- The First Chapter - Price Sheet: ImageName Low $Mid $High $ A Whole New World #195 (Super Rare) Buy for $9.99 Cold Foil $23.99 2.00 $23.99 2.00 $23.99 2.00 $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 Abu #103 (Common) Aladdin - Cornered Swordsman #171 (Common) Aladdin - Heroic Outlaw #104 (Super Rare) Aladdin - Heroic Outlaw (Alternate Art) #211 (Enchanted) Buy for $119.99 Holofoil $119.99 -10.00 $119.99 -10.00 $119.99 -10.00 Aladdin - Prince Ali #069 (Common) Aladdin - Street Rat #105 (Common) Anna #035 (Uncommon) Archimedes #036 (Common) Ariel - On Human Legs #001 (Uncommon) Ariel - Spectactular Singer #002 (Super Rare) Buy for $2.59 Cold Foil $18.99 $18.99 $18.99 $2.59 $2.59 $2.59 Ariel - Whoseit Collector #137 (Rare) Cold Foil Aurora - Briar Rose #138 (Common) Aurora - Dreaming Guardian #139 (Super Rare) Aurora - Dreaming Guardian (Alternate Art) #213 (Enchanted) Buy for $199.99 Holofoil $199.99 $199.99 $199.99 Aurora - Regal Princess #140 (Uncommon) Be Our Guest #025 (Uncommon) Cold Foil Be Prepared #128 (Rare) Buy for $27.99 Cold Foil $27.99 3.00 $27.99 3.00 $27.99 3.00 Beast - Hardheaded #172 (Uncommon) Beast - Wolfsbane #070 (Legendary) Cold Foil Beast's Mirror #201 (Common) Befuddle #062 (Uncommon) Belle - Inventive Engineer #141 (Uncommon) Belle - Strange but Special #142 (Legendary) Buy for $10.99 Cold Foil $35.99 -4.00 $35.99 -4.00 $35.99 -4.00 $10.99 $10.99 $10.99 Belle - Strange but Special (Alternate Art) #214 (Enchanted) Buy for $269.99 Holofoil $269.99 10.00 $269.99 10.00 $269.99 10.00 Break #196 (Common) Captain #106 (Uncommon) Captain Hook - Captain of the Jolly Roger #173 (Rare) Cold Foil Captain Hook - Forceful Duelist #174 (Common) Captain Hook - Ruthless Pirate #107 (Rare) Captain Hook - Thinking a Happy Thought #175 (Rare) Cold Foil Cerberus #176 (Common) Cheshire Cat #071 (Uncommon) Cold Foil Chief Tui #143 (Uncommon) Cinderella #003 (Uncommon) Coconut Basket #166 (Uncommon) Control Your Temper! #026 (Common) Cruella de Vil #072 (Rare) Cut to the Chase #129 (Uncommon) Develop Your Brain #161 (Common) Dinglehopper #032 (Common) Do It Again! #094 (Rare) Cold Foil Donald Duck - Boisterous Fowl #108 (Uncommon) Donald Duck - Musketeer #177 (Uncommon) Donald Duck - Strutting His Stuff #144 (Common) Dr. Facilier - Agent Provocateur #037 (Rare) Cold Foil Dr. Facilier - Charlatan #038 (Common) Dr. Facilier - Remarkable Gentleman #039 (Rare) Dr. Facilier's Cards #101 (Uncommon) Dragon Fire #130 (Uncommon) Buy for $1.49 Cold Foil $1.49 $1.49 $1.49 Duke of Weselton #073 (Common) Elsa - Ice Surfer #109 (Common) Elsa - Queen Regent #040 (Common) Elsa - Snow Queen #041 (Uncommon) Cold Foil Elsa - Spirit of Winter #042 (Legendary) Buy for $17.99 $17.99 6.00 $17.99 6.00 $17.99 6.00 Cold Foil Elsa - Spirit of Winter (Alternate Art) #207 (Enchanted) Buy for $859.99 Holofoil $859.99 $859.99 $859.99 Eye of the Fates #167 (Uncommon) Cold Foil Fan the Flames #131 (Uncommon) Fire the Cannons! #197 (Common) Fishbone Quill #168 (Rare) Buy for $4.99 Cold Foil $16.99 -7.90 $16.99 -7.90 $16.99 -7.90 $4.99 -2.00 $4.99 -2.00 $4.99 -2.00 Flotsam #043 (Rare) Flounder #145 (Common) Flynn Rider #074 (Uncommon) Buy for $1.49 $1.49 $1.49 $1.49 Cold Foil Freeze #063 (Common) Friends on the Other Side #064 (Common) Cold Foil Frying Pan #202 (Uncommon) Gantu #178 (Legendary) $1.49 $1.49 $1.49 Cold Foil Gaston #110 (Common) Genie - On the Job #075 (Super Rare) Cold Foil Genie - On the Job (Alternate Art) #209 (Enchanted) Buy for $124.99 Holofoil $124.99 5.00 $124.99 5.00 $124.99 5.00 Genie - Powers Unleashed #076 (Rare) Cold Foil Genie - The Ever Impressive #077 (Common) Goofy - Daredevil #111 (Common) Goofy - Musketeer #004 (Uncommon) Goons #179 (Common) Grab Your Sword #198 (Rare) Buy for $1.99 Cold Foil $8.99 -2.00 $8.99 -2.00 $8.99 -2.00 $1.99 $1.99 $1.99 Gramma Tala #146 (Uncommon) Hades - Infernal Schemer #147 (Legendary) Cold Foil Hades - King of Olympus (Alternate Art) #205 (Enchanted) Buy for $99.99 Holofoil $99.99 -10.00 $99.99 -10.00 $99.99 -10.00 Hades - King of Olympus (Oversized) #005 (Rare) Hades - Lord of the Underworld #006 (Rare) Buy for $1.99 Cold Foil $1.99 -1.00 $1.99 -1.00 $1.99 -1.00 Hakuna Matata #027 (Common) Hans - Scheming Prince #078 (Rare) Cold Foil Hans - Thirteenth in Line #180 (Super Rare) Cold Foil He's Got A Sword! #132 (Common) Healing Glow #028 (Common) Heihei #007 (Common) Hercules #181 (Common) Horace #079 (Common) Iago #080 (Rare) Cold Foil If It's Not Baroque #162 (Rare) Jafar - Keeper of Secrets #044 (Rare) Cold Foil Jafar - Wicked Sorcerer #045 (Common) Jasmine - Disguised #148 (Common) Jasmine - Queen of Agrabah #149 (Rare) Cold Foil Jasper #081 (Uncommon) Jetsam #046 (Common) John Silver #082 (Legendary) Buy for $12.99 Cold Foil $12.99 $12.99 $12.99 Jumba Jookiba #083 (Uncommon) Just in Time #029 (Rare) Cold Foil Kristoff #182 (Common) Kronk #183 (Uncommon) Kuzco #084 (Rare) Buy for $1.99 Cold Foil $1.99 $1.99 $1.99 Lady Tremaine #085 (Rare) Cold Foil Lantern #033 (Rare) Buy for $1.39 Cold Foil $2.49 -1.50 $2.49 -1.50 $2.49 -1.50 $1.39 $1.39 $1.39 Lefou - Bumbler #008 (Uncommon) Lefou - Instigator #112 (Rare) Cold Foil Let It Go #163 (Rare) Buy for $1.99 $1.99 $1.99 $1.99 Cold Foil Lilo - Galactic Hero #184 (Common) Lilo - Making a Wish #009 (Rare) Buy for $2.99 $2.99 0.50 $2.99 0.50 $2.99 0.50 Cold Foil Mad Hatter #086 (Uncommon) Magic Broom #047 (Common) Magic Golden Flower #169 (Common) Magic Mirror #066 (Rare) Cold Foil Maleficent - Biding Her Time #048 (Rare) Buy for $4.49 $4.49 $4.49 $4.49 Cold Foil Maleficent - Monstrous Dragon #113 (Legendary) Buy for $19.99 $19.99 1.00 $19.99 1.00 $19.99 1.00 Cold Foil Maleficent - Sinister Visitor #150 (Common) Maleficent - Sorceress #049 (Common) Cold Foil Maleficent - Univited #151 (Rare) Cold Foil Marshmallow #050 (Super Rare) Cold Foil Maui - Demigod #185 (Rare) Maui - Hero to All #114 (Rare) Buy for $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 Cold Foil $19.99 -4.00 $19.99 -4.00 $19.99 -4.00 Maui - Hero to All (Alternate Art) #212 (Enchanted) Buy for $259.99 Holofoil $259.99 -30.00 $259.99 -30.00 $259.99 -30.00 Maurice #152 (Rare) Cold Foil Maximus - Palace Horse #010 (Super Rare) Cold Foil Maximus - Relentless Pursuer #011 (Uncommon) Megara #087 (Common) Merlin #153 (Common) Mickey Mouse - Artful Rogue #088 (Super Rare) Cold Foil Mickey Mouse - Artful Rogue (Alternate Art) #210 (Enchanted) Buy for $109.99 Holofoil $109.99 $109.99 $109.99 Mickey Mouse - Brave Little Tailor #115 (Legendary) Buy for $3.49 $3.49 $3.49 $3.49 Cold Foil Mickey Mouse - Brave Little Tailor Puzzle Insert (Bottom Left) #001B (None) Mickey Mouse - Brave Little Tailor Puzzle Insert (Bottom Right) #003B (None) Mickey Mouse - Brave Little Tailor Puzzle Insert (Set of 4) #000 (None) Mickey Mouse - Brave Little Tailor Puzzle Insert (Top Left) #002T (None) Mickey Mouse - Brave Little Tailor Puzzle Insert (Top Right) #004T (None) Mickey Mouse - Detective #154 (Common) Mickey Mouse - Musketeer #186 (Rare) Buy for $1.49 $1.49 $1.49 $1.49 Cold Foil Mickey Mouse - Steamboat Pilot #089 (Common) Mickey Mouse - True Friend #012 (Uncommon) Mickey Mouse - Wayward Sorcerer #051 (Super Rare) Buy for $1.49 $1.49 $1.49 $1.49 Mickey Mouse - Wayward Sorcerer (Alternate Art) #208 (Enchanted) Buy for $169.99 Holofoil $169.99 -10.00 $169.99 -10.00 $169.99 -10.00 Minnie Mouse - Always Classy #116 (Common) Minnie Mouse - Beloved Princess #013 (Common) Moana - Chosen by the Ocean #117 (Uncommon) Moana - Of Motunui #014 (Rare) Mother Gothel #090 (Super Rare) Mother Knows Best #095 (Uncommon) Mr. Smee #015 (Common) Mufasa #155 (Common) Mulan - Imperial Soldier (Oversized) #118 (Super Rare) Musketeer Tabard #203 (Rare) Olaf #052 (Uncommon) Cold Foil One Jump Ahead #164 (Uncommon) Buy for $6.99 Cold Foil $6.99 $6.99 $6.99 Part of Your World #030 (Rare) Cold Foil Pascal #053 (Uncommon) Cold Foil Peter Pan - Fearless Fighter #119 (Common) Peter Pan - Never Landing #091 (Common) Philoctetes #156 (Common) Plasma Blaster #204 (Rare) Poisoned Apple #134 (Rare) Cold Foil Pongo #120 (Common) Prince Eric #187 (Common) Prince Phillip #016 (Uncommon) Pumbaa #017 (Common) Rafiki #054 (Uncommon) Ransack #199 (Uncommon) Rapunzel - Gifted with Healing #018 (Legendary) Buy for $54.99 $54.99 11.00 $54.99 11.00 $54.99 11.00 Cold Foil Rapunzel - Letting Down Her Hair #121 (Uncommon) Reflection #065 (Uncommon) Robin Hood #157 (Super Rare) Cold Foil Scar - Fiery Usurper #122 (Common) Scar - Mastermind #158 (Rare) Cold Foil Scar - Shameless Firebrand #123 (Rare) Scepter of Arendelle #170 (Uncommon) Sebastian #019 (Common) Sergeant Tibbs #124 (Common) Shield of Virtue #135 (Uncommon) Simba - Future King #188 (Common) Simba - Protective Cub #020 (Common) Simba - Returned King #189 (Rare) Simba - Returned King (Alternate Art) #215 (Enchanted) Buy for $149.99 Holofoil $149.99 -25.00 $149.99 -25.00 $149.99 -25.00 Simba - Rightful Heir #190 (Uncommon) Smash #200 (Uncommon) Stampede #096 (Common) Starkey #191 (Uncommon) Steal From The Rich #097 (Rare) Stitch - Abomination #125 (Rare) Cold Foil Stitch - Carefree Surfer #021 (Legendary) $6.49 $6.49 $6.49 Cold Foil Stitch - Carefree Surfer (Alternate Art) #206 (Enchanted) Buy for $289.99 Holofoil $289.99 -20.00 $289.99 -20.00 $289.99 -20.00 Stitch - New Dog #022 (Common) Stitch - Rock Star #023 (Super Rare) Buy for $1.49 $1.49 $1.49 $1.49 Cold Foil Stolen Scimitar #102 (Common) Sudden Chill #098 (Common) Sven #055 (Uncommon) Sword of Truth #136 (Rare) Cold Foil Tamatoa - Drab Little Crab #092 (Uncommon) Tamatoa - So Shiny! #159 (Super Rare) $4.49 -0.50 $4.49 -0.50 $4.49 -0.50 Cold Foil Tangle #133 (Common) Te Ka - Heartless #192 (Legendary) Cold Foil Te Ka - The Burning One #126 (Super Rare) The Beast is Mine! #099 (Uncommon) The Queen #056 (Super Rare) Cold Foil The Wardrobe #057 (Common) Tigger #127 (Uncommon) Timon #024 (Common) Tinker Bell - Giant Fairy #193 (Super Rare) Buy for $7.89 Cold Foil $19.99 $19.99 $19.99 $7.89 $7.89 $7.89 Tinker Bell - Giant Fairy (Alternate Art) #216 (Enchanted) Buy for $309.99 Holofoil $309.99 $309.99 $309.99 Tinker Bell - Most Helpful #093 (Common) Tinker Bell - Peter Pan's Ally #058 (Common) Tinker Bell - Tiny Tactician #194 (Common) Triton #160 (Uncommon) Ursula #059 (Legendary) Buy for $1.49 $1.49 -0.50 $1.49 -0.50 $1.49 -0.50 Cold Foil Ursula's Cauldron #067 (Uncommon) Ursula's Shell Necklace #034 (Rare) Cold Foil Vicious Betrayal #100 (Common) White Rabbit's Pocket Watch #068 (Rare) Cold Foil Work Together #165 (Common) You Have Forgotten Me #031 (Uncommon) Cold Foil Yzma #060 (Common) Zeus #061 (Rare) Cold Foil This data is copyright 2009 and is provided as is. For personal use only.