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Night Fusion
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Acolyte of Pain #025
Ancient Valkyrie #001
Angelstar Shrine #002
Animated Standards #003
Armadillo Shieldbearer #004
Bewitching Assassin #049
Bladecape Vampire #026
Bliss #013
Blood Golem #037
Bloodcut Champion #050
Bloodcut Martyr #005
Bristleback Basher #038
Bubblesludge #014
Chronosphere #015
Copper Bloodcat #051
Crypt Koi #016
Dead of Night #027
Death Chanter #052
Deathhead #028
Deathwish Dragon #039
Demon Capo #029
Dragonship Golem #040
Dualist #053
Eggspewer #030
Escape Artist #017
Faceless Desperado #018
Fury Hunter #041
Gibbering Giant #019
Grave Spiker #031
Headhands #020
Hiveling Royal Guard #054
Hog Fairy #021
Infernal Shrieker #032
Kendra Vale #042
Knight of the Bronze Horn #006
Lady of the Flies #033
Mad Monkey Monk #043
Master Puppet #055
Nevret Flamer #022
Nightfire Giant #044
One-Man Army #056
Red Reaver #045
Reluctant Beast #046
Runetagged Initiate #007
Runner with Scissors #057
Scareclaw Skeleton #034
Silhouette of Death #035
Sir Wolven #008
Skull Punk #058
Soul Mine #047
Stained-Glass Angel #009
Sun Titan #059
Teethmauler #048
The Sweeper #036
Torture Chamber #023
Totem Lord #010
Tragicomic Gunslinger #024
Triskelion #060
Zungar Wayfinder #011
Zungar Winddancer #012
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