- Azurite Sea - Price Sheet:
ImageName Low $Mid $High $
A Very Merry Unbirthday #060 (Common)
Abu - Bold Helmsman #114 (Common)
Adorabeezle Winterpop - Ice Rocket Racer #116 (Common)
Aladdin - Fearless Navigator #112 (Common)
Aladdin - Intrepid Commander #119 (Uncommon)
Alice - Savvy Sailor #161 (Super Rare)
  Cold Foil $8.49 -3.50 $8.49 -3.50 $8.49 -3.50    
Alistair Krei - Ambitious Entrepreneur #087 (Common)
Ambush! #198 (Rare)
Aunt Cass - Biggest Fan #138 (Common)
Azurite Sea Puzzle Insert (Set of 9) #000 (None)
B.E.N. - Eccentric Robot #137 (Common)
Basil - Disguised Detective #091 (Uncommon)
Basil - Disguised Detective (Enchanted) #212 (Enchanted)
Basil - Hypnotized Mouse #079 (Common)
Baymax - Armored Companion #157 (Legendary) Buy for $16.99
  Cold Foil $16.99 $16.99 $16.99    
  $11.99 1.00 $11.99 1.00 $11.99 1.00    
Baymax - Personal Healthcare Companion #156 (Rare)
Baymax - Personal Healthcare Companion (Enchanted) #218 (Enchanted) Buy for $139.99
  Holofoil $139.99 $139.99 $139.99    
Baymax's Healthcare Chip #166 (Common)
Bellwether - Assistant Mayor #090 (Uncommon)
Bend to My Will #093 (Super Rare)
  Cold Foil    
Billy Bones - Space Sailor #185 (Uncommon)
Calhoun - Marine Sergeant #191 (Rare) Buy for $9.99
  $9.99 3.10 $9.99 3.10 $9.99 3.10    
  Cold Foil    
Captain Amelia - Commander of the Legacy #192 (Super Rare)
Captain Amelia - Commander of the Legacy (Enchanted) #221 (Enchanted)
Captain Hook - Underhanded #071 (Rare)
Card Soldier's Spear #134 (Uncommon)
Chief Bogo - Gazelle Fan #011 (Common)
Chip 'n' Dale - Recovery Rangers #014 (Rare)
Chip 'n' Dale - Recovery Rangers (Enchanted) #205 (Enchanted)
Chip - Friend Indeed #006 (Common)
Chip - Ranger Leader #012 (Uncommon)
Cobra Bubbles - Former CIA #188 (Rare)
Daisy Duck - Pirate Captain #081 (Super Rare)
  Cold Foil    
Daisy Duck - Pirate Captain (Enchanted) #211 (Enchanted) Buy for $64.99
  Holofoil $64.99 $64.99 $64.99    
Dale - Friend in Need #007 (Common)
Dale - Mischievous Ranger #018 (Uncommon)
David - Impressive Surfer #008 (Uncommon)
Dawson - Basil's Assistant #077 (Common)
Diablo - Obedient Raven #049 (Uncommon)
  Cold Foil    
Donald Duck - First Mate #080 (Uncommon)
Dr. Delbert Doppler - Fussy Astronomer #152 (Uncommon)
Energy Blast #131 (Rare)
Fairy Ship - Royal Vessel #068 (Common)
Flotilla - Coconut Armada #135 (Rare)
Fred - Mascot by Day #075 (Common)
Gadget Hackwrench - Brilliant Bosun #140 (Super Rare)
Gadget Hackwrench - Brilliant Bosun (Enchanted) #217 (Enchanted) Buy for $54.99
  Holofoil $54.99 -25.00 $54.99 -25.00 $54.99 -25.00    
Gadget Hackwrench - Creative Thinker #139 (Common)
Gadget Hackwrench - Perceptive Mouse #151 (Common)
Galactic Communicator #099 (Common)
Galactic Council Chamber - Courtroom #204 (Common)
Gantu - Captain Crankyhead #189 (Rare) Buy for $4.99
  Cold Foil $4.99 1.00 $4.99 1.00 $4.99 1.00    
Gazelle - Angel with Horns #088 (Common)
Genie - Excited Shipbuilder #038 (Common)
Genie - Wish Fulfilled #053 (Rare) Buy for $14.99
  Cold Foil $25.99 $25.99 $25.99    
  $14.99 -4.00 $14.99 -4.00 $14.99 -4.00    
Genie - Wonderful Trickster #061 (Legendary) Buy for $1.69
  Cold Foil $3.49 $3.49 $3.49    
  $1.69 -1.30 $1.69 -1.30 $1.69 -1.30    
Go Go Tomago - Darting Dynamo #073 (Rare) Buy for $4.99
  Cold Foil $4.99 $4.99 $4.99    
Gold Coin #133 (Common)
Good Job! #027 (Common)
Goofy - Expert Shipwright #089 (Rare)
  Cold Foil    
Goofy - Flying Goof #123 (Rare)
Gopher - Ship's Carpenter #004 (Uncommon)
Grand Councilwoman - Federation Leader #017 (Uncommon)
Hades - Lord of the Dead #036 (Rare)
Hades - Strong Arm #125 (Legendary) Buy for $1.69
  $1.69      $1.69      $1.69         
  Cold Foil    
Heathcliff - Stoic Butler #078 (Common)
Heffalumps and Woozles #095 (Common)
HeiHei - Not-So-Tricky Chicken #146 (Uncommon)
Helping Hand #164 (Common)
Hercules - Baby Demigod #086 (Legendary)
  Cold Foil $1.89 $1.89 $1.89    
Hercules - Unwavering Demigod #180 (Common)
Hiram Flaversham - Intrigued Inventor #159 (Rare)
Hiro Hamada - Robotics Prodigy #145 (Uncommon)
Hiro Hamada - Team Leader #154 (Rare)
Honey Lemon - Chemical Genius #074 (Uncommon)
Hot Potato #195 (Uncommon)
Hundred Acre Island - Pooh's Home #034 (Common)
I Won't Give In #028 (Common)
I'm Still Here #196 (Common)
Iago - Reappearing Parrot #045 (Common)
Institute of Technology - Prestigious University #170 (Common)
Jafar - Power-Hungry Vizier #193 (Super Rare)
Jasmine - Rebellious Princess #106 (Uncommon)
Jasmine - Royal Commodore #084 (Legendary) Buy for $2.49
  $2.49 -2.50 $2.49 -2.50 $2.49 -2.50    
  Cold Foil    
Jasmine - Royal Seafarer #070 (Rare)
Jim Hawkins - Honorable Pirate #025 (Super Rare)
Jim Hawkins - Rigging Specialist #183 (Uncommon)
Jim Hawkins - Stubborn Cabin Boy #173 (Common)
John Darling - Sophisticated Swordsman #118 (Uncommon)
John Silver - Ferocious Friend #109 (Uncommon)
John Silver - Ship's Cook #181 (Common)
John Silver - Stern Captain #194 (Legendary)
  Cold Foil    
Judy Hopps - Resourceful Rabbit #015 (Rare)
Juju - Mama Odie's Companion #041 (Common)
Jumbo Pop #168 (Common)
Kakamora - Boarding Party #104 (Uncommon)
Kakamora - Long-Range Specialist #171 (Common)
Kakamora - Pirate Chief #172 (Rare)
Kakamora - Pirate Pitcher #105 (Common)
Kanga - Nurturing Mother #021 (Rare)
King Hubert - Phillip's Father #179 (Common)
King's Sensor Core #200 (Rare)
Kohut - Trusted Marine #178 (Common)
Lead the Way #129 (Common)
Lilo - Escape Artist #002 (Super Rare)
  $5.79 -0.70 $5.79 -0.70 $5.79 -0.70    
  Cold Foil    
Longboat #132 (Uncommon)
Lose the Way #063 (Uncommon)
Mad Hatter - Eccentric Host #059 (Super Rare)
  Cold Foil    
Mad Hatter's Teapot #066 (Common)
Madam Mim - Tiny Adversary #037 (Rare)
Madam Mim - Truly Marvelous #055 (Super Rare)
Magic Carpet - Amazing Flier #051 (Uncommon)
Making Magic #062 (Common)
Maleficent's Staff #065 (Rare)
Maleficent's Staff (Enchanted) #210 (Enchanted)
Mama Odie - Solitary Sage #057 (Rare)
March Hare - Absurd Host #050 (Uncommon)
Markowski - Space Trooper #113 (Common)
Maui - Half-Shark #124 (Legendary)
  $33.99      $33.99      $33.99         
  Cold Foil    
Megabot #098 (Uncommon)
Mertle Edmonds - Lilo's Rival #082 (Uncommon)
Michael Darling - Playful Swordsman #111 (Common)
Mickey Mouse - Courageous Sailor #115 (Common)
Mickey Mouse - Night Watch #187 (Uncommon)
Mickey Mouse - Pirate Captain #103 (Super Rare)
Microbots #167 (Uncommon)
Minnie Mouse - Pirate Lookout #120 (Super Rare)
  Cold Foil    
Moana - Kakamora Leader #121 (Rare) Buy for $1.49
  Cold Foil $1.49 -0.50 $1.49 -0.50 $1.49 -0.50    
Moana - Self-Taught Sailor #117 (Common)
Monterey Jack - Good-Hearted Ranger #013 (Rare)
Mosquito Bite #096 (Uncommon)
Mr. Arrow - Legacy's First Mate #182 (Common)
Mr. Big - Shrewd Tycoon #174 (Rare)
Mr. Litwak - Arcade Owner #024 (Common)
Mr. Smee - Captain of the Jolly Roger #176 (Super Rare)
Mr. Smee - Steadfast Mate #175 (Uncommon)
Mullins - Seasoned Shipmate #177 (Common)
Mystical Tree - Mama Odie's Home #069 (Rare)
Nani - Caring Sister #019 (Rare)
Naveen's Ukulele #031 (Common)
Nick Wilde - Sly Fox #150 (Uncommon)
Nick Wilde - Soggy Fox #148 (Common)
Olivia Flaversham - The Toymaker's Daughter #092 (Rare)
Oswald - The Lucky Rabbit #142 (Legendary)
  $6.99 -6.50 $6.99 -6.50 $6.99 -6.50    
  Cold Foil    
Owl - Pirate Lookout #001 (Uncommon)
Owl Island - Secluded Entrance #102 (Rare)
Perilous Maze - Watery Labyrinth #101 (Common)
Pete - Freebooter #122 (Rare)
Peter Pan - Never Land Prankster #085 (Super Rare)
Peter Pan - Shadow Catcher #058 (Uncommon)
Pixie Dust #067 (Uncommon)
Pleakley - Scientific Expert #144 (Uncommon)
Pluto - Guard Dog #186 (Uncommon)
  Cold Foil    
Pooh Pirate Ship #032 (Rare)
Prepare to Board! #094 (Common)
Prepare Your Bot #165 (Uncommon)
Prince Naveen - Carefree Explorer #010 (Common)
Prince Naveen - Vigilant First Mate #009 (Uncommon)
Prince Phillip - Royal Explorer #083 (Uncommon)
Rabbit - Indignant Pirate #022 (Common)
Rafiki - Ethereal Guide #052 (Rare)
  Cold Foil    
Rafiki - Ethereal Guide (Enchanted) #208 (Enchanted)
Rafiki - Shaman of the Savanna #042 (Common)
Raya - Kumandran Rider #107 (Rare)
Raya - Kumandran Rider (Enchanted) #214 (Enchanted)
Rescue Rangers Away! #029 (Uncommon)
Rescue Rangers Submarine - Mobile Headquarters #169 (Rare)
Roo - Littlest Pirate #023 (Common)
Safe and Sound #030 (Rare)
Sail the Azurite Sea #163 (Common)
  Cold Foil    
Scar - Heartless Hunter #127 (Super Rare) Buy for $1.49
  Cold Foil $1.49 $1.49 $1.49    
Scar - Tempestuous Lion #047 (Uncommon)
Scrump #033 (Uncommon)
Seeking the Half Crown #064 (Rare)
Simba - Happy-Go-Lucky #005 (Common)
Simba - Pride Protector #020 (Legendary) Buy for $10.99
  $10.99 -7.00 $10.99 -7.00 $10.99 -7.00    
  Cold Foil    
Sisu - In Her Element #039 (Common)
Sisu - Uniting Dragon #054 (Super Rare)
Skull Rock - Isolated Fortress #136 (Common)
Sour Bill - Surly Henchman #147 (Common)
Stitch - Alien Buccaneer #072 (Rare)
Stitch - Little Trickster #026 (Common)
Sugar Rush Speedway - Finish Line #035 (Super Rare) Buy for $1.99
  Cold Foil $1.99 $1.99 $1.99    
Sugar Rush Speedway - Finish Line (Enchanted) #207 (Enchanted)
Sunglasses #202 (Common)
Tadashi Hamada - Baymax Inventor #153 (Super Rare)
Tadashi Hamada - Gifted Roboticist #155 (Rare)
  Cold Foil    
The Carpenter - Dinner Companion #044 (Common)
The Islands I Pulled From The Sea #130 (Uncommon)
The Islands I Pulled From The Sea (Enchanted) #216 (Enchanted)
The Walrus - Greedy Gourmand #046 (Uncommon)
The White Rose - Jewel of the Garden #040 (Common)
  Cold Foil    
Thievery #128 (Common)
Tiana - Restaurant Owner #016 (Legendary) Buy for $5.69
  Cold Foil $10.99 -4.00 $10.99 -4.00 $10.99 -4.00    
  $5.69 -3.30 $5.69 -3.30 $5.69 -3.30    
Tiana - Restaurant Owner (Enchanted) #206 (Enchanted)
Tigger - In the Crow's Nest #126 (Rare)
Tigger - In the Crow's Nest (Enchanted) #215 (Enchanted)
Tinker Bell - Fast Flier #043 (Common)
Tinker Bell - Queen of the Azurite Fairies #048 (Uncommon)
Tootles - Lost Boy #076 (Common)
Training Dummy #201 (Uncommon)
Transport Pod #100 (Uncommon)
Treasure Mountain - Azurite Sea Island #203 (Rare)
Treasure Mountain - Azurite Sea Island (Enchanted) #222 (Enchanted)
Tuk Tuk - Big Buddy #184 (Uncommon)
Twin Fire #197 (Common)
Unfortunate Situation #199 (Uncommon)
Vanellope von Schweetz - Gutsy Go-Getter #110 (Uncommon)
Wasabi - Methodical Engineer #149 (Uncommon)
We Could Be Immortals #162 (Rare)
We Could Be Immortals (Enchanted) #219 (Enchanted)
Wendy Darling - Courageous Captain #108 (Rare)
Winnie the Pooh - Hunny Pirate #003 (Rare)
  Cold Foil $1.49 -0.50 $1.49 -0.50 $1.49 -0.50    
Wreck-It Ralph - Ham Hands #190 (Legendary) Buy for $2.89
  Cold Foil $6.99 $6.99 $6.99    
  $2.89 -2.60 $2.89 -2.60 $2.89 -2.60    
Wreck-It Ralph - Ham Hands (Enchanted) #220 (Enchanted)
Yokai - Enigmatic Inventor #143 (Uncommon)
Yokai - Professor Callaghan #158 (Common)
Yokai - Scientific Supervillain #160 (Rare)
  Cold Foil    
You Came Back #097 (Rare) Buy for $2.49
  Cold Foil $2.49 -1.40 $2.49 -1.40 $2.49 -1.40    
You Came Back (Enchanted) #213 (Enchanted)
Yzma - Conniving Chemist #056 (Legendary) Buy for $6.99
  $3.49 -2.40 $3.49 -2.40 $3.49 -2.40    
  Cold Foil $6.99 $6.99 $6.99    
Yzma - Conniving Chemist (Enchanted) #209 (Enchanted) Buy for $69.99
  Holofoil $69.99 -15.00 $69.99 -15.00 $69.99 -15.00    
Zipper - Astute Decoy #141 (Rare)

This data is copyright 2009 and is provided as is. For personal use only.