- Justice League - Price Sheet: ImageName Low $Mid $High $ Abra Kadabra #042 (V) Amazo #052 (U) Aquaman #002 (R) Aquaman Starro Slave Promo #101 (LE) Arthur Curry Starro Slave #105 (LE) August General in Iron #034 (V) Aztek #045 (V) Barry Allen Starro Slave #107 (LE) Batman #001 (R) Batman #058 (U) Batman and Robin #038 (V) Batzarro #039 (V) Big Barda and Mister Miracle #053 (U) Black Canary #011 (R) Black Hand #020 (E) Bouncing Boy #016 (R) Brilliant Tactician #F003 (R) Bronze Tiger #032 (E) Bulleteer #010 (R) Captain Boomerang #026 (E) Chronos #024 (E) Contingency Plan #F007 (R) Creeper #003 (R) Crimson Fox #012 (R) De-Feated #BF001 (R) Deadman #035 (V) Doomsday #054 (U) Dr. Alchemy #025 (E) Dr. Light #013 (R) Dr. Polaris #043 (V) Dream Girl #048 (V) Endurance #F002 (R) Firehawk #004 (R) Firestorm #018 (E) Flash Starro Slave Promo #103 (LE) Granny Goodness #036 (V) Green Arrow #014 (R) Green Arrow Starro Slave Promo #102 (LE) Green Lantern #055 (U) Green Lantern Corps #F005 (R) Green Lantern Starro Slave Promo #104 (LE) Gypsy #015 (R) Hal Jordan Starro Slave #108 (LE) Heat Wave #006 (R) Hector Hammond #040 (V) Hourman #047 (V) Icicle #007 (R) Joe Chill #B006 (R) King Shark #021 (E) Kyle Ace Morgan #B001 (R) Legionnaires #F004 (R) Leslie Rocky Davis #B004 (R) Lex Luthor #008 (R) Lobo #051 (U) Major Disaster #044 (V) Matthew Red Ryan #B003 (R) Mento #005 (R) Mera #B005 (R) Merlyn #019 (E) Mr. Mxyzptlk #041 (V) Oliver Queen Starro Slave #106 (LE) Pacification #BF002 (R) Parasite #017 (E) Phantom Stranger #061 (LE) Plastic Man #030 (E) Point Blank #F001 (R) Power Ring #050 (U) Professor Ivo #022 (E) Shining Knight #049 (U) Shrunk #BF003 (R) Starro the Conqueror #100 (LE) Structural Integrity Field #S002 (R) Superman #046 (V) Superman #060 (U) Telephone Booth #S001 (R) Tharok #031 (E) The Flash #027 (E) The Flash #057 (U) The Joker #009 (R) Time Trapper #056 (U) Toyman #023 (E) Unstoppable #F006 (R) Vigilante #033 (V) Walter Prof Haley #B002 (R) Wonder Woman #037 (V) Wonder Woman #059 (U) Zatanna #028 (E) Zauriel #029 (E) This data is copyright 2009 and is provided as is. For personal use only.