- Shimmering Skies - Price Sheet: ImageName Low $Mid $High $ Alan-A-Dale - Rockin' Rooster #020 (Uncommon) Buy for $0.01 Cold Foil $0.01 $0.01 $0.01 All Funned Out #164 (Uncommon) Cold Foil Amber Chromicon #032 (Uncommon) Buy for $1.49 Cold Foil $1.49 $1.49 $1.49 Amethyst Chromicon #066 (Uncommon) Buy for $1.99 Cold Foil $1.99 $1.99 $1.99 Anna - Diplomatic Queen #085 (Legendary) Buy for $3.99 Cold Foil $10.49 -6.50 $10.49 -6.50 $10.49 -6.50 $3.99 -1.00 $3.99 -1.00 $3.99 -1.00 Anna - Eager Acolyte #056 (Common) Anna - Mystical Majesty #046 (Rare) Cold Foil Archimedes - Electrified Owl #047 (Uncommon) Cold Foil Archimedes - Electrified Owl (Enchanted) #208 (Enchanted) Buy for $64.99 Holofoil $64.99 $64.99 $64.99 Archimedes - Exasperated Owl #039 (Common) Arthur - King Victorious #194 (Legendary) Cold Foil Arthur - King Victorious (Enchanted) #221 (Enchanted) Holofoil Arthur - Novice Sparrow #121 (Uncommon) Cold Foil Arthur - Wart #190 (Uncommon) Bad-Anon - Villain Support Center #203 (Rare) Bad-Anon - Villain Support Center (Enchanted) #222 (Enchanted) Buy for $37.99 Holofoil $37.99 $37.99 $37.99 Banzai - Gluttonous Predator #080 (Rare) Buy for $5.99 Cold Foil $5.99 $5.99 $5.99 Banzai - Taunting Hyena #087 (Common) Bashful - Adoring Knight #189 (Uncommon) Basil - Practiced Detective #153 (Common) Basil's Magnifying Glass #166 (Rare) Belle - Of the Ball #158 (Rare) Cold Foil Blast From Your Past #028 (Super Rare) Break Free #127 (Common) Bruni - Fire Salamander #040 (Uncommon) Camilo Madrigal - Family Copycat #058 (Legendary) Buy for $1.49 Cold Foil $2.49 -1.50 $2.49 -1.50 $2.49 -1.50 $1.49 $1.49 $1.49 Chaca - Impresive Daughter #138 (Common) Chicha - Dedicated Mother #146 (Rare) Buy for $1.49 $1.49 $1.49 $1.49 Cold Foil Clarabelle - Clumsy Guest #086 (Common) Clarabelle - Contented Wallflower #090 (Uncommon) Cold Foil Clarabelle - Light on Her Hooves #084 (Legendary) Buy for $20.99 $15.99 -1.00 $15.99 -1.00 $15.99 -1.00 Cold Foil $20.99 -2.00 $20.99 -2.00 $20.99 -2.00 Clarabelle - Light on Her Hooves (Enchanted) #211 (Enchanted) Holofoil Cogsworth - Illuminary Watchman #037 (Common) Cold Foil Daisy Duck - Donald's Date #016 (Super Rare) Buy for $7.99 Cold Foil $15.99 1.00 $15.99 1.00 $15.99 1.00 $7.99 1.00 $7.99 1.00 $7.99 1.00 Daisy Duck - Spotless Food-Fighter #111 (Common) Denahi - Avenging Brother #115 (Rare) Doc - Bold Knight #193 (Rare) Buy for $7.99 $7.99 3.00 $7.99 3.00 $7.99 3.00 Cold Foil Don't Let the Frostbite Bite #129 (Rare) Donald Duck - Daisy's Date #122 (Common) Donald Duck - Focused Flatfoot #155 (Common) Cold Foil Donald Duck - Pie Slinger #107 (Legendary) Buy for $2.29 Cold Foil $3.99 -1.00 $3.99 -1.00 $3.99 -1.00 $2.29 $2.29 $2.29 Donald Duck - Pie Slinger (Enchanted) #214 (Enchanted) Buy for $94.99 Holofoil $94.99 $94.99 $94.99 Dopey - Knight Apprentice #186A (Common) Duck for Cover! #198 (Common) Earth Giant - Living Mountain #041 (Common) Ed - Hysterical Partygoer #081 (Uncommon) Ed - Laughing Hyena #074 (Common) Elsa - The Fifth Spirit #048 (Super Rare) Cold Foil Elsa's Ice Palace - Place of Solitude #067 (Rare) Emerald Chromicon #100 (Uncommon) Cold Foil Ever as Before #162 (Common) Evil Comes Prepared #128 (Common) Fauna - Good Fairy #078 (Common) Finders Keepers #060 (Uncommon) Finders Keepers (Enchanted) #210 (Enchanted) Buy for $69.99 Holofoil $69.99 -20.00 $69.99 -20.00 $69.99 -20.00 Fix-It Felix, Jr. - Delighted Sightseer #017 (Common) Fix-It Felix, Jr. - Niceland Steward #012 (Uncommon) Fix-It Felix, Jr. - Trusty Builder #010 (Common) Flora - Good Fairy #075 (Common) Food Fight! #199 (Uncommon) Gale - Wind Spirit #042 (Common) Gaston - Pure Paragon #119 (Rare) Cold Foil Gathering Knowledge and Wisdom #062 (Common) Cold Foil Gazelle - Pop Star #011 (Common) Genie - Main Attraction #049 (Legendary) Buy for $1.69 Cold Foil $5.49 $5.49 $5.49 $1.69 $1.69 $1.69 Glimmer vs Glimmer #130 (Uncommon) Grumpy - Skeptical Knight #186 (Super Rare) Cold Foil Half Hexwell Crown #065 (Rare) Happy - Lively Knight #191 (Common) Healing Decanter #030 (Common) Healing Touch #026 (Common) HeiHei - Protective Rooster #179 (Common) Hide Away #163 (Uncommon) Buy for $1.99 Cold Foil $1.99 $1.99 $1.99 Hypnotic Deduction #094 (Common) Hypnotic Strength #059 (Common) Iago - Fake Flamingo #079 (Rare) Invited to the Ball #029 (Uncommon) Jafar - Tyrannical Hypnotist #172 (Legendary) Buy for $1.49 Cold Foil $3.99 -1.00 $3.99 -1.00 $3.99 -1.00 $1.49 $1.49 $1.49 Kenai - Big Brother #005 (Common) King Candy - Sovereign of Sugar #137 (Common) King Candy - Sweet Abomination #154 (Uncommon) King Candy - Sweet Abomination (Enchanted) #218 (Enchanted) Buy for $47.99 Holofoil $47.99 -7.00 $47.99 -7.00 $47.99 -7.00 King of Hearts - Monarch of Wonderland #057 (Uncommon) Koda - Talkative Cub #001 (Rare) Kristoff - Reindeer Keeper #013 (Rare) Cold Foil Kronk - Head of Security #185 (Super Rare) Kronk - Unlicensed Investigator #178 (Common) Kuzco - Selfish Emperor #149 (Super Rare) Buy for $1.49 Cold Foil $1.99 -2.90 $1.99 -2.90 $1.99 -2.90 $1.49 $1.49 $1.49 Lilo - Junior Cake Decorator #008 (Common) Little John - Camp Cook #071 (Uncommon) Ludwig Von Drake - Self-Proclaimed Genius #151 (Uncommon) Luisa Madrigal - Entertaining Muscle #045 (Rare) Madam Mim - Elephant #044 (Super Rare) Buy for $1.49 $1.49 $1.49 $1.49 Cold Foil Magica De Spell - Cruel Sorceress #053 (Rare) Cold Foil Magical Aid #063 (Uncommon) Maid Marian - Lady of the Lists #022 (Uncommon) Maleficent - Formidable Queen #035 (Super Rare) Cold Foil Maleficent - Vengeful Sorceress #054 (Common) Maleficent - Vexed Partygoer #051 (Uncommon) Maximus - Team Champion #105 (Super Rare) Buy for $1.49 Cold Foil $1.49 $1.49 $1.49 Medal of Heroes #165 (Common) Merlin - Back from Bermuda #142 (Common) Merlin - Intellectual Visionary #159 (Legendary) Buy for $1.69 $1.69 -1.30 $1.69 -1.30 $1.69 -1.30 Cold Foil Merlin - Turtle #038 (Common) Merlin's Carpetbag #167 (Uncommon) Merlin's Cottage - The Wizard's Home #170 (Uncommon) Merryweather - Good Fairy #076 (Common) Mickey Mouse - Enthusiastic Dancer #112 (Common) Mickey Mouse - Food Fight Defender #176 (Common) Minnie Mouse - Compassionate Friend #024 (Common) Minnie Mouse - Dazzling Dancer #126 (Uncommon) Minnie Mouse - Drum Major #015 (Super Rare) Cold Foil Minnie Mouse - Quick-Thinking Inventor #152 (Common) Mirabel Madrigal - Family Gatherer #014 (Legendary) Buy for $1.49 Cold Foil $3.99 -1.00 $3.99 -1.00 $3.99 -1.00 $1.49 $1.49 $1.49 Moana - Determined Explorer #018 (Rare) Cold Foil Monstro - Whale of a Whale #052 (Uncommon) Mother Gothel - Conceited Manipulator #089 (Uncommon) Cold Foil Mother Gothel - Unwavering Schemer #092 (Super Rare) Buy for $2.99 Cold Foil $2.99 $2.99 $2.99 Mufasa - Ruler of Pride Rock #150 (Legendary) Buy for $5.99 Cold Foil $10.99 -1.00 $10.99 -1.00 $10.99 -1.00 $5.99 -1.00 $5.99 -1.00 $5.99 -1.00 Mufasa - Ruler of Pride Rock (Enchanted) #217 (Enchanted) Buy for $294.49 Holofoil $294.49 $294.49 $294.49 Nala - Mischievous Cub #002 (Uncommon) Namaari - Resolute Daughter #182 (Rare) Night Howler Rage #095 (Common) Obscurosphere #099 (Common) Olaf - Happy Passenger #050 (Rare) Cold Foil Olaf - Happy Passenger (Enchanted) #209 (Enchanted) Holofoil Pacha - Emperor's Guide #143 (Uncommon) Pete - Games Referee #195 (Uncommon) Cold Foil Pete - Pastry Chomper #120 (Common) Pete - Steamboat Rival #116 (Super Rare) Cold Foil Pete - Wrestling Champ #187 (Rare) Plate Armor #201 (Rare) Cold Foil Potion of Might #132 (Common) Pride Lands - Jungle Oasis #034 (Rare) Prince John - Gold Lover #147 (Super Rare) Cold Foil Prince John - Opportunistic Briber #141 (Common) Prince John's Mirror #098 (Rare) Cold Foil Prince Naveen - Ukulele Player #003 (Legendary) Buy for $6.49 Cold Foil $12.99 -4.00 $12.99 -4.00 $12.99 -4.00 $6.49 -1.40 $6.49 -1.40 $6.49 -1.40 Prince Naveen - Ukulele Player (Enchanted) #205 (Enchanted) Buy for $114.99 Holofoil $114.99 -25.00 $114.99 -25.00 $114.99 -25.00 Prince Phillip - Swordsman of the Realm #083 (Super Rare) Queen's Sensor Core #031 (Rare) Buy for $1.69 Cold Foil $1.69 $1.69 $1.69 Rafiki - Shaman Duelist #055 (Rare) Rancis Fluggerbutter - Chocolate Charger #108 (Common) Rapunzel's Tower - Secluded Prison #033 (Uncommon) Cold Foil Ratigan - Party Crasher #123 (Rare) Ratigan - Raging Rat #113 (Common) Ratigan's Party - Seedy Back Room #136 (Uncommon) Ratigan's Party - Seedy Back Room (Enchanted) #216 (Enchanted) Buy for $39.99 Holofoil $39.99 $39.99 $39.99 Remember Who You Are #097 (Rare) Retrosphere #064 (Common) Revive #027 (Rare) Revive (Enchanted) #207 (Enchanted) Buy for $39.99 Holofoil $39.99 $39.99 $39.99 Robin Hood - Archery Contestant #077 (Common) Robin Hood - Sharpshooter #118 (Legendary) Buy for $4.79 $4.79 $4.79 $4.79 Cold Foil Robin Hood - Sharpshooter (Enchanted) #215 (Enchanted) Buy for $124.99 Holofoil $124.99 $124.99 $124.99 Robin Hood - Sneaky Sleuth #088 (Uncommon) Robin Hood - Timely Contestant #069 (Rare) Cold Foil Royal Guard - Bovine Protector #175 (Common) Royal Tantrum #161 (Rare) Cold Foil Royal Tantrum (Enchanted) #219 (Enchanted) Buy for $46.99 Holofoil $46.99 -3.00 $46.99 -3.00 $46.99 -3.00 Ruby Chromicon #134 (Uncommon) Buy for $0.01 Cold Foil $0.01 $0.01 $0.01 Rudy - Groove Disrupter #174 (Common) Rutt - Northern Moose #004 (Common) Sapphire Chromicon #168 (Uncommon) Scar - Betrayer #109 (Uncommon) Scar - Vengeful Lion #093 (Rare) Scar - Vengeful Lion (Enchanted) #212 (Enchanted) Holofoil Scrooge McDuck - Afficionado of Antiquities #140 (Rare) Cold Foil Scroop - Odious Mutineer #082 (Super Rare) Seven Dwarfs' Mine - Secure Fortress #204 (Uncommon) Shenzi - Head Hyena #091 (Rare) Shenzi - Scar's Accomplice #070 (Uncommon) Sheriff of Nottingham - Bushel Britches #145 (Rare) Buy for $1.49 $1.49 $1.49 $1.49 Cold Foil Sherwood Forest - Outlaw Hideaway #101 (Rare) Cold Foil Shield of Arendelle #200 (Common) Simba - Adventurous Successor #125 (Common) Simba - Lost Prince #173 (Common) Simba - Son of Mufasa #192 (Uncommon) Cold Foil Sir Ector - Castle Lord #188 (Rare) Cold Foil Sleepy - Sluggish Knight #177 (Uncommon) Sneezy - Noisy Knight #180 (Common) Snow White - Fair-Hearted #183 (Super Rare) Cold Foil Snow White - Fair-Hearted (Enchanted) #220 (Enchanted) Buy for $104.99 Holofoil $104.99 $104.99 $104.99 Snowanna Rainbeau - Cool Competitor #110 (Common) Steel Chromicon #202 (Uncommon) Stitch - Team Underdog #171 (Uncommon) Sugar Rush Speedway - Starting Line #135 (Rare) Cold Foil Sven - Reindeer Steed #023 (Uncommon) Taffyta Muttonfudge - Crowd Favorite #114 (Common) Taffyta Muttonfudge - Ruthless Rival #103 (Uncommon) Taffyta Muttonfudge - Sour Speedster #117 (Uncommon) Tanana - Wise Woman #156 (Common) The Great Illuminary - Radiant Ballroom #169 (Rare) The Library - A Gift for Belle #068 (Uncommon) Cold Foil The Nokk - Mythical Spirit #036 (Common) The Queen - Crown of the Council #148 (Rare) Cold Foil The Queen - Cruelest of All #139 (Common) The Queen - Fairest of All #144 (Super Rare) Cold Foil The Sword Released #133 (Rare) Cold Foil Tipo - Growing Son #157 (Uncommon) Cold Foil Tropical Rainforest - Jaguar Lair #102 (Uncommon) Try Everything #025 (Uncommon) Tug-of-War #196 (Rare) Cold Foil Tuke - Northern Moose #007 (Common) Turbo - Royal Hack #106 (Uncommon) Ulf - Mime #073 (Common) Vanellope von Schweetz - Candy Mechanic #009 (Common) Vanellope von Schweetz - Random Roster Racer #124 (Rare) Cold Foil Vanellope von Schweetz - Sugar Rush Champ #006 (Common) Vanellope von Schweetz - Sugar Rush Princess #019 (Rare) Vanellope von Schweetz - Sugar Rush Princess (Enchanted) #206 (Enchanted) Holofoil $74.99 $74.99 $74.99 Vision of the Future #160 (Common) Cold Foil We Know the Way #061 (Rare) When Will My Life Begin? #197 (Common) White Rabbit - Royal Herald #043 (Common) Who's With Me? #131 (Super Rare) Wreck-It Ralph - Admiral Underpants #021 (Rare) Cold Foil Wreck-It Ralph - Demolition Dude #104 (Rare) You're Welcome #096 (Uncommon) Buy for $1.89 Cold Foil $1.89 -1.08 $1.89 -1.08 $1.89 -1.08 You're Welcome (Enchanted) #213 (Enchanted) Holofoil Yzma - Unjustly Treated #184 (Rare) Cold Foil Zazu - Advisor to Mufasa #072 (Common) This data is copyright 2009 and is provided as is. For personal use only.