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Jungle of Despair
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ImageName Low $Mid $High $
Apparatus Of The Octopus #045 (R)
Astradaemon #044 (R)
Azata Knight #035 (R)
Azata Wilder #005 (C)
Clay Golem #030 (U)
Couatl #029 (U)
Creeper Vine #017 (U)
Dryad #003 (C)
Dwarf Explorer #037 (R)
Eagle #014 (U)
Elf Assassin #018 (U)
Elf Druid #013 (C)
Giant Ant #006 (C)
Giant Leech #008 (C)
Gongorinan Qlippoth #033 (R)
Hollow Serpent #041 (R)
Human Arcanist #038 (R)
Human Hunter #021 (U)
Human Paladin Commander #039 (R)
Human Ranger #036 (R)
Hydra #051 (R)
Infectious Qlippoth #032 (U)
Kirin #043 (R)
Lion #027 (U)
Magic Anvil #046 (R)
Metal Cobra #004 (C)
Mold Runt #002 (C)
Morlock #007 (C)
Morlock Cleric #020 (U)
Murder Vine #025 (U)
Nymph #009 (C)
Pit Trap #047 (R)
Pixie #001 (C)
Ravenous Qlippoth #024 (U)
River Drake #010 (C)
Sabosan #011 (C)
Serpentfolk Cleric #023 (U)
Serpentfolk Hunter #012 (C)
Serpentfolk Rogue #022 (U)
Serpentfolk Wizard #040 (R)
Shambler #026 (U)
Skull Pole #048 (R)
Summoning Pillar #049 (R)
Tanuki #019 (U)
Thrall Of Angazhan #031 (U)
Thulgant Qlippoth #042 (R)
Tiger #028 (U)
Trunk Chest #050 (R)
Venom Daemon #034 (R)
Vulture #015 (U)
Winged Chupacabra #016 (U)
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