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Crafting Point Cards
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ImageName Low $Mid $High $
400 Point Bolt of Imbued Netherweave #029 (C)
400 Point Hardened Adamantite Bar #030 (C)
400 Point Heavy Knothide Leather #031 (C)
400 Point Khorium Bar #032 (C)
400 Point Miniaturizaion Gun #033 (C)
400 Point Primal Air #034 (C)
400 Point Primal Earth #035 (C)
400 Point Primal Fire #036 (C)
400 Point Primal Life #037 (C)
400 Point Primal Mana #038 (C)
400 Point Primal Nether #039 (C)
400 Point Primal Water #040 (C)
Arcane Dust #071 (C)
Bolt of Imbued Frostweave #050 (C)
Bolt of Imbued Nertherweave #001 (C)
Bolt of Soulcloth #026 (C)
Cobra Scales #002 (C)
Earthstorm Diamond #003 (C)
Ebonweave #045 (C)
Eternal Fire #072 (C)
Eternal Shadow #074 (C)
Eternal Water #073 (C)
Eternium Bar #004 (C)
Fel Hide #041 (C)
Fel Lotus #005 (C)
Felsteel Bar #006 (C)
Frozen Orb #046 (C)
Hardened Adamantite Bar #007 (C)
Hardened Adamantite Tube #027 (C)
Heart of Darkness #008 (C)
Heavy Borean Leather #075 (C)
Heavy Knothide Leather #009 (C)
Iceweb Spidersilk #060 (C)
Khorium Bar #010 (C)
Khorium Power Core #028 (C)
Large Prismatic Shard #077 (C)
Monarch Topaz #061 (C)
Nether Dragonscales #011 (C)
Nether Vortex #012 (C)
Primal Air #013 (C)
Primal Earth #014 (C)
Primal Fire #015 (C)
Primal Life #016 (C)
Primal Mana #017 (C)
Primal Nether #018 (C)
Primal Shadow #019 (C)
Primal Water #020 (C)
Pyrestone #047 (C)
Shadowcloth #021 (C)
Sirens Tear #062 (C)
Skyfire Diamond #022 (C)
Spellcloth #023 (C)
Sunsmote #042 (C)
Talasite #024 (C)
Titanium Bar #076 (C)
Warsong Gulch Blue Flag #044 (C)
Warsong Gulch Red Flag #043 (C)
Wind Scales #025 (C)
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