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Aquatic Expulsion #12 (Rare)
Big Hissy #34 (Very Rare)
Blastforge Captain #35 (Rare)
Bronze-Arm Sabertooth #45 (Uncommon)
Chasm Entangler #1 (Common)
Chimera Tyrant #23 (Rare)
Cliffcutter #36 (Common)
Cloudwalker Drone #2 (Common)
Cobalt the Storm Knight #3 (Very Rare)
Cyber Sprite #13 (Common)
Cyber Trader #14 (Common)
Drakon Warchief #37 (Uncommon)
Emeperor Axon #15 (Uncommon)
Emperor Neuron #S2 (Super Rare)
Evo Fury Tatsurion #S4 (Super Rare)
Flamespike Tatsurion #S5 (Super Rare)
Forklift Tank Glu-urrgle #16 (Very Rare)
Forsett Heroic Shaman #46 (Rare)
GigaBolver #24 (Common)
Gigazanda #25 (Common)
Granite Avenger #47 (Rare)
Gunwing Dragon #38 (Uncommon)
Halon Paragon of Light #4 (Uncommon)
Heat Seekers #39 (Common)
Helios Rings #5 (Common)
Hydra Medusa #26 (Uncommon)
Illusory Berry #48 (Common)
Jet-Thrust Darter #40 (Common)
Jetflame Bodyguard #41 (Common)
King Neptas #17 (Rare)
Laser-Arm Drakon #42 (Uncommon)
Lava Leaper #43 (Rare)
Lepdios the Ancient #49 (Very Rare)
Locomotivator #27 (Uncommon)
Moonhowler Tribe #50 (Common)
Neuron s Oracle #18 (Rare)
Olgate Knight of Shadow #28 (Rare)
Orion Radiant Fury #S1 (Super Rare)
Photon Squad #6 (Common)
Prickleback #51 (Common)
Prism-Blade Enforcer #7 (Uncommon)
Ra-Vu the Stormbringer #D1 (Super Rare)
Rapids Lurker Wwhhshrll #19 (Common)
Reap and Sow #52 (Common)
Recharge #8 (Rare)
Reef Gladiator #20 (Uncommon)
Return from Beyond #29 (Rare)
Scavenging Chimera #30 (Uncommon)
Screeching Scaradorable #31 (Very Rare)
Search the Depths #21 (Common)
Shock Sentinel #9 (Rare)
Silver Fist #53 (Uncommon)
Slyth #32 (Common)
Snapclaw #54 (Uncommon)
Sopan Cyber Renegade #22 (Uncommon)
Starwing #10 (Uncommon)
Swampstench Worm #33 (Common)
Tekamora the Wretched #S3 (Super Rare)
Tendril Grasp #55 (Rare)
Twilight Commander #11 (Rare)
Twin-Cannon Maelstrom #44 (Rare)
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