- Into the Inklands - Price Sheet: ImageName Low $Mid $High $ 99 Puppies #024 (Uncommon) Agrabah - Marketplace #134 (Common) Airfoil #097 (Common) Alice - Tea Alchemist #035 (Super Rare) Cold Foil And Then Along Came Zeus #195 (Rare) Cold Foil And Then Along Came Zeus (Alternate Art) #222 (Enchanted) Buy for $179.99 Holofoil $179.99 $179.99 $179.99 Ariel - Adventurous Collector #103 (Super Rare) Cold Foil Audrey Ramirez - The Engineer #137 (Rare) Cold Foil Aurelian Gyrosensor #163 (Rare) Cold Foil Ba-Boom! #196 (Common) Baloo - von Bruinwald XIII #001 (Rare) Cold Foil Belle's House - Maurice's Workshop #168 (Rare) Cold Foil Belle's House - Maurice's Workshop (Alternate Art) #219 (Enchanted) Buy for $33.99 Holofoil $33.99 $33.99 $33.99 Bernard - Brand-New Agent #002 (Rare) Cold Foil Bestow a Gift #060 (Common) Billy Bones - Keeper of the Map #104 (Common) Boss's Orders #025 (Common) Captain Amelia - First in Command #138 (Common) Captain Hook - Master Swordsman #105 (Rare) Cold Foil Captain Hook - Master Swordsman (Alternate Art) #214 (Enchanted) Buy for $49.99 Holofoil $49.99 -3.00 $49.99 -3.00 $49.99 -3.00 Captain Hook's Rapier #199 (Uncommon) Chernabog - Evildoer #003 (Super Rare) Cold Foil Chernabog - Evildoer (Alternate Art) #205 (Enchanted) Buy for $79.99 Holofoil $79.99 $79.99 $79.99 Chernabog's Followers - Creatures of Evil #036 (Uncommon) Cold Foil Chief Tui - Proud of Motunui #171 (Common) Cleansing Rainwater #029 (Common) Cubby - Mighty Lost Boy #069 (Common) Cursed Merfolk - Ursula's Handiwork #070 (Rare) Cold Foil Dalmatian Puppy - Tail Wagger (4a/204) #004 (Common) Cold Foil Dalmatian Puppy - Tail Wagger (4b/204) #004A (Common) Dalmatian Puppy - Tail Wagger (4c/204) #004B (Common) Cold Foil Dalmatian Puppy - Tail Wagger (4d/204) #004C (Common) Cold Foil Dalmatian Puppy - Tail Wagger (4e/204) #004D (Common) De Vil Manor - Cruella's Estate #100 (Common) Della Duck - Unstoppable Mom #106 (Common) Dewey - Showy Nephew #139 (Uncommon) Diablo - Faithful Pet #037 (Common) Distract #159 (Common) Divebomb #128 (Uncommon) Don Karnage - Prince of Pirates #071 (Common) Eeyore - Overstuffed Donkey #172 (Common) Fang - River City #101 (Rare) Cold Foil Flintheart Glomgold - Lone Cheater #140 (Uncommon) Flotsam - Riffraff #072 (Common) Forbidden Mountain - Maleficent's Castle #066 (Common) Friar Tuck - Priest of Nottingham #073 (Uncommon) Friend Like Me #160 (Rare) Genie - Cramped in the Lamp #141 (Uncommon) Genie - Supportive Friend #038 (Super Rare) Gizmosuit #200 (Common) Gramma Tala - Keeper of Ancient Stories #142 (Common) Gramma Tala - Spirit of the Ocean #143 (Legendary) Buy for $1.99 $1.99 $1.99 $1.99 Cold Foil Gramma Tala - Spirit of the Ocean (Alternate Art) #217 (Enchanted) Buy for $54.99 Holofoil $54.99 $54.99 $54.99 Gustav the Giant - Terror of the Kingdom #173 (Rare) Cold Foil Gyro Gearloose - Gadget Whiz #144 (Rare) Hades - Hotheaded Ruler #174 (Rare) Cold Foil Has Set My Heaaaaaaart . . . #094 (Uncommon) Heal What Has Been Hurt #026 (Common) Heart of Atlantis #030 (Rare) Cold Foil Heart of Te Fiti #164 (Rare) Cold Foil HeiHei - Accidental Explorer #107 (Uncommon) Helga Sinclair - Femme Fatale #074 (Super Rare) Helga Sinclair - Right-Hand Woman #175 (Common) Helga Sinclair - Vengeful Partner #075 (Rare) Cold Foil How Far I'll Go #161 (Uncommon) Huey - Savvy Nephew #145 (Rare) Hydra - Deadly Serpent #108 (Legendary) Buy for $2.99 Cold Foil $2.99 $2.99 $2.99 Hydros - Ice Titan #039 (Uncommon) I Will Find My Way #095 (Common) I've Got a Dream #129 (Uncommon) Iago - Pretty Polly #040 (Common) It Calls Me #061 (Uncommon) Jafar - Lamp Thief #041 (Uncommon) Jafar - Striking Illusionist #042 (Legendary) Cold Foil Jafar - Striking Illusionist (Alternate Art) #208 (Enchanted) Holofoil Jetsam - Riffraff #076 (Common) Jim Hawkins - Space Traveler #109 (Legendary) Buy for $6.99 Cold Foil $11.99 -6.00 $11.99 -6.00 $11.99 -6.00 $6.99 -3.00 $6.99 -3.00 $6.99 -3.00 Jim Hawkins - Thrill Seeker #110 (Common) John Silver - Greedy Treasure Seeker #176 (Rare) Cold Foil Jolly Roger - Hook's Ship #135 (Uncommon) Joshua Sweet - The Doctor #005 (Common) Kakamora - Menacing Sailor #111 (Common) Kida - Atlantean #006 (Common) Kida - Protector of Atlantis #007 (Legendary) Buy for $8.49 Cold Foil $11.99 $11.99 $11.99 $8.49 3.00 $8.49 3.00 $8.49 3.00 Kida - Protector of Atlantis (Alternate Art) #206 (Enchanted) Buy for $99.99 Holofoil $99.99 $99.99 $99.99 Kida - Royal Warrior #177 (Common) King Louie - Bandleader #146 (Common) Kit Cloudkicker - Navigator #147 (Uncommon) Kit Cloudkicker - Spunky Bear Cub #148 (Common) Kit Cloudkicker - Tough Guy #077 (Uncommon) Kuzco's Palace - Home of the Emperor #102 (Uncommon) Kuzco's Palace - Home of the Emperor (Alternate Art) #102A (Enchanted) Buy for $34.99 Holofoil $34.99 $34.99 $34.99 Last-Ditch Effort #062 (Uncommon) Lena Sabrewing - Rebellious Teenager #043 (Common) Little John - Resourceful Outlaw #178 (Super Rare) Little John - Robin's Pal #179 (Uncommon) Louie - Chill Nephew #149 (Common) Lucky - The 15th Puppy #008 (Rare) Lucky Dime #165 (Legendary) Buy for $9.99 Cold Foil $17.99 $17.99 $17.99 $9.99 -2.50 $9.99 -2.50 $9.99 -2.50 Lyle Tiberius Rourke - Cunning Mercenary #078 (Super Rare) Buy for $1.49 Cold Foil $2.49 -1.40 $2.49 -1.40 $2.49 -1.40 $1.49 -0.50 $1.49 -0.50 $1.49 -0.50 Lythos - Rock Titan #180 (Uncommon) Madame Medusa - The Boss #112 (Super Rare) Buy for $1.49 $1.49 -0.50 $1.49 -0.50 $1.49 -0.50 Cold Foil Magic Broom - Dancing Duster #044 (Uncommon) Magic Broom - Swift Cleaner #045 (Common) Magic Broom - The Big Sweeper #046 (Common) Magic Carpet - Flying Rug #047 (Common) Magica De Spell - Ambitious Witch #048 (Common) Magica De Spell - The Midas Touch #049 (Super Rare) Cold Foil Magica De Spell - Thieving Sorceress #050 (Uncommon) Maid Marian - Delightful Dreamer #150 (Common) Maleficent - Mistress of All Evil #051 (Legendary) Buy for $1.99 Cold Foil $3.99 $3.99 $3.99 $1.99 $1.99 $1.99 Maleficent - Mistress of All Evil (Alternate Art) #209 (Enchanted) Buy for $69.99 Holofoil $69.99 $69.99 $69.99 Mama Odie - Mystical Maven #151 (Rare) Cold Foil Mama Odie - Voice of Wisdom #052 (Uncommon) Map of Treasure Planet #201 (Rare) Cold Foil Maui - Soaring Demigod #113 (Uncommon) Maui - Whale #114 (Rare) Maui's Fish Hook #132 (Rare) Cold Foil Maui's Place of Exile - Hidden Island #202 (Rare) McDuck Manor - Scrooge's Mansion #169 (Common) Mickey Mouse - Stalwart Explorer #181 (Common) Mickey Mouse - Trumpeter (Alternate Art) #220 (Enchanted) Buy for $64.99 Holofoil $64.99 $64.99 $64.99 Mickey Mouse -Trumpeter #182 (Legendary) Buy for $1.49 $1.49 $1.49 $1.49 Cold Foil Milo Thatch - Clever Cartographer #079 (Common) Milo Thatch - King of Atlantis #080 (Legendary) Buy for $1.49 $1.49 $1.49 $1.49 Cold Foil Milo Thatch - Spirited Scholar #115 (Common) Minnie Mouse - Funky Spelunker #183 (Common) Minnie Mouse - Musical Artist #009 (Rare) Cold Foil Miss Bianca - Rescue Aid Society Agent #010 (Common) Moana - Born Leader #116 (Rare) Cold Foil Moana - Undeterred Voyager #117 (Common) Morph - Space Goo #081 (Rare) Buy for $1.49 Cold Foil $4.99 -1.00 $4.99 -1.00 $4.99 -1.00 $1.49 -1.00 $1.49 -1.00 $1.49 -1.00 Morph - Space Goo (Alternate Art) #211 (Enchanted) Buy for $119.99 Holofoil $119.99 $119.99 $119.99 Motunui - Island Paradise #170 (Uncommon) Mr. Smee - Bumbling Mate #184 (Uncommon) Cold Foil Mr. Snoops - Inept Businessman #011 (Common) Mufasa - Champion of the Pride Lands #185 (Rare) Nala - Fierce Friend #186 (Uncommon) Nani - Protective Sister #012 (Uncommon) Never Land - Mermaid Lagoon #032 (Common) Nottingham - Prince John's Castle #203 (Common) Nutsy - Vulture Henchman #118 (Common) Olympus Would Be That Way #197 (Common) On Your Feet! Now! #130 (Rare) Orville - Ace Pilot #013 (Common) Patch - Intimidating Pup #014 (Common) Perdita - Devoted Mother #015 (Legendary) Cold Foil Peter Pan - Lost Boy Leader #082 (Rare) Cold Foil Peter Pan - Never Land Hero #119 (Common) Peter Pan - Pirate's Bane #120 (Rare) Peter Pan - Pirate's Bane (Alternate Art) #215 (Enchanted) Buy for $69.99 Holofoil $69.99 $69.99 $69.99 Piglet - Pooh Pirate Captain #016 (Super Rare) Buy for $7.49 Cold Foil $7.49 $7.49 $7.49 Pluto - Determined Defender #017 (Rare) Cold Foil Pluto - Friendly Pooch #018 (Uncommon) Pluto - Mickey's Clever Friend #152 (Common) Pongo - Determined Father #019 (Super Rare) Pride Lands - Pride Rock #033 (Rare) Pride Lands - Pride Rock (Alternate Art) #207 (Enchanted) Buy for $52.99 Holofoil $52.99 $52.99 $52.99 Prince Eric - Expert Helmsman #121 (Super Rare) Prince John - Phony King #083 (Uncommon) Pua - Potbellied Buddy #053 (Common) Pyros - Lava Titan #187 (Rare) Cold Foil Queen of Hearts - Wonderland Empress #020 (Uncommon) Quick Patch #027 (Common) Rafiki - Mystical Fighter #054 (Rare) Buy for $1.49 Cold Foil $1.99 -1.00 $1.99 -1.00 $1.99 -1.00 $1.49 $1.49 $1.49 Razoul - Palace Guard #188 (Common) Repair #162 (Common) Rise of the Titans #198 (Uncommon) RLS Legacy - Solar Galleon #136 (Rare) Cold Foil RLS Legacy - Solar Galleon (Alternate Art) #216 (Enchanted) Buy for $51.99 Holofoil $51.99 $51.99 $51.99 Robin Hood - Beloved Outlaw #189 (Common) Robin Hood - Champion of Sherwood #190 (Legendary) Buy for $34.99 $25.99 -2.00 $25.99 -2.00 $25.99 -2.00 Cold Foil $34.99 -1.00 $34.99 -1.00 $34.99 -1.00 Robin Hood - Champion of Sherwood (Alternate Art) #221 (Enchanted) Buy for $194.99 Holofoil $194.99 $194.99 $194.99 Robin Hood - Daydreamer #084 (Rare) Robin's Bow #098 (Uncommon) Rolly - Hungry Pup #021 (Uncommon) Rufus - Orphanage Cat #153 (Common) Scrooge McDuck - Richest Duck in the World #154 (Super Rare) Scrooge McDuck - Richest Duck in the World (Alternate Art) #218 (Enchanted) Buy for $76.99 Holofoil $76.99 $76.99 $76.99 Scrooge McDuck - Uncle Moneybags #155 (Uncommon) Scrooge's Top Hat #166 (Uncommon) Scroop - Backstabber #122 (Uncommon) Shenzi - Hyena Pack Leader #085 (Super Rare) Sheriff of Nottingham - Corrupt Official #191 (Super Rare) Simba - Fighting Prince #192 (Super Rare) Cold Foil Simba - Rightful King #193 (Uncommon) Simba - Scrappy Cub #123 (Rare) Cold Foil Sir Hiss - Aggravating Asp #086 (Common) Skippy - Energetic Rabbit #087 (Common) Slightly - Lost Boy #124 (Uncommon) Starkey - Devious Pirate #088 (Uncommon) Starlight Vial #099 (Rare) Stitch - Covert Agent #089 (Rare) Stitch - Covert Agent (Oversized) #089O (Rare) Stitch - Little Rocket #125 (Common) Stratos - Tornado Titan #055 (Rare) Cold Foil Strike a Good Match #096 (Common) Sumerian Talisman #133 (Uncommon) Thaddeus E. Klang - Metallic Leader #194 (Uncommon) The Bare Necessities #028 (Rare) Buy for $1.49 Cold Foil $2.99 -1.00 $2.99 -1.00 $2.99 -1.00 $1.49 $1.49 $1.49 The Bayou - Mysterious Swamp #204 (Uncommon) The Boss is on a Roll #063 (Rare) Cold Foil The Firebird - Force of Destruction #056 (Common) The Lamp #064 (Rare) Cold Foil The Queen - Hateful Rival #057 (Common) The Queen - Mirror Seeker #156 (Uncommon) The Queen's Castle - Mirror Chamber #067 (Rare) Buy for $2.99 Cold Foil $7.99 -4.00 $7.99 -4.00 $7.99 -4.00 $2.99 -1.00 $2.99 -1.00 $2.99 -1.00 The Sorcerer's Hat #065 (Rare) Cold Foil The Sorcerer's Hat (Alternate Art) #210 (Enchanted) Buy for $49.99 Holofoil $49.99 -3.00 $49.99 -3.00 $49.99 -3.00 The Sorcerer's Tower - Wondrous Workspace #068 (Uncommon) Tiana's Palace - Jazz Restaurant #034 (Uncommon) Tinker Bell - Generous Fairy #022 (Uncommon) Tinker Bell - Very Clever Fairy #157 (Super Rare) Tinker Bell - Very Clever Fairy (Oversized) #157O (Super Rare) Treasure Guardian - Protector of the Cave #058 (Rare) Cold Foil Trigger - Not-So-Sharp Shooter #126 (Uncommon) Ursula - Deceiver #090 (Uncommon) Ursula - Deceiver of All #091 (Legendary) Buy for $13.99 Cold Foil $22.99 $22.99 $22.99 $13.99 -3.00 $13.99 -3.00 $13.99 -3.00 Ursula - Deceiver of All (Alternate Art) #212 (Enchanted) Buy for $179.99 Holofoil $179.99 -10.00 $179.99 -10.00 $179.99 -10.00 Ursula - Sea Witch #059 (Rare) Vault Door #167 (Common) Voyage #131 (Common) Webby Vanderquack - Enthusiastic Duck #127 (Common) Wendy Darling - Authority on Peter Pan #158 (Super Rare) Wendy Darling - Talented Sailor #023 (Uncommon) Wildcat - Mechanic #092 (Uncommon) Wildcat's Wrench #031 (Uncommon) Zazu - Steward of the Pride Lands #093 (Common) This data is copyright 2009 and is provided as is. For personal use only.