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Anti-Aircraft Tank #025 (C)
Arisa Outpost #006 (R)
Barreler #038 (R)
Champlapillar #040 (R)
Constrictor #043 (C)
Cthulabite #034 (U)
Despair Tentacle #028 (R)
Dismay Tentacle #029 (R)
Distress Tentacle #030 (R)
Dread Tentacle #031 (R)
Elite Anti-Aircraft Tank #026 (R)
Elite Constrictor #044 (R)
Elite Green Fury Van #053 (R)
Elite Shadow Raider #018 (R)
Fox Jaw-FTE #047 (R)
Fuel Truck #027 (U)
Galaxius Alpaha #001 (R)
Galaxius Beta #002 (R)
Galaxius Core #004 (R)
Galaxius Gamma #003 (R)
Gearjammer-BTO #048 (R)
Gladius 1 #019 (R)
Gladius 2 #020 (R)
Green Fury Van #052 (C)
Gypsy Sunbeam #049 (R)
Harbinger Comet Shard #042 (R)
Mastigatapede #039 (R)
Mt Terra #051 (R)
Nullifier Pod #009 (U)
Rollng Ranch #046 (R)
Shadow Raider #017 (C)
Shield 3 #021 (R)
Shield 4 #022 (R)
Spikasaur #054 (U)
Sun Drone #016 (U)
Sun Industries #015 (R)
Synapsepede #037 (R)
Tower of Corruption #033 (R)
Ultra Ancient Osheroth #032 (R)
Ultra Ancient Osheroth Playset #28-32 (Despair Dismay Distress Dread Tentacle) #032PS (R)
Ultra Galaxius #005 (R)
Ultra Legionnaire #023 (R)
Ultra Legionnaire Playset #19-23 (Gladius 1 2 Shield 3 4) #023PS (R)
Ultra Tyrranix #050 (R)
Ultra Vorgax #041 (R)
Ultra Vorgax Playset #37-41 (Synapsepede Barreller Mastigatapede Chompapillar ) #041PS (R)
Ultra Zor-Macros #014 (R)
Ultra Zor-Macros Playset #10-14 (Decius Sectus Quanta Fractus) #014PS (R)
Zor-Decius #010 (R)
Zor-Fractus #013 (R)
Zor-Quanta #012 (R)
Zor-Sectus #011 (R)
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