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Alliance and Empire
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Admiral Piatt #024 (R)
Advance Agent, Officer #058 (U)
Advance Scout #059 (C)
Aurra Sing, Jedi Hunter #002 (VR)
Biggs Darklighter #003 (VR)
Boba Fett, Enforcer #038 (VR)
C-3PO and R2-D2 #005 (R)
Chadra-Fan Pickpocket #039 (U)
Chewbacca, Enraged Wookiee #004 (R)
Darth Vader, Imperial Commander #025 (VR)
Death Star Gunner #026 (U)
Death Star Trooper #027 (C)
Duros Explorer #040 (C)
Elite Hoth Trooper #006 (C)
Ephant Mon #041 (VR)
Ewok Hang Glider #042 (R)
Ewok Warrior #043 (C)
Gamorrean Guard #044 (C)
Han Solo in Stormtrooper Armor #008 (R)
Han Solo on Tauntaun #009 (VR)
Han Solo, Rogue #007 (R)
Heavy Stormtrooper #028 (U)
Human Force Adept #045 (C)
Imperial Governor Tarkin #029 (R)
Imperial Officer #030 (U)
Ithorian Commander #010 (U)
Jabba, Crime Lord #046 (VR)
Jawa on Ronto #047 (VR)
Jawa Trader #048 (U)
Lando Calrissian, Dashing Scoundrel #049 (R)
Luke Skywalker, Champion of the Force #011 (VR)
Luke Skywalker, Hero of Yavin #012 (R)
Lukes Landspeeder #013 (VR)
Mara Jade, Jedi #037 (R)
Mon Calamari Tech Specialist #014 (C)
Nikto Soldier #050 (C)
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Spirit #015 (VR)
Princess Leia #016 (R)
Quinlan Vos, Infiltrator #001 (VR)
Rampaging Wampa #051 (VR)
Rebel Commando #017 (C)
Rebel Commando Strike Leader #018 (U)
Rebel Leader #019 (U)
Rebel Pilot #020 (C)
Rebel Trooper #021 (U)
Rodian Scoundrel #052 (U)
Scout Trooper #031 (U)
Snivvian Fringer #053 (C)
Snowtrooper #032 (C)
Storm Commando #033 (R)
Stormtrooper #034 (C)
Stormtrooper Officer #035 (U)
Stormtrooper on Repulsor Sled #036 (VR)
Talz Spy #054 (U)
Trandoshan Mercenary #055 (U)
Tusken Raider #056 (C)
Twilek Rebel Agent #022 (U)
Wicket #057 (R)
Wookie Freedom Fighter #023 (C)
Yomi Carr #060 (R)
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