination #035
Orange Power Transfer #111
Orange Reflections #036
Orange Twisting Kick #070
Orange Two-Handed Burst #071
Piccolo - Hope's Protector #037
Piccolo - Relentless Battler #072
Piccolo's Fusion #038
Pose For The Fans #112
Recoome - Ginyu Force Member #039
Recoome - Hulking Brute #040
Recoome's Boom #113
Recoome's Pose #073
Red Bodyguards #074
Red Conflict #075
Red Diving Headbutt #076
Red Double Team #041
Red Easy Block #114
Red Energy Swirl #077
Red Flurry Shots #042
Red Intense Beam #115
Red Left Hook #043
Red Nightmare #116
Red Relentless Assault #078
Red Training #044
Saiyan Back Break #079
Saiyan Back Smash #045
Saiyan Explosive Sphere #046
Saiyan Face Treatment #117
Saiyan Leaping Knee #080
Saiyan Memories #118
Saiyan Palm Blast #081
Saiyan Rage #119
Saiyan Revenge Attack #120
Saiyan Shout #082
Saiyan Visions #083
Vegeta - Fueled By Hate #121
Vegeta - Petulant Youngster #084
Vegeta's Enraged Shot #085
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