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Tomb of Annihilation
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ImageName Low $Mid $High $
Acererak #038 (R)
Acererak (Invisible) #i38 (VR)
Aldani #013 (C)
Aldani #017 (U)
Artus Cimber #022 (U)
Artus Cimber (Invisible) #i22 (VR)
Asharra #023 (U)
Asharra (Invisible) #i23 (VR)
Bariri Goblin #002 (C)
Bariri Goblin #015 (U)
Chultan Zombie #009 (C)
Couatl #037 (R)
Couatl (Invisible) #i37 (VR)
Dao #025 (U)
Dao #25b (U)
Draegloth #042 (R)
Dragonbait #039 (R)
Dragonbait (Invisible) #i39 (VR)
Duodrone #019 (U)
Firenewt #012 (C)
Firenewt #12b (C)
Giant Four-Armed Gargoyle #044 (R)
Giant Scorpion #029 (U)
Girallon #031 (U)
Human Druid #7b (C)
Kamadan #027 (U)
Mantrap #030 (U)
Marilith #041 (R)
Merrow #026 (U)
Merrow #26b (U)
Minsc and Boo #040 (R)
Minsc and Boo (Invisible) #i40 (VR)
Monodrone #010 (C)
Nanny Pu'Pu #036 (R)
Nanny Pu'Pu (Invisible) #i36 (VR)
Nothic #035 (R)
Nycaloth #032 (U)
Nycaloth #32b (U)
Orc #008 (C)
Orc #8b (C)
Pterafolk #028 (U)
Qawasha #007 (C)
Qawasha (Invisible) #i7 (VR)
Ras Nsi #033 (R)
Redcap #001 (C)
Skeleton #016 (U)
Skeleton #16b (U)
Skeleton Key #006 (C)
Skeleton Key #6b (C)
Skeleton Key #6c (C)
Stone Juggernaut #043 (R)
Su-Monster #011 (C)
Tabaxi Hunter #21b (U)
Tabaxi Minstrel #021 (U)
Tomb and Traps Premium Set #045 (R)
Ultroloth #034 (R)
Ultroloth (Invisible) #i34 (VR)
Valindra Shadowmantle #018 (U)
Valindra Shadowmantle (Invisible) #i18 (VR)
Vegepygmy #003 (C)
Vegepygmy Chief #014 (U)
Velociraptor #005 (C)
Velociraptor #5b (C)
Wearbear #020 (U)
Wearbear #20b (U)
Yuan-Ti Broodguard #024 (U)
Zorbo #004 (C)
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