- Mount Doom - Price Sheet:
ImageName Low $Mid $High $
A Dark Shape Sprang #019
A Light in His Mind #108
A Marvel #110
Advance Captain #075
Advance Marauder #076
Advance Regular #077
Advance Scout #078
Aegnor, Elven Escort #004
Aragorn, Elessar Telcontar #025
Arwen, Echo of Luthien #005
Arwen, Queen of Elves and Men #006
Barren Land #079
Base of Mindolluin #117
Beaten Back #080
Birthday Present #104
Black Marshal #053
Borne Far Away #014
Brave and Loyal #105
Brooding on Tomorrow #015
Cast Unto the Winds #036
Celeborn, Lord of the Galadhrim #007
Chance Observation #106
Cirdan, The Shipwright #008
Cirith Ungol Guard #081
Cirith Ungol Patroller #082
Cirith Ungol Scavenger #054
Cirith Ungol Sentinel #083
Cirith Ungol Sentry #084
Cirith Ungol Soldier #055
Cirith Ungol Warrior #056
Cirith Ungol Watchman #057
Corsair Boatswain #037
Corsair Brute #038
Corsair Ruffian #039
Cursed of Erech #026
Dark Swooping Shadows #058
Dead Man of Dunharrow #027
Denethor, Lord of Minas Tirith #028
Drawing His Eye #029
Easterling Berserker #040
Easterling Pillager #041
Elrond, Venerable Lord #009
End of the Game #030
Eowyn, Lady of Ithilien #072
Every Little is a Gain #031
Far Harad Mercenaries #042
Fell Deeds Awake #073
Field of the Fallen #043
Fifth Level #032
Final Strike #020
Flames Within #085
Fleet-footed #010
Frodo, Resolute Hobbit #121
Galadriel, Lady Redeemed #011
Gathering Wind #016
Glimpse of Fate #012
Gollum, Mad Thing #021
Gorbag's Sword #060
Gorbag, Covetous Captain #059
Gorgoroth Keeper #086
Gorgoroth Swarm #087
Gothmog's Warg #089
Gothmog, Lieutenant of Morgul #088
Great Day, Great Hour #001
Great Heart #107
Hardy Garrison #033
High Vantage #044
Houses of Lamentation #061
Last Throw #034
Make Haste #109
Memories of Darkness #002
Mordor Brute #090
Mordor Fiend #091
Mordor Pillager #092
Mordor Wretch #093
More Yet to Come #003
Morgul Banner-bearer #062
Morgul Vanguard #063
Mumak Chieftain #045
Narrow Escape #111
Nine-fingered Frodo and the Ring of Doom #112
Orc Armor #113
Orc Ravager #094
Orc Slaughterer #095
Out of the High Airs #017
Pelennor Prairie #118
Phial of Galadriel, Star-glass #013
Quelled #046
Rallying Call #047
Rank and File #096
Reclaim the Precious #022
Ruinous Hail #098
Sam, Great Elf Warrior #122
Seasoned Leader #048
Shadowplay #114
Shagrat, Captain of Cirith Ungol #099
Shelob, Her Ladyship #023
Slunk Out of Sight #115
Southron Fanatic #049
Southron Savage #050
Speak No More to Me #100
Stampeded #051
Steward's Tomb #119
Stooping to the Kill #064
Suffered Much Loss #035
Swarming Like Beetles #065
Ten Times Outnumbered #066
The Ring is Mine #097
The Tale of the Great Ring #116
Treebeard, Keeper of the Watchwood #018
Troll of Cirith Gorgor #101
Ulaire Cantea, Thrall of The One #067
Ulaire Enquea, Thrall of The One #068
Ulaire Lemenya, Thrall of The One #069
Ulaire Nelya, Thrall of The One #070
Ulaire Toldea, Thrall of The One #071
Unabated in Malice #024
Under Foot #052
Unyielding #074
Uruk Axe #102
Watchers of Cirith Ungol #120
Window of The Eye #103

This data is copyright 2009 and is provided as is. For personal use only.