- Cryx Faction - Price Sheet:
ImageName Low $Mid $High $
Aiakos Scourge of the Meredius #PIP 34108
Bane Thralls Classic Metal #PIP 34091
Bane Thralls Unit Box plastic #PIP 34110
Cryx Allies Cephalyx Overlords #PIP42011 (Standard)
Cryx Allies Cephalyx Slaver and Drudge Mind Slaves Unit Box #PIP42005 (Standard)
Cryx Allies Drudge Mind Slaves (2) #PIP42006 (Standard)
Cryx Bane Knights (2) #PIP34041 (Standard)
Cryx Bane Knights Full Unit Box (10) #PIP34101 (Standard)
Cryx Bane Knights Unit Box #PIP34040 (Standard)
Cryx Bane Lord Tartarus #PIP34042 (Standard)
Cryx Bane Thall Unit Box #PIP34017 (Standard)
Cryx Bane Thrall (2) #PIP34018 (Standard)
Cryx Bane Thrall Officer & Standard Bearer #PIP34071 (Standard)
Cryx Battlegroup Box Set PLASTIC #PIP34067 (Standard)
Cryx Bile Thrall (2) #PIP34012 (Standard)
Cryx Bile Thrall Unit Box #PIP34020 (Standard)
Cryx Black Ogrun Boarding Party Pirate (1) #PIP34047 (Standard)
Cryx Black Orgun Boarding Party Unit #PIP34046 (Standard)
Cryx Blackbane's Ghost Raiders #PIP34065 (Standard)
Cryx Blackbane's Ghost Raiders Unit Box #PIP34064 (Standard)
Cryx Bloat Thrall #PIP34029 (Standard)
Cryx Brute Thrall #PIP34051 (Standard)
Cryx Cankerworm #PIP34057 (Standard)
Cryx Captain Rengrave #PIP34048 (Standard)
Cryx Darragh #PIP34058 (Standard)
Cryx Deathjack #PIP34038 (Standard)
Cryx Deathripper (2) #PIP34005 (Standard)
Cryx Deathripper Bonejacks (Plastic) #PIP34087 (Standard)
Cryx Defiler (2) #PIP34006 (Standard)
Cryx Defiler Bonejacks (Plastic) #PIP34090 (Standard)
Cryx Epic Warcaster Goreshade the Cursed #PIP34054 (Standard)
Cryx Epic Warcaster Lich Lord Asphyxious #PIP34036 (Standard)
Cryx Epic Warcaster Skarre, Queen of the Broken Coast #PIP34043 (Standard)
Cryx General Gerlak Slaughterborn #PIP34059 (Standard)
Cryx Harrower #PIP34039 (Standard)
Cryx Helldiver #PIP34049 (Standard)
Cryx Helljack Plastic Kit #PIP34066 (Standard)
Cryx Iron Lich Asphyxious ヨ 2010 #PIP34076 (Standard)
Cryx Kraken Colossal #pip35040 (standard)
Cryx Leviathan #PIP34026 (Standard)
Cryx Lich Lord Venethrax #PIP34069 (Standard)
Cryx Lord Exhumator Scaverous #PIP34094 (Standard)
Cryx Machine Wraith #PIP34025 (Standard)
Cryx Malice Character Heavy Warjack Upgrade Kit #PIP34085 (Standard)
Cryx Mechanithrall (2) #PIP34010 (Standard)
Cryx Mechanithrall Unit Box #PIP34019 (Standard)
Cryx Necro-Surgeon & Stitch Thrall #PIP34027 (Standard)
Cryx Necro-Tech & Scrap Thrall #PIP34002 (Standard)
Cryx Nightmare #PIP34056 (Standard)
Cryx Nightwretch (2) #PIP34007 (Standard)
Cryx Pistol Wraith #PIP34024 (Standard)
Cryx Pistol Wraith Alternate Version #PIP34053 (Standard)
Cryx Reaper #PIP34008 (Standard)
Cryx Revenant Cannon Crew #PIP34063 (Standard)
Cryx Revenant Crew Rifleman Weapon Attachment #PIP34081 (Standard)
Cryx Revenant Pirate Unit Box #PIP34030 (Standard)
Cryx Revenant Pirates (2) #PIP34031 (Standard)
Cryx Ripjaw Bonejacks #PIP34070 (Standard)
Cryx Satyxis Blood Hag #PIP34073 (Standard)
Cryx Satyxis Blood Witches #PIP34072 (Standard)
Cryx Satyxis Raider Captain #PIP34074 (Standard)
Cryx Satyxis Raider Sea Witch #PIP34052 (Standard)
Cryx Satyxis Raiders (2) (new) #PIP34033 (Standard)
Cryx Satyxis Raiders Unit Box (new) #PIP34032 (Standard)
Cryx Scavenger Bonejack #PIP34078 (Standard)
Cryx Scrap Thrall (3) #PIP34003 (Standard)
Cryx Seether #PIP34023 (Standard)
Cryx Skarlock #PIP34014 (Standard)
Cryx Slayer #PIP34004 (Standard)
Cryx Soulhunters #PIP34045 (Standard)
Cryx Soulhunters Unit Box #PIP34044 (Standard)
Cryx Stalker #PIP34028 (Standard)
Cryx Trollkin Bloodgorgers (2) #PIP34062 (Standard)
Cryx Trollkin Bloodgorgers Unit Box #PIP34061 (Standard)
Cryx Warcaster Deneghra (variant) #PIP34021 (Standard)
Cryx Warcaster Goreshade #PIP34022 (Standard)
Cryx Warcaster Iron Lich, Asphyxious #PIP34001 (Standard)
Cryx Warcaster Lich Lord Terminus #PIP34034 (Standard)
Cryx Warcaster Master Necrotech Mortenebra & Deryliss #PIP34055 (Standard)
Cryx Warcaster Pirate Queen, Skarre #PIP34013 (Standard)
Cryx Warcaster Witch Coven & Egregore #PIP34035 (Standard)
Cryx Warcaster Wraith Witch Deneghra #PIP34037 (Standard)
Cryx Withershadow Combine #PIP34060 (Standard)
Cryx Wraith Engine #PIP34080 (Standard)
Desecrator Harrower Leviathan Helljack Kit (plastic) #PIP 34077
Goreshade Lord of Ruin #PIP 34106
Goreshade the Bastard Deathwalker #PIP 34088
Kromac the Ravenous #72020 (Warlock)
Pirate Queen Skarre #PIP34068 (Standard)
Warwitch Siren #PIP34075 (Standard)

This data is copyright 2009 and is provided as is. For personal use only.