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Buy List Shards of Alara

Ad NauseamRare 83.75 Sell to vendor
Ad NauseamRare Foil 49.95 Sell to vendor
Ajani VengeantMythicVery Fine 45.00 Sell to vendor
Ajani VengeantMythic 127.00 Sell to vendor
Ajani VengeantMythic Foil 417.95 Sell to vendor
Ajani VengeantMythicVery Fine Foil 39.75 Sell to vendor
Akrasan SquireCommon 120.25 Sell to vendor
Arcane SanctumUncommon 80.80 Sell to vendor
Arcane SanctumUncommon Foil 42.00 Sell to vendor
Archdemon of UnxRare 80.12 Sell to vendor
Bant CharmUncommon 100.15 Sell to vendor
Battlegrace AngelRare 121.75 Sell to vendor
Battlegrace AngelRare Foil 32.45 Sell to vendor
BlightningCommon 120.08 Sell to vendor
Broodmate DragonRare 120.68 Sell to vendor
Broodmate DragonRare Foil 31.25 Sell to vendor
Covenant of MindsRare 80.10 Sell to vendor
Cradle of VitalityRare 80.55 Sell to vendor
Crucible of FireRare 122.25 Sell to vendor
Crucible of FireRare Foil 36.45 Sell to vendor
Cruel UltimatumRare 80.45 Sell to vendor
Cruel UltimatumRare Foil 21.75 Sell to vendor
Crumbling NecropolisUncommon 120.65 Sell to vendor
Crumbling NecropolisUncommon Foil 41.36 Sell to vendor
Death BaronRare 86.15 Sell to vendor
Death BaronRare Foil 39.95 Sell to vendor
Death BaronRareVery Fine 24.45 Sell to vendor
Dragon FodderCommon 80.10 Sell to vendor
Dragon TokenCommon 120.14 Sell to vendor
Druid of the AnimaCommon 120.02 Sell to vendor
Elspeth, Knight-ErrantMythicVery Fine 610.00 Sell to vendor
Elspeth, Knight-ErrantMythic 1214.50 Sell to vendor
Elspeth, Knight-ErrantMythic Foil 440.00 Sell to vendor
Elspeth, Knight-ErrantMythicVery Fine Foil 326.85 Sell to vendor
Elvish VisionaryCommon Foil 40.35 Sell to vendor
Empyrial ArchangelMythic 122.45 Sell to vendor
Empyrial ArchangelMythic Foil 410.25 Sell to vendor
Empyrial ArchangelMythicVery Fine 41.65 Sell to vendor
Empyrial ArchangelMythicVery Fine Foil 26.45 Sell to vendor
Etherium SculptorCommon 80.35 Sell to vendor
Etherium SculptorCommon Foil 41.00 Sell to vendor
Ethersworn CanonistRareVery Fine 41.25 Sell to vendor
Ethersworn CanonistRare 124.35 Sell to vendor
Ethersworn CanonistRare Foil 47.35 Sell to vendor
Ethersworn CanonistRareVery Fine Foil 25.25 Sell to vendor
Feral HydraRare 80.55 Sell to vendor
Flameblast DragonRare 80.12 Sell to vendor
Fleshbag MarauderUncommon 80.12 Sell to vendor
Gather SpecimensRare 80.10 Sell to vendor
Goblin AssaultRare 80.55 Sell to vendor
Goblin AssaultRare Foil 31.00 Sell to vendor
Goblin TokenCommon 250.10 Sell to vendor
GodsireMythic 125.00 Sell to vendor
GodsireMythic Foil 26.85 Sell to vendor
Hell's ThunderRare 80.55 Sell to vendor
Hell's ThunderRare Foil 32.00 Sell to vendor
Hellkite OverlordMythic 124.35 Sell to vendor
Hellkite OverlordMythic Foil 46.00 Sell to vendor
Invincible HymnRare 80.10 Sell to vendor
Jhessian InfiltratorUncommon 80.10 Sell to vendor
Jund CharmUncommon 80.02 Sell to vendor
Jungle ShrineUncommon 120.45 Sell to vendor
Jungle ShrineUncommon Foil 41.55 Sell to vendor
Kederekt LeviathanRare 80.10 Sell to vendor
Knight of the White OrchidRare 122.00 Sell to vendor
Knight of the White OrchidRare Foil 35.00 Sell to vendor
Knight-Captain of EosRare 80.35 Sell to vendor
Kresh the BloodbraidedMythic 120.95 Sell to vendor
Kresh the BloodbraidedMythic Foil 33.95 Sell to vendor
Lich's MirrorMythic 122.25 Sell to vendor
Lich's MirrorMythic Foil 32.58 Sell to vendor
Master of EtheriumRare 123.00 Sell to vendor
Master of EtheriumRare Foil 34.00 Sell to vendor
Mayael the AnimaMythic 122.35 Sell to vendor
Mayael the AnimaMythic Foil 29.95 Sell to vendor
Memory ErosionRare 80.75 Sell to vendor
Minion ReflectorRare 80.18 Sell to vendor
MycolothRare 83.25 Sell to vendor
MycolothRare Foil 24.00 Sell to vendor
Oblivion RingCommon 120.12 Sell to vendor
Oblivion RingCommon Foil 41.00 Sell to vendor
Predator DragonRare 120.60 Sell to vendor
Predator DragonRare Foil 41.05 Sell to vendor
Prince of ThrallsMythic 122.00 Sell to vendor
Prince of ThrallsMythic Foil 33.00 Sell to vendor
Punish IgnoranceRare 120.10 Sell to vendor
Qasali AmbusherUncommon 80.12 Sell to vendor
Quietus SpikeRare 121.45 Sell to vendor
Quietus SpikeRare Foil 32.00 Sell to vendor
Rafiq of the ManyMythic 126.00 Sell to vendor
Rafiq of the ManyMythic Foil 310.00 Sell to vendor
Ranger of EosRare 127.25 Sell to vendor
Ranger of EosRare Foil 216.00 Sell to vendor
Relic of ProgenitusCommon 80.65 Sell to vendor
Relic of ProgenitusCommon Foil 32.15 Sell to vendor
Rhox War MonkUncommon 120.02 Sell to vendor
Sacellum GodspeakerRare 80.08 Sell to vendor
Salvage TitanRare 80.10 Sell to vendor
Salvage TitanRare Foil 40.35 Sell to vendor
Sarkhan VolMythicVery Fine 45.00 Sell to vendor
Sarkhan VolMythic 128.25 Sell to vendor
Sarkhan VolMythic Foil 318.75 Sell to vendor
Savage LandsUncommon 120.55 Sell to vendor
Savage LandsUncommon Foil 41.00 Sell to vendor
ScourglassRare 120.75 Sell to vendor
ScourglassRare Foil 32.00 Sell to vendor
Seaside CitadelUncommon 121.00 Sell to vendor
Seaside CitadelUncommon Foil 41.55 Sell to vendor
Sedris, the Traitor KingMythic 121.45 Sell to vendor
Sedris, the Traitor KingMythic Foil 26.00 Sell to vendor
Sharding SphinxRare 80.18 Sell to vendor
Sharding SphinxRare Foil 41.00 Sell to vendor
Sharuum the HegemonMythic 121.35 Sell to vendor
Sharuum the HegemonMythic Foil 45.35 Sell to vendor
Sigil BlessingCommon 120.10 Sell to vendor
Sigiled PaladinUncommon 120.20 Sell to vendor
Sigiled PaladinUncommon Foil 40.50 Sell to vendor
Skill BorrowerRare 80.15 Sell to vendor
Spearbreaker BehemothRare 120.58 Sell to vendor
Sphinx SovereignMythic 81.00 Sell to vendor
Sphinx SovereignMythic Foil 32.00 Sell to vendor
Steward of ValeronCommon 80.03 Sell to vendor
Stoic AngelRare 80.86 Sell to vendor
Stoic AngelRare Foil 42.00 Sell to vendor
SwerveUncommon 80.10 Sell to vendor
Tezzeret the SeekerMythicVery Fine 63.00 Sell to vendor
Tezzeret the SeekerMythic 125.35 Sell to vendor
Tezzeret the SeekerMythic Foil 425.35 Sell to vendor
Tezzeret the SeekerMythicVery Fine Foil 216.00 Sell to vendor
Tidehollow ScullerUncommon 120.35 Sell to vendor
Vicious ShadowsRare 80.38 Sell to vendor
Wild NacatlCommon 121.35 Sell to vendor
Wild NacatlCommon Foil 44.15 Sell to vendor
Woolly ThoctarUncommon 80.12 Sell to vendor is not published or endorsed by any manufacturer.
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