- Fellowship of the Ring - Price Sheet:
ImageName Low $Mid $High $
Aragorn #024 (R)
Arwen #016 (U)
Bilbo Baggins #012 (U)
Bilbo Baggins #029 (CR)
Boromir #010 (C)
Celebron #021 (U)
Elendil #030 (CR)
Elrond #014 (U)
Elrond #027 (R)
Elven Archer #013 (U)
Elven Warrior #002 (C)
Frodo Baggins #001 (C)
Galadriel #022 (R)
Gandalf the Grey #011 (C)
Gil-Galad #026 (R)
Gimli #009 (C)
Isildur #025 (R)
Legolas Greenleaf #018 (U)
Lurtz #023 (R)
Merry #006 (C)
Moria Orc Archer #005 (C)
Moria Orc Warrior #017 (U)
Orc Archer #020 (U)
Orc Warrior #008 (C)
Pippin #007 (C)
Ringwraith #019 (U)
Samwise Gamgee #004 (C)
Saruman #028 (R)
Uruk-Hai Archer #003 (C)
Uruk-Hai Warrior #015 (U)
Witch-King of Angmar #031 (CR)

This data is copyright 2009 and is provided as is. For personal use only.