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Bounty Hunters
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4-Lom, Bounty Hunter #032 (R)
Aqualish Assassin #015 (C)
Ayy Vida #016 (R)
Basilisk War Droid #054 (U)
Bib Fortuna #017 (R)
Bith Black Sun Vigo #018 (U)
Boba Fett, Bounty Hunter #019 (VR)
BoShek #020 (R)
Bossk, Bounty Hunter #021 (R)
Boushh #022 (R)
Calo Nord #023 (R)
Chewbacca with C-3PO #006 (VR)
Commerce Guild Homing Spider Droid #002 (U)
Corellian Pirate #024 (U)
Corporate Alliance Tank Droid #003 (U)
Dannik Jerriko #025 (VR)
Dark Hellion Marauder on Swoop Bike #026 (U)
Dark Hellion Swoop Gang Member #027 (C)
Defel Spy #028 (C)
Dengar, Bounty Hunter #029 (R)
Djas Puhr #030 (R)
Droid Starfighter in Walking Mode #004 (R)
E522 Assassin Droid #031 (U)
Gamorrean Thug #033 (C)
Garindan #034 (R)
Han Solo, Scoundrel #007 (VR)
Huge Crab Droid #005 (U)
Human Blaster-For-Hire #035 (C)
IG-88, Bounty Hunter #036 (VR)
ISP Speeder #001 (R)
Jango Fett, Bounty Hunter #037 (VR)
Klatooine Hunter #038 (C)
Komari Vosa #039 (R)
Lord Vader #013 (VR)
Luke Skywalker of Dagobah #008 (R)
Mandalore the Indomitable #055 (VR)
Mandalorian Blademaster #056 (U)
Mandalorian Commander #057 (U)
Mandalorian Soldier #058 (C)
Mandalorian Supercommando #059 (U)
Mandalorian Warrior #060 (C)
Mistryl Shadow Guard #040 (U)
Mustafarian Flea Rider #041 (R)
Mustafarian Soldier #042 (C)
Nikto Gunner on Desert Skiff #043 (VR)
Nym #044 (VR)
Princess Leia, Hoth Commander #009 (R)
Quarren Bounty Hunter #045 (C)
Rebel Captain #010 (U)
Rebel Heavy Trooper #011 (U)
Rebel Snowspeeder #012 (U)
Rodian Hunt Master #046 (U)
Talon Karrde #014 (VR)
Tamtel Skree, Lando Calrissian #047 (VR)
Tusken Raider Sniper #048 (C)
Utapaun on Dactillion #049 (R)
Weequay Leader #050 (U)
Weequay Thug #051 (C)
Young Krayt Dragon #052 (VR)
Zuckuss #053 (R)
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