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jph cards: Sell to Vendor Buy List: Categories: Collectible Card Games: Magic the Gathering: Singles: Classic 6th Edition:
Collectible Card Games
Magic the Gathering
>4th Edition (158)
>5th Edition (74)
>7th Edition (75)
>8th Edition (64)
>9th Edition (92)
>10th Edition (68)
>Alara Reborn (54)
>Alliances (149)
>Anthologies (1)
>Antiquities (3)
>Apocalypse (114)
>Arabian Nights (1)
>Archenemy (32)
>Avacyn Restored (316)
>Beta (1)
>Betrayers of Kamigawa (17)
>Champions of Kamigawa (38)
>Chronicles (47)
>Classic 6th Edition (112)
>Coldsnap (33)
>Collector's Edition (1)
>Commander (58)
>Conflux (72)
>Dark Ascension (229)
>Darksteel (88)
>Dissension (28)
>Duel Decks: Ajani vs Nicol Bolas (1)
>Duel Decks: Divine vs Demonic (45)
>Duel Decks: Elspeth vs Tezzeret (51)
>Duel Decks: Elves vs Goblins (2)
>Duel Decks: Garruk vs Liliana (52)
>Duel Decks: Izzet vs Golgari (5)
>Duel Decks: Jace vs Chandra (6)
>Duel Decks: Knights vs Dragons (59)
>Duel Decks: Phyrexia vs The Coalition (57)
>Duel Decks: Venser vs Koth (10)
>Eventide (18)
>Exodus (55)
>Fallen Empires (40)
>Fifth Dawn (83)
>From the Vault Dragons (1)
>From the Vault: Exiled (2)
>From the Vault: Legends (1)
>From the Vault: Relics (2)
>Futuresight (71)
>Guildpact (26)
>Homelands (34)
>Ice Age (255)
>Innistrad (339)
>Invasion (228)
>Judgment (80)
>Legends (8)
>Legions (99)
>Lorwyn (44)
>Magic 2010 Core Set (147)
>Magic 2011 Core Set (240)
>Magic 2012 Core Set (334)
>Magic 2013 Core Set (161)
>Mercadian Masques (248)
>Mirage (80)
>Mirrodin (219)
>Mirrodin Besieged (194)
>Morningtide (26)
>Nemesis (83)
>New Phyrexia (166)
>Odyssey (149)
>Onslaught (196)
>Planar Chaos (55)
>Planechase (75)
>Planechase 2012 (3)
>Planeshift (97)
>Portal (10)
>Portal Second Age (4)
>Premium Deck Series: Fire and Lightning (28)
>Premium Deck Series: Graveborn (1)
>Premium Deck Series: Slivers (18)
>Promotional Cards (76)
>Prophecy (59)
>Ravnica (70)
>Return to Ravnica (63)
>Revised (141)
>Rise of the Eldrazi (116)
>Saviors of Kamigawa (12)
>Scars of Mirrodin (302)
>Scourge (102)
>Shadowmoor (81)
>Shards of Alara (121)
>Starter 1999 (17)
>Starter 2000 (1)
>Stronghold (90)
>Tempest (103)
>The Dark (15)
>Time Spiral (192)
>Time Spiral Time Shifted (61)
>Torment (86)
>Unglued (4)
>Unhinged (1)
>Unlimited (2)
>Urza's Destiny (80)
>Urza's Legacy (72)
>Urza's Saga (228)
>Visions (109)
>Weatherlight (72)
>Worldwake (93)
>Zendikar (206)

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Buy List Classic 6th Edition

Adarkar WastesRare 121.00 Sell to vendor
Aether FlashUncommon 120.04 Sell to vendor
Agonizing MemoriesUncommon 80.02 Sell to vendor
Ankh of MishraRare 120.35 Sell to vendor
ArchangelRare 121.45 Sell to vendor
ArmageddonRare 162.35 Sell to vendor
Ashnod's AltarUncommon 80.06 Sell to vendor
Birds of ParadiseRare 162.00 Sell to vendor
BlazeUncommon 120.02 Sell to vendor
BlightUncommon 120.03 Sell to vendor
BoilUncommon 160.03 Sell to vendor
BoomerangCommon 80.04 Sell to vendor
BrushlandRare 160.65 Sell to vendor
Charcoal DiamondUncommon 80.03 Sell to vendor
ChillUncommon 80.25 Sell to vendor
City of BrassRare 162.02 Sell to vendor
CounterspellCommon 200.15 Sell to vendor
CrusadeRare 150.65 Sell to vendor
Crystal VeinUncommon 80.05 Sell to vendor
Dense FoliageRare 120.15 Sell to vendor
DesertionRare 122.25 Sell to vendor
Dingus EggRare 80.06 Sell to vendor
Divine TransformationUncommon 80.02 Sell to vendor
DoomsdayRare 160.35 Sell to vendor
Dread of NightUncommon 120.05 Sell to vendor
Early HarvestRare 120.18 Sell to vendor
Enlightened TutorUncommon 156.25 Sell to vendor
Enlightened TutorUncommonVery Fine 44.00 Sell to vendor
ExileRare 120.34 Sell to vendor
FervorRare 80.28 Sell to vendor
Final FortuneRare 120.28 Sell to vendor
Fire DiamondUncommon 120.03 Sell to vendor
FlashRare 80.45 Sell to vendor
FlashfiresUncommon 80.03 Sell to vendor
FogCommon 80.02 Sell to vendor
Fountain of YouthUncommon 80.02 Sell to vendor
Fyndhorn ElderUncommon 160.03 Sell to vendor
Giant GrowthCommon 80.02 Sell to vendor
Glasses of UrzaUncommon 120.03 Sell to vendor
Goblin KingRare 120.42 Sell to vendor
Goblin RecruiterUncommon 160.58 Sell to vendor
Goblin WarrensRare 120.25 Sell to vendor
Gravebane ZombieUncommon 120.02 Sell to vendor
Howling MineRare 121.00 Sell to vendor
HurricaneRare 80.10 Sell to vendor
Infernal ContractRare 80.10 Sell to vendor
Karplusan ForestRare 120.35 Sell to vendor
KismetUncommon 120.02 Sell to vendor
Leshrac's RiteUncommon 80.02 Sell to vendor
Library of Lat-NamRare 80.05 Sell to vendor
Light of DayUncommon 120.04 Sell to vendor
Llanowar ElvesCommon 120.02 Sell to vendor
Longbow ArcherUncommon 80.04 Sell to vendor
Lord of AtlantisRare 161.25 Sell to vendor
Mana ShortRare 120.34 Sell to vendor
Marble DiamondUncommon 120.03 Sell to vendor
MeekstoneRare 160.25 Sell to vendor
MillstoneRare 160.16 Sell to vendor
Moss DiamondUncommon 120.03 Sell to vendor
Mystic CompassUncommon 80.03 Sell to vendor
Mystical TutorUncommon 152.50 Sell to vendor
Mystical TutorUncommonVery Fine 41.50 Sell to vendor
OrnithopterUncommon 160.05 Sell to vendor
Pearl DragonRare 80.12 Sell to vendor
PerishUncommon 161.12 Sell to vendor
PestilenceUncommon 120.04 Sell to vendor
Phyrexian VaultUncommon 80.03 Sell to vendor
PillageUncommon 80.15 Sell to vendor
ProsperityUncommon 120.16 Sell to vendor
RelearnUncommon 80.04 Sell to vendor
Relentless AssaultRare 120.12 Sell to vendor
Reverse DamageRare 80.12 Sell to vendor
River BoaUncommon 120.10 Sell to vendor
SerenityRare 120.42 Sell to vendor
Serra's BlessingUncommon 160.42 Sell to vendor
Sky DiamondUncommon 160.04 Sell to vendor
Spirit LinkUncommon 110.03 Sell to vendor
Storm CauldronRare 80.12 Sell to vendor
Strands of NightUncommon 80.03 Sell to vendor
Stromgald CabalRare 80.12 Sell to vendor
StuporUncommon 120.04 Sell to vendor
Sulfurous SpringsRare 120.46 Sell to vendor
Summer BloomUncommon 120.03 Sell to vendor
TerrorCommon 120.02 Sell to vendor
Tranquil GroveRare 160.14 Sell to vendor
Uktabi OrangutanUncommon 120.03 Sell to vendor
Underground RiverRare 161.05 Sell to vendor
Vampiric TutorRare 1612.00 Sell to vendor
Vampiric TutorRareVery Fine 49.00 Sell to vendor
VitalizeCommon 120.02 Sell to vendor
Volcanic GeyserUncommon 80.05 Sell to vendor
WarmthUncommon 80.03 Sell to vendor
Wild GrowthCommon 120.02 Sell to vendor
Worldly TutorUncommon 122.50 Sell to vendor
Worldly TutorUncommonVery Fine 41.10 Sell to vendor
Wrath of GodRare 163.65 Sell to vendor
Zombie MasterRare 121.35 Sell to vendor is not published or endorsed by any manufacturer.
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