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A Deal With a Bat #136 (R)
A-Un, Follower of Sesshomaru #014 (C)
Alarm Clock #059 (C)
Archery Training #091 (U)
Attack of the Spirit Puppets #047 (C)
Awake #051 (C)
Ayame, Koga's Bride to Be #025 (C)
Baggage #141 (R)
Bat Demon Tribe Member, 4 #009 (C)
Birds of Paradise, 2 #034 (C)
  1st Edition    
Bunza's Father #032 (C)
Cat of the Panther Tribe, 4 #044 (C)
Clash of Power #150 (R)
Classroom #145 (R)
Cover Up #148 (R)
Coward #096 (U)
Crows, 2 #015 (C)
Cursed Noh Mask, Evil Demon #013 (C)
Cursed Shikon Jewel #056 (C)
Deflection #097 (U)
Demon #080 (U)
Don't Tell Me #048 (C)
Down the Well #149 (R)
Eavesdropping #099 (U)
Enraged #127 (R)
Fake Jewel Shard #058 (C)
Family Curse #050 (C)
Famished #102 (U)
Fighting Over a Girl #092 (U)
Followers #129 (R)
Gamajiro, Evil Toad Demon #016 (C)
Generations #105 (U)
Giant Soul Collector #030 (C)
Girl Talk #134 (R)
Goodies #119 (R)
Goofing Around #093 (U)
Goosebumps #049 (C)
Goshinki, Spawn of Naraku #113 (R)
Graveyard #146 (R)
Hachi, Friend of Miroku #042 (C)
Hachi, Shape Changing Raccoon #082 (U)
Hair Demon #043 (C)
Hakkaku. Warrior of the Wolf Demon Tribe #021 (C)
Halt! #137 (R)
Hojo, Kagome's Friend #075 (U)
I Will Cause Your Demise #104 (U)
I'm Honored #132 (R)
I'm Not Crying #055 (C)
Imps, 1 #026 (C)
Imps, 2 #027 (C)
Imps, 3 #028 (C)
Ink Demon, 3 #023 (C)
Inuyasha's Destructive Path #046 (C)
Inuyasha's Mother, Loving Soul #061 (U)
Inuyasha, Human Timeless Champion #TC009 (S)
Inuyasha, Injured #035 (C)
Inuyasha, Protector of Kagome #114 (R)
Inuyasha, Sota's Hero #116 (R)
Inuyasha, Timeless Champion #TC001 (S)
Iron Work Hammer #108 (U)
Jaken, Critical Thinker #085 (U)
Jaken, Follower of Sesshomaru #062 (U)
Jealous #147 (R)
Kaede, Master Archer #010 (C)
Kaede, Old Warrior #006 (C)
Kagome's Junior High #143 (R)
Kagome's Refrigerator #144 (R)
Kagome, Koga's Love Interest #070 (U)
Kagome, Tender Soul #036 (C)
Kagome, Timeless Champion #TC002 (S)
Kagome, Traveler Through Time #151 (UR)
Kagura, Temptress of Evil #154 (UR)
Kaijimbo, Forger of Tokijin #029 (C)
Kana, Naraku's Servant #117 (R)
Kikyo, Forgotten Hero #005 (C)
Kikyo, Patient Soul #038 (C)
Kikyo, Supernatural Beauty #112 (R)
Kikyo, Timeless Champion #TC008 (S)
Kirara, Protector of Sango #002 (C)
Kirara, Timeless Champion #TC006 (S)
Koga, Hero of the Wolf Demon Tribe #077 (U)
Koga, Protector of Kagome #071 (U)
Koga, Timeless Champion #TC007 (S)
Kohaku, Sango's LIttle Brother #063 (U)
Kohaku, Timeless Champion #TC010 (S)
Learning New Techniques #125 (R)
Lecher #053 (C)
Mayu Ikeda, Mischievous Soul #019 (C)
Menacing Evil #124 (R)
Miroku, the Thoughtful #039 (C)
Miroku, Timeless Champion #TC003 (S)
Miso Soup #060 (C)
Mistress Centipede #012 (C)
Muso, Ravager of Villages #008 (C)
Muso, Soul of Onigumo #065 (U)
Myoga, Old Friend #087 (U)
Myoga, Terrified Flea #076 (U)
Naraku's Insects, 4 #001 (C)
Naraku's Lair #109 (U)
Naraku's Puppet #072 (U)
Naraku, Master of Evil #041 (C)
Naraku, the Mastermind #118 (R)
Nazuna, Little Demon Hunter #003 (C)
Nightmares About Homework #100 (U)
Northern Tribe Wolf Leader #033 (C)
Onigumo, Future Villain #067 (U)
Paper #122 (R)
Pinned #101 (U)
Play Time #130 (R)
Policeman #088 (U)
Priestess Traps #106 (U)
Remembering Her #131 (R)
Righteous Strike #094 (U)
Rock #121 (R)
Royakan, Wolf Demon #004 (C)
Ryukotsusei, Deadly Demon #084 (U)
Sacred Saki and Charms #107 (U)
Sage, Tokajin's Mentor #007 (C)
Samurai Warrior #045 (C)
Sango, Peaceful Traveler #111 (R)
Sango, Timeless Champion #TC004 (S)
Sango, Worried Sister #115 (R)
Scared of Not Talking #138 (R)
School Hallway #142 (R)
School Teacher, Kagome's Nightmare #022 (C)
Scissors #120 (R)
Sesshomaru's Demon, Follower of Sesshomaru #017 (C)
Sesshomaru, Full Blooded Demon #073 (U)
Sesshomaru, Intimidating Adversary #152 (UR)
Shikigami, 2 #020 (C)
Shikigami, Demon Serpent #031 (C)
Shippo, Battle Ready #074 (U)
Shippo, Little Demon Fox #040 (C)
Shippo, Timeless Champion #TC005 (S)
Shunran, Deva of the Panther Tribe #079 (U)
Shunran, Panther Tribe Deva #153 (UR)
Shuuran, Warrior of the Panther Tribe #090 (U)
Sigh #126 (R)
Slayer Weapons #057 (C)
Some Things Never Change #158 (UR)
Sota, Helpful Brother #078 (U)
Soul Piper #011 (C)
Strong Punch #128 (R)
Subway #110 (U)
Sucking Up #123 (R)
Taigokumaru, Leader of the Bat Demons #069 (U)
Tender Moments #054 (C)
Tetsusaiga, Transformed #157 (UR)
Thank You Great Lord #155 (UR)
The Dead Walk #133 (R)
They're so Cute #139 (R)
Tokajin, Evil Mage #064 (U)
Torako, Bunza's Friend #018 (C)
Toran, Warrior of the Panther Tribe #089 (U)
Totosai's Flying Three-Eyed Cow #068 (U)
Totosai, Old Sword Maker #083 (U)
Treasures #140 (R)
Tsubaki's Demon, Deadly Predator #037 (C)
Tsubaki, Old Witch #086 (U)
Urasue, Evil Witch #066 (U)
We Will Protect You #098 (U)
Weakling #095 (U)
What Do Women Really Like??? #103 (U)
White Wolf #024 (C)
Wink #052 (C)
You Look Like Her #135 (R)
You Were Worried #156 (UR)
Yura, Master of Puppets #081 (U)
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