Image | Name
| Low $ | Mid $ | High $ | |
A Simple Wish #M01
Baby #176
Baby (Level 1) #278
Baby (Level 1) #254
Baby (Level 2) #279
Baby (Level 2) #255
Baby (Level 3) #280
Baby (Level 3) #256
Baby Gohan #101
Baby Goten #102
Baby Vegeta #177
Baby Vegeta (Level 1) #281
Baby Vegeta (Level 1) #257
Baby Vegeta (Level 2) #282
Baby Vegeta (Level 2) #258
Baby Vegeta (Level 3) #283
Baby Vegeta (Level 3) #259
Baby Vegeta's Flaming Death Ball #103
Baby Vegeta's Immobile Defense #010
Baby Vegeta's Viciousness #011
Baby Vegeta, Golden Oozaru #246
Baby's Breakout #104
Baby's Evil Plan #012
Baby's Liquidity #105
Baited! #M02
Black Agile Reaction #013
Black Broly Blast #M03
Black Buffer #014
Black Butterfingers #106
Black Combat Defense #015
Black Concealed Weaponry Drill #178
Black Coolness Drill #179
Black Covert Operations Drill #107
Black Crosscheck #247
Black Diamond Throw #M04
Black Elbow Block #108
Black Energetic Mastery #188
Black Energy Dodge #016
Black Firebreath #017
Black Flight #018
Black Full Force Impact #019
Black Geezer Patrol #180
Black Interruption #181
Black Laser Beams #020
Black Laser Dodge #021
Black Leadership Drill #182
Black Leapfrog #M05
Black Leg Drop #183
Black Opposition #109
Black Power Strike #110
Black Precise Aim #022
Black Rising Knee #111
Black Robot Wallop #023
Black Smoke Dragon #P05
Black Star Dragon Ball 1 #024
Black Star Dragon Ball 2 #025
Black Star Dragon Ball 3 #112
Black Star Dragon Ball 4 #113
Black Star Dragon Ball 5 #184
Black Star Dragon Ball 6 #185
Black Star Dragon Ball 7 #186
Black Straight Beam #P04
Black Style Mastery #187
Black Throwdown #189
Black Thwack #026
Black Torso Shift #027
Black Torture Hold #M06
Black Uber Blast #114
Blue Accelerated Volley #M07
Blue Announcer Drill #115
Blue Aversion #028
Blue Ball Control Drill #190
Blue Ball Gathering #191
Blue Body Manipulation #116
Blue Bone Crusher #M08
Blue Careen #M09
Blue Clobber #192
Blue Concentrated Blast #008
Blue Data Download #117
Blue Destruction Mastery #197
Blue Distorted Knee #029
Blue Double Barrel #030
Blue Draining Kamehameha #118
Blue Fallback #031
Blue Forced Impact #032
Blue Full Defense #033
Blue Gliding Shirk #034
Blue Hand Clasp #035
Blue Imminent Destruction #119
Blue Kamehameha #193
Blue Ki Burst #036
Blue Lofty Finesse #037
Blue Might Drill #194
Blue Narrow Escape #248
Blue Overhead Catch #M10
Blue Plea #120
Blue Power Absorption #038
Blue Power Boost #121
Blue Prepped Attack #122
Blue Resistance #039
Blue Seizure #123
Blue Slipup #195
Blue Summoning Mastery #196
Blue Trap Drill #198
Broly (Level 1) #M14
Broly (Level 2) #M13
Broly (Level 3) #M15
Broly (Level 4) #M11
Broly (Level 5) #M12
Broly's Dashing Punch #M16
Bulla #124
Bulma, the Mom #125
Champions of Earth #199
Chi-chi, the Grandmother #200
Crazy Ritual #M17
Dr. Myuu #201
Dr. Myuu (Level 1) #284
Dr. Myuu (Level 1) #260
Dr. Myuu (Level 2) #285
Dr. Myuu (Level 2) #261
Dr. Myuu (Level 3) #286
Dr. Myuu (Level 3) #262
Dr. Myuu's Destiny #126
Dr. Myuu's Horror #127
Dragon Radar #M18
Elder Kai #128
Elevation #040
Emperor Pilaf #129
Energy Overload Drill #041
Epic Battle of Saiyans #202
Fiesta Pan #042
Fistful of Pain #203
Flying Blades #043
Frightened #M19
General Rilldo (Level 1) #287
General Rilldo (Level 1) #263
General Rilldo (Level 2) #288
General Rilldo (Level 2) #264
General Rilldo (Level 3) #289
General Rilldo (Level 3) #265
General Rilldo's Force Field #204
General Rilldo's Invulnerability #205
General Rilldo's Metalization #130
General Rilldo's Rocket Punch #044
Giru #131
Giru, the Helper #132
Gohan #133
Goku (Level 1) #290
Goku (Level 1) #266
Goku to the Rescue #045
Goku's Brawling #207
Goku's Chin Break #046
Goku's Energy Spray #047
Goku's Finger Throw #002
Goku's Mixing Drill #208
Goku, Earth's Protector (Level 3) #292
Goku, Energized (Level 2) #291
Goku, Golden Oozaru #206
Goku, Super Saiyan (Level 2) #267
Goku, Super Saiyan 3 (Level 3) #268
Goku, Super Saiyan 4 #249
Golden Ticket #G01
Goten #134
Hercule #135
Hercule, the Colossal #209
Hercule, the Great #136
Hidden Power Level #048
Inner Strength Drill #049
It's the Inside That Counts #250
Kabito Kai #137
Krillin #M20
Lookin' Pimp-like #050
Mai #138
Majin Buu #139
Majin Buu, the Benevolent #210
Majin Buu, the Cherub #140
Majuub #244
Majuub (Level 2) #300
Majuub (Level 2) #276
Majuub (Level 3) #301
Majuub (Level 3) #277
Masterful Defense #211
Meanacing Evil #212
Metal Mending #001
Mutant Robot #141
Nefarious Pact #P03
Orange Absorbing Drill #213
Orange Augmenting Drill #214
Orange Aura Mastery #220
Orange Blurred Movement #051
Orange Close Guard #009
Orange Distortion #052
Orange Dogfight #053
Orange Double Shot #004
Orange Drift #054
Orange Ducking Resistance #055
Orange Effective Illusion #142
Orange Energy Toss #M21
Orange Escaping Drill #215
Orange Family #216
Orange Fierce Discharge #143
Orange Fishing Drill #251
Orange Focusing Drill #217
Orange Gameshow Drill #218
Orange Hand Lock #056
Orange Ki Assault #144
Orange Lockdown #M22
Orange Menacing Attack #145
Orange Proximity Blasts #146
Orange Removal System #219
Orange Revealing Attack #057
Orange Revenge Death Ball #058
Orange Reverse Elbow #147
Orange Safety Drill #148
Orange Scolding #059
Orange Shift #M23
Orange Slide #149
Orange Soaring Evasion #060
Orange Soul Exertion #M24
Orange Stomach Slam #061
Orange Technique Mastery #221
Orange Warm-up Drill #062
Orange Wrist Interception #063
Pan (Level 1) #293
Pan (Level 1) #269
Pan's Anger Strike #064
Pan's Spirit Attack #065
Pan, the Agile (Level 2) #294
Pan, the Spirited #222
Pan, the Vivacious (Level 3) #295
Pan, the Young Saiyan (Level 3) #271
Pan, the Youthful (Level 2) #270
Piccolo's Knowledge Drill #P01
Power Up the Most #150
Red Aerial Glide #066
Red Anticipation #151
Red Blazing Mastery #230
Red Blindside #067
Red Blowback #223
Red Bolstered Defense #224
Red Close Call #006
Red Crash #068
Red Crippler #069
Red Dice Chucker #152
Red Double Guard #153
Red Ducking Coverage #007
Red Earth Shatter #070
Red Erratic Flutter #071
Red Fingertip Blast #225
Red Hasty Release #154
Red Headbutt #072
Red Hypersonic Knockout #073
Red Jumping Smash #226
Red Mix Up #074
Red Palm Deflection #M25
Red Perfection #075
Red Personal Vendetta #227
Red Pummel #M26
Red Rush Mastery #229
Red Scissors #155
Red Shaving Drill #228
Red Snappy Reflexes #156
Red Stout Restraint #076
Red Strength Squeeze #077
Red Surprise Launch #078
Red Tail Pull #231
Red Throwdown #M27
Red Toe Pierce #252
Red Torso Pound #157
Red Traverse Punch #158
Red Uncontrolled Salvo #M28
Road Rage #159
Saiyan Agile Swerve #160
Saiyan Anchored Clamp #079
Saiyan Arrogant Snare #080
Saiyan Blitz Mastery #238
Saiyan Braced Resistance #081
Saiyan Broly Charge #M29
Saiyan Charged Kamehameha #161
Saiyan Choke Hold #082
Saiyan Cross Punch #083
Saiyan Destiny #162
Saiyan Doubled Kamehameha #M30
Saiyan Elbow Slam #084
Saiyan Exertive Attack #163
Saiyan Firm Stance #232
Saiyan Flawless Snatch #085
Saiyan Fly Swat #086
Saiyan Ground Slide #253
Saiyan Handstand Kick #M31
Saiyan Head Crush #M32
Saiyan Headbutt #087
Saiyan Jump Kick #233
Saiyan Lift #003
Saiyan Love #088
Saiyan Nose Clip #M33
Saiyan Outrage #234
Saiyan Planet Explosion #164
Saiyan Power Deflection #165
Saiyan Power Punch #235
Saiyan Quest #236
Saiyan Rage Drill #237
Saiyan Soaring Swerve #005
Saiyan Sole Stop #089
Saiyan Space Nova #090
Saiyan Spirit Shock #166
Saiyan Stomp #091
Saiyan Strength Drill #167
Saiyan Supreme Mastery #239
Saiyan Trickery Drill #240
Saiyan Weighted Lunge #092
Shu #168
Shusugoro #169
Sigma Force #170
Sinister Onslaught #M34
Strengthened Ki Drill #093
Sugoro #171
Sugoro, Shapeshifter #172
Super 17's Clash #P02
Super Gallic Gun #241
Super Saiyans Unite #094
The Dragon Awaits #242
Trunks (Level 1) #296
Trunks (Level 1) #272
Trunks (Level 3) #298
Trunks Searching #173
Trunks' Flying Uppercut #095
Trunks' Horizontal Encounter #096
Trunks, Super Saiyan (Level 3) #274
Trunks, Teen Saiyan (Level 2) #297
Trunks, the Brilliant #243
Trunks, the Scientific (Level 2) #273
Ultimate Kamehameha #M35
Unexpected Company #M36
Uub (Level 1) #299
Uub (Level 1) #275
Uub's Blitz #097
Uub's Finger Blast #098
Uub's Majin Focus #099
Vegeta #174
Vegeta's Quickness Drill #245
Vegeta, Super Saiyan #P06
Videl #175
Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge #100