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Circle of Oboros
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Argus (light warbeast) #72068 (warbeast)
Baldur the Stonecleaver #72002 (warlock)
Baldur the Stonesoul #72059 (Warlock)
Blackclad Wayfarer #72028 (solo)
Cassius the Oathkeeper #72043 (Warlock)
Celestial Fulcrum #72064 (battle engine)
Circle Oboros Warpack #72001 (warpack)
Circle Orboros Battlegroup Starter (plastic) #PIP 72056
Classic Argus #72004 (promo)
Classic Feral Warpwolf #72008 (promo)
Classic Gorax #72006 (promo)
Classic Pureblood Warpwolf #72021 (promo)
Classic Warpwolf Stalker #72044 (promo)
Druid Gone Wilder #92007 (promo)
Druid of Oroboros Overseer #72042 (unit)
Druid Wilder #72049 (solo)
Druids of Oroboros #72015 (unit)
Gallows Grove #72063 (solo)
Ghetorix Character Warpwolf Upgrade Kit #72062 (warbeast)
Gnarlhorn Satyr #72022 (warbeast)
Gorax #72055 (warbeast)
Grayle the Farstrider #72058 (Warlock)
Kaya the Moonhunter Laris #72032 (Warlock)
Kaya the Wildborne(variant) #72054 (Warlock)
Krueger the Stormlord #72033 (Warlock)
Krueger the Stormwrath #72003 (Warlock)
Lord of the Feast #72018 (solo)
Megalith #72035 (warbeast)
Morvahna The Autumnblade #72019 (Warlock)
Morvahna the Dawnshadow #72069 (Warlock)
Moshar the Desertwalker #72034 (Warlock)
Nuala the Huntress #72048 (unit)
Razorwing Griffon #PIP 72073
Reeve Hunter #72052 (solo)
Reeve of Oroboros Chieftan and Standard #72047 (72047)
Reeves of Oroboros #72027 (unit)
Reeves of Oroboros Unit #72026 (unit)
Rotterhorn Griffon #PIP 72072
Scarsfell Griffon #72061 (warbeast)
Sentry Stone Mannikins #72029 (solo)
Shadowhorn Satyr #72036 (warbeast)
Shifting Stones #72016 (unit)
Stone Keeper #72051 (unit)
Stoneward and Woldstalkers #72041 (unit)
Tharn Blood Pack #72076 (unit)
Tharn Bloodtrackers #72071 (unit)
Tharn Bloodtrackers Classic Blister #72014 (promo)
Tharn Bloodtrackers Classic Unit #72013 (promo)
Tharn Bloodweavers #72039 (unit)
Tharn Ravager #72012 (unit)
Tharn Ravager Chieftan UA #72050 (unit)
Tharn Ravager Shaman #72031 (unit)
Tharn Ravager Unit #72011 (unit)
Tharn Ravager Whitemane #72038 (solo)
Tharn Wolf Rider #72025 (unit)
Tharn Wolf Riders Unit #72024 (unit)
War Wolf #72040 (solo)
Warpborn Alpha #72075 (unit)
Warpborn Skinwalkers #72070 (unit)
Warpborn Skinwalkers #72053 (promo)
Warpborn Skinwalkers Unit #72046 (promo)
Warpwolf Extreme #72900 (promo)
Warpwolf Stalker #72057 (warbeast)
Winter Argus #72060 (warbeast)
Wold Guardian #72045 (warbeast)
Woldwarden #72007 (warbeast)
Woldwatcher #72005 (warbeast)
Woldwyrd #72023 (warbeast)
Wolf Lord Morraig #72037 (solo)
Wolves of Oroboros #72010 (unit)
Wolves of Oroboros Officer Totem Bearer #72030 (unit)
Wolves of Oroboros Unit #72009 (unit)
Worldwrath #72067 (gargantuan)
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