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I Chomp NY
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ImageName Low $Mid $High $
Bellower #045 (U)
C-Type Shinobi #013 (C)
Chomper #037 (C)
Corrupter #029 (C)
Elite Bellower #046 (R)
Elite C-Type Shinobi #014 (U)
Elite Chomper #038 (R)
Elite Corrupter #030 (U)
Elite G1 Strike Fighter #024 (R)
Elite Ion Cannon Tank #022 (U)
Elite Katana #016 (R)
Elite Marauder #006 (U)
Elite Pteradactix #048 (U)
Elite Reaper #008 (R)
Elite Scorcher #040 (U)
Elite Snatcher #032 (R)
G1 Strike Fighter #023 (U)
Imperial State Building #050 (R)
Insurance Company HQ #051 (U)
Ion Cannon Tank #021 (C)
Katana #015 (C)
Laser Knight #017 (R)
Marauder #005 (C)
Morgroth #025 (R)
Nova ESR #019 (R)
Phobos #001 (R)
Pteradactix #047 (C)
Pteradax #041 (R)
Rakadon #043 (R)
Reaper #007 (U)
Scorcher #039 (C)
Snatcher #031 (U)
Statue of Liberty #052 (R)
Tharsis #003 (R)
The Crystalline Building #049 (R)
Ulgoth #027 (R)
Ultra Laser Knight #018 (R)
Ultra Laser Knight and Laser Knight Play Set #018PS (R)
Ultra Morgroth #026 (R)
Ultra Morgroth and Morgroth Play Set #026PS (R)
Ultra Nova ESR #020 (R)
Ultra Nova ESR and Nova ESR Play Set #020PS (R)
Ultra Phobos #002 (R)
Ultra Phobos and Phobos Play Set #002PS (R)
Ultra Pteradax #042 (R)
Ultra Pteradax and Peteradax Play Set #042PS (R)
Ultra Rakadon #044 (R)
Ultra Rakadon and Rakadon Play Set #044PS (R)
Ultra Tharsis #004 (R)
Ultra Tharsis and Tharsis Play Set #004PS (R)
Ultra Ulgoth #028 (R)
Ultra Ulgoth and Ulgoth Play Set #028PS (R)
Ultra Xaxor #034 (R)
Ultra Xaxor and Xaxor Play Set #034PS (R)
Ultra Zor-Magna #010 (R)
Ultra Zor-Magna and Zor-Magna Play Set #010PS (R)
Ultra Zor-Voltis #012 (R)
Ultra Zor-Voltis and Zor-Voltis Play Set #012PS (R)
Ultra Zorog #036 (R)
Ultra Zorog and Zorog Play Set #036PS (R)
Xaxor #033 (R)
Zor-Magna #009 (R)
Zor-Voltis #011 (R)
Zorog #035 (R)
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