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Borka Kegslyer #71021 (Warlock)
Calandra Truthsayer Oracle of the Glimmerwood #71035 (Warlock)
Captain Gunnerbjorn #71045 (Warlock)
Grim Angus #71020 (Warlock)
Grissel Bloodsong #71005 (Warlock)
Grissel Bloodsong Marshal of the Kriels #71060 (Warlock)
Hoarluck Doomshaper #71002 (Warlock)
Hoarluck Doomshaper Rage of Dhunia #71034 (Warlock)
Hunters Grim #71070 (Warlock)
Jarl Skuld Devil of the Thornwood #71059 (Warlock)
Madrak Ironhide Thornwood Chieftan (variant) #71056 (Warlock)
Madrak Ironhide World Ender #71033 (Warlock)
Trollblood Warpack Set #71001 (Warlock)
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