- Cell Games - Price Sheet:
ImageName Low $Mid $High $
Android 18's Effect #107
Aura Clash #108
Black Anticipation Drill #032
Black Blasting Beam #033
Black Double Attack Drill #034
Black Explosion #001
Black Face Slap #036
Black Fist Lock #002
Black Hand Energy Blast #035
Black Preparation #003
Black Recovery #037
Black Saving Drill #038
Black Shifting Drill #039
Black Wrist Block #040
Blue Arm Blast #041
Blue Defensive Effect #042
Blue Energy Arrow #043
Blue Energy Blast #044
Blue Fist Smash #104
Blue Forced Punch #004
Blue Prepared Drill #045
Blue Recovery Drill #046
Blue Side Kick #047
Blue Stamina Drill #048
Blue Thrusted Blast #005
Blue Total Resistance #049
Blue Windup Blast #093
Bracing for Impact #050
Brothers in Training #P5
Caught in the Act #051
Caught Off Guard Drill #111
Celestial Games Begin #P1
Cell Jr. 1 (Level 2) #115
Cell Jr. 1 Level 1 #094
Cell Jr. 2 Level 1 #098
Cell's Backslap #058
Cell's Instant Transmission #053
Cell's Power Burst #052
Cell's Swift Strike #054
Chazke Village #117
Chi-Chi on the Attack! #P6
Chiaotzu (Level 2) #122
Cosmic Backlash #121
Deadly Attack #006
Dende (Level 2) #114
Double Teaming #105
Dragon's Victory #123
Energy Rush #055
Everyone Is Attacked! #056
Fighting in Cover #057
Flashback #007
Gathering of Warriors #P4
Gohan Meditates #P3
Gohan's Elbow Block #119
Gohan's Kick #008
Gohan's Strike #009
Goku Helping Drill #P2
Goku's Dragon Ball Quest #116
Goku's Farewell #099
Group Attack #109
Injured #095
Korin's Tower #100
Megaton Bull Crusher #102
Namekain Restoration #059
Namekian Crushing Hold #010
Namekian Dragon Blast #060
Namekian Energy Spike #061
Namekian Face Smack #062
Namekian Fist Dodge #011
Namekian Flying Kick #012
Namekian Foot Lunge #013
Namekian Piercing Beam #063
Namekian Power Stance Drill #064
Namekian Quick Blast #065
Namekian Ready Drill #066
Namekian Right Cross #067
Namekian Scouting #068
Orange Aggressive Technique #075
Orange Beatdown #069
Orange Burning Aura Drill #070
Orange Dragon Aid #014
Orange Energy Concentration #071
Orange Energy Setup #072
Orange Energy Shot #073
Orange Energy Smash #103
Orange Fateful Attack #074
Orange Focused Attack #110
Orange Steady Drill #076
Orange Uniting Strike #015
Piccolo's Fury #077
Piccolo, the Defender (Level 5) #125
Power Boost #016
Prepared Dodge #078
Protective Shelter #079
Quick Combat Drill #080
Red Anger Rising #017
Red Drop Kick #018
Red Duck #019
Red Energy Drill #081
Red Energy Surprise #082
Red Fist Lunge #020
Red Flying Attack #021
Red Forward Stance Drill #083
Red Overhand Slash #084
Red Power Punch #085
Red Shielded Strike #086
Red Shifty Maneuver #022
Saiyan Ally Strike #023
Saiyan Blocking Technique #024
Saiyan Energy Drill #087
Saiyan Energy Surprise #025
Saiyan Face Smash #096
Saiyan Fist Attack #026
Saiyan Knee Block #027
Saiyan Power Rush #028
Saiyan Pride #089
Saiyan Protection Drill #088
Saiyan Triple Blast #029
Senzu Drill #090
Something Dangerous is Coming! #091
Straining Destruction Move #120
Straining Rebirth Move #106
Strength Training #030
Surprise Hit #097
The Power of the Dragon #101
Tien's Block #092
Time to Party! #031
Trunks, the Battler (Level 5) #124
Vegeta's Anger Drill #112
Vegeta's Surprised #118
Who's da Man! #113

This data is copyright 2009 and is provided as is. For personal use only.