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Savage Encounters
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Adult Gray Dragon #001 (R)
Adult Purple Dragon #002 (R)
Angel of Valor Legionnaire #003 (U)
Black Slaad #004 (R)
Bloodspike Behemoth #005 (R)
Bodak Skulk #006 (U)
Bullywug Guard #007 (C)
Bullywug Mud Lord #008 (R)
Death Giant #009 (R)
Death Knight (Dragonborn Paladin) #010 (R)
Deathrattle Viper #011 (C)
Drider Fanglord #012 (U)
Foulspawn Berserker #013 (U)
Githyanki Gish #014 (U)
Githyanki Mindslicer #015 (R)
Goblin Skullcleaver #016 (C)
Goblin Wolf Rider #017 (U)
Gray Slaad #018 (U)
Graz'zt #019 (R)
Greenvise Vine #020 (U)
Hobgoblin Hand of Bane #021 (R)
Human Outrider #022 (U)
Inhabited Corpse #023 (C)
Legion Devil Legionnaire #024 (C)
Marilith #025 (R)
Nightwalker #026 (R)
Norker #027 (C)
Rat Swarm #028 (C)
Rockfire Dreadnought #029 (U)
Salamander Archer #030 (U)
Savage Minotaur #031 (U)
Shardstorm Vortex #032 (U)
Skeletal Cyclops #033 (U)
Skeletal Tiefling #034 (C)
Sorrowsworn Reaper #035 (R)
Specter #036 (U)
Tiefling Necromancer #037 (R)
Vampire Guildmaster #038 (R)
Windfiend Fury #039 (R)
Zombie Hulk #040 (U)
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